Sunday, March 10, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Monday, 11 March 2019

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m scared to go to the gym

I’m just starting my weight loss journey and it’s been rough. I’ve had depression since I was 15 (I’m now 21) and I take medicine that has a side effect of weight gain. I’ve also recently been diagnosed with binge-eating disorder.

I’m 21, 282 pounds, and I know logically I need to change. I need to change for my health and my self-esteem

My boyfriend keeps trying to get me to go to the gym but honestly I’m terrified. He says no one cares about what you look like, they’re just focusing on themselves. But I feel like a beached whale everywhere I go. Even if I know logically people aren’t going to be staring at me because of my size or because I’m a novice, it still makes me panic just thinking about someone commenting or ridiculing me.

But, for him, I’m going to go to my campus’s local gym. I’m going to work out for the first time in months, and I’m going to work out as hard as I physically and mentally can. I need to get better for myself and the people I love. I need to be better.

submitted by /u/katie-kling1123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thoughts on Whole30?

Since I've gotten back on the weight loss bandwagon, I realized that although I thought I have been eating healthier, I feel like my stomach doesn't feel great more often than it should. I have always had a sensitive stomach, made worse by any stress. My job hunting and upcoming graduation, move, and wedding have not been helping with the stress factor.

With this in mind, I started to think about this Whole30 thing that I had heard others talk about. It seems like a good idea to make me feel better, and to making my eating even healthier instead of just lower calories. The only thing that I think is tripping me up is that you are not supposed calorie count or weigh yourself. This, to me, is a deterrent.

I feel like this may come off as unhealthy sounding, but I don't think I can give up tracking calories. I cannot hold myself accountable to staying within a certain range, even with counting sometimes. As this will probably be the most photographed year of my life, I want to feel good when I see the pictures. For the first time in at least a year this weekend I felt happy looking at the pictures taken of me - I saw where my face still needs to lose weight, but I didn't feel FAT. I cannot give that feeling up.

I want to feel better and to stop being nauseous every other day, and I was hoping that Whole30 could be a key part in that. But can I still do it while keeping track of what I eat? Will it ruin the effect? Is Whole30 even worth the effort?

submitted by /u/TheBaddestofBitches
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[25F][5'10"]I've lost 75 lbs. I feel so lost now. Possible lipedema?

I have no idea where to post this, if there's a better place, please let me know

I'm ashamed. I've lost the weight in not the most healthy of ways due to major depression. I have body dysphoria, I do not see any changes in my body now vs 75 lbs ago. I see the logical changes, but not the overall due to my specific anxieties related to specific spots of my body.

I want to turn this unhealthy weight loss into a jumping off platform for recovery. The largest hurdle I see is that I believe I could have lipedema. I remember as a kid going to family reunions and seeing the older women with the normal upper bodies (except the very large arms), and legs that were 3-4x too large for their torsos (requiring them to use canes, their legs were so heavy to move). I'm so very scared that I have this condition.

The "worst parts" of my body to me are the parts that could be lipedema. The fat arms(especially upper)/fingers, the fat ring around my upper thighs, fat thighs, that weird fat thing on the inner side of my thighs near my knees, my gigantic FUPA...

The fat on my thighs, especially inner thighs, actually HURTS when it moves. I try to wear as much compression stuff as I can already (before I knew about lipedema...).

Here are some measurement histories:

11/23/17 - 32 waist, 45 bust, 47 butt

5/24/18 - 30 waist, 40 bust, 46 butt

10/28/18 - 28 waist, 35 bust, 40 butt


Weight: 147lbs

Biceps: 12.5in

Waist: 27in

Butt-area: 36in around measuring "above" my gigantic FUPA. 40in including the horrible thing...

Under-bust: 31in

Bust: 34in

Thighs: 21in around

Calves: left calf 15in, right calf 16.5 in

I'm at a loss. Do I even have a chance, without liposuction? Lipedema isn't something that is covered by insurances. current pics. I don't have any decent "before" weight loss pics to post. So much shame, never took pics...

I have not exercised in at least 4 years. All of my weight loss has been in the past year, due to bad eating habits. My health is apparently "perfectly healthy" except for genetic bad cholesterol. Despite of course feel like i'm going to die from a heart attack anytime I try to do anything more physical than lifting a gallon of milk... I want to learn to exercise again, but I am very scared of going outside.

I don't have any friends or family to lean on for support, or to ask for them to go outside with me. Please, any tips for someone with extremely "low energy" to gain somewhat a healthy body? Not that i've ever been "healthy". This is the lowest weight i've been since puberty.

submitted by /u/CallingAllCrickets
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

When did you start to notice losing your belly fat?

Hello r/loseit community!

I’ve been a long time lurker of this subreddit as I’ve lost a significant amount of weight over the past year (27 year old Male, 5ft7in 200lb to CW of 153lb with a body fat percentage of about 22-23%), and I’ve gotten to the point where I’m seeing the numbers go down but I’ve still got quite a noticeable belly.

As with any weight loss challenge, I know my stomach is both a mental and physical challenge I need to overcome, but I’m getting near what’s considered rather normal weight or even skinny for my age, height, etc, and I’m starting to panic that my belly might not ever go away. I know that probably sounds crazy, but I am just trying to set realistic expectations about the last 15-20 pounds i need to lose before I’m nearing a very low weight for someone of my height (around 130-135lb)

So, folks who have made it all the way to their goal and zapped their belly fat off — when was that moment you looked in the mirror and noticed it was gone? Or did you not at all? Was it 10 pounds out from your goal? Or was it the last thing to go?

Thanks, and appreciate everyone’s thoughtfulness and support on this subreddit.

submitted by /u/HermanMelvilleWhaley
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’ve went from 280 to 220 pounds in five months, but I can’t seem to lose all of my stomach fat.

Hello there, I am a male and 6’3”.

I’ve been going at my weight loss journey since early October of last year, I’ve done lots of fasting, skipping meals, and walking/jogging anywhere from two-to-five miles a day.

I’ve lost a bunch of facial fat and I’m close to losing my double chin entirely and significantly lost weight in my waist and stomach, as I have went down two pant sizes.

I still have plenty of belly fat, and I’ve been trying to get rid of it entirely but it’s taking quite some time. What can I do to increase the amount of fat to lose in my stomach? Cutting more calories and cutting out all carbs? Getting a gym membership and lifting weights?

submitted by /u/AppalachianCentrist2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Do I have to give up baking to lose weight?

Obviously yes I do. I can’t keep baking if I want to lose weight but I find that my struggle is that I seems to pull baking closer to me when I think about having to stop.

Cooking and baking were a big part of my childhood and also through my adult life, which is why I think it’s so hard. I’m nearing 200 which is my heaviest I’ve been and I genuinely want to lose weight. My goal weight is 140 but I know that’s a long way to go.

And I also feel like there is so much information out there about losing weight, like IF and Optifast like diets. I honestly don’t know where to start, but my wife and I have started cooking at home more and have started taking regular 30 minute walks a few times a week.

This was more of a rant, I know I can’t be so negative about the weight loss. This is probably a lot of personal stuff I have to work though, but I just want to be able to bake and lose weight at the same time.

submitted by /u/plaidwearinglesbian
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from loseit - Lose the Fat