Saturday, April 6, 2019

A little fantasy that keeps me motivated and focused on my goals

I keep a little story in my mind that helps me remain motivated and focused on my goals.

I go to my doctor's office for a routine physical. He reminds me yet again that I need to lose weight. Samples are taken. I get a call the following week asking me to come back in. When I return for my follow-up, my doctor is ashen-faced and on edge. He tells me I have six months to live at most.

Crestfallen and panicky, I asked if there is ANYTHING I can do? My doctor nods "yes", but then dismisses his thoughts. I ask what it is!?! He looks me square in the eye and says "if you can show significant weight loss and a gain in physical fitness in the coming 6 months through a careful/safe diet and exercise, you should be fine. If you do not, you're done."

Just think about that...

submitted by /u/MatteoAttenborough
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

TDEE for weight loss seems too low to be achievable, given my exercise routine, any advice?

I’m 161cm (5’3”) and 66kg (145lbs) with 30% body fat. I’m trying to get into a healthy BMI range, and particularly reduce my body fat percentage.

When I use, it calculates my maintenance calories for a sedentary lifestyle (I work a desk job), at 1642 kcals per day. At the recommended 500kcal deficit this leaves 1142 kcals for weight loss - which just feels too small to me!

I also workout 6 days a week at the gym - 3 days of HIIT interval training (30-40 minutes lighter weight, high reps, constant movement and elevated heart rate), plus 3 days of lifting weights (60 minutes sessions, split routine).

I know a lot of people discourage “eating back your exercise calories”, but 1142 kcals feels too little, so I’ve been hitting an average of 1500 daily kcals for the last six months. Over the first four months doing this I lost 7kg (15lbs), but the last two I’ve been plateaued at 66kg (145lbs). Do I really need to drop my kcals more, or could there be something else that needs to change?

Any tips on making 1142 kcals feel more satisfying would be greatly appreciated too!

submitted by /u/curi0uss
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Trying not to get fixated on numbers

Hey guys!

It's been four months roughly since I started trying to lose weight, though my heaviest was a few years ago. I'm 24f, 164cm and 158lbs now, though my heaviest was 185lbs. Most of that weight I've lost by CICO and going on daily walk/jogs.

My weight loss was quick to begin with, though it's slowed down significantly recently. It's something that's been bothering me, since my BMI still reads as overweight (hovering around 26). I played on sports teams all through high school and college (soccer, track, cross-country, rugby, swimming, and I lifted weights), and since most of my muscle mass from those days hasn't completely disappeared, that will probably mean that I'm not likely to get to the lower end of a healthy weight BMI anytime soon.

That being said, it would be really gratifying to see that number go down just a bit into the healthy range! I get discouraged focusing so much on the number and get frustrated with myself. And when I'm angry, I'm more likely to grab an extra slice of bread, or a couple mars bars because of my negative thinking. I like the way I look now, and feel more confident about it than ever before, so it's so easy to just say fuck it! when I'm frustrated!

submitted by /u/DefinitelyDevi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Hello, a longtime lurker is finally posting.

Hi, everyone. I guess I'm probably here for the same basic reason as everyone else (i.e. I want to lose weight). For a long time I didn't want to join here, as I tend to favour other methods over methodical calorie counting for losing weight.

They are methods which have worked before (and still do for the weight loss that I have maintained over the years). I tend to find it more helpful to be calorie aware, but focus more on mindful/intuitive eating, proper portion sizes and re-adjusting/re-learning my hunger and satiety cues.

NOTE: I don't want to disparage or fight with anyone who finds strict calorie counting to be more effective. I think that people with more mathematical/analytical minds than I have may well find it to be a more useful method. We're all different.

About me:

I am 5 foot 4, 23 years old, female and weigh 146 lbs (when I last weighed myself a couple of days ago.) I've since then had a massive binge (first clue to one of my problems right there).

My highest weight was in my teen years. I weighed 175 lbs. (It may have been a bit more before I started recording, but I don't think it was more than 180 lbs).

I lost a lot of weight when I was 18, and my lowest weight was 104 lbs.

I gained back some and oscillated between 118-128 (lbs) for a while.

Then I quit my job, fell into an awful depression (not diagnosed, but sure feels like it), stopped going to the gym, began binge eating and gained weight rapidly. The highest I went up to was about 150 lbs. I've since been stuck between 140-150 lbs (about the last 3 years) and can't get below this due to the fact that I keep self-sabotaging and binge-eating.

I have got back into exercising and weight lifting at home, so I hope that I still have some decent level of strength/muscle tone. I'm not sure what my exact goal weight is, but I would like to get down to around 120 lbs. That seems to be a good weight for my height, and I feel like it should be a reasonable enough goal.

I could tell you about all of this in more detail, but I didn't want my introduction post to be too long. I'm hoping to find a supportive community and helpful advice in this forum. I'm happy to help anyone else out too (though I'm not sure how much use any of my advice would be). Anyway, that's it for now. Thanks for reading. x

submitted by /u/jiggle-bells
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost the weight but I don't know how to be healthy. Could use some support.

26/F/5'4ish/SW:210 CW:130 GW:115 lbs

I'm not entirely sure what I'd like out of this post. Support, maybe? I've been 'chubby' my entire life until a couple years ago when I became obese. I made many difficult lifestyle changes and went from 210 to 115 lbs. I followed CICO and a 1200 calorie limit per day. But I wasn't happy with how I looked so I decided to keep going. I was skinny fat but starting to see a change using weights.

Then I decided to go back to school last September and had surgery not long after. I gained 15 lbs since then. In all honesty, had I not stopped I would probably have kept losing weight to unsafe levels. I was obsessed with having thinner legs and with the number on the scale. I've had disordered eating in the past of binge eating and then starving myself but thought I was being healthy this time around. The people I knew didn't congratulate me like I see on here. For the most part I was asked if I was doing okay. They thought I was sick or something.

I maintained my weight loss for a yearish and now the stress of life is getting at me. My hair is even falling out and thinning (blood tests say I'm fine). Half of losing weight for me was so I could look better. I wanted to feel beautiful. Now I have to wear makeup because my eyes are two purple rings. Apparently that happens with age.

A friend talked to me recently because they were concerned with my weight loss. They said they'd had experience with eating disorders and that I wasn't being healthy. It made me realize that I don't know what healthy even is. I thought I was. There's so much conflicting information out there that I don't know if I should be eating raw vegetables or making elaborate salads or what. I was raised thinking rice + meat = healthy. I don't know what to eat anymore. I don't know how much I should exercise anymore. I just don't know anymore. Thanks for listening.

TL;DR: I lost a lot of weight then I gained a little back. Realizing now that my weight loss wasn't healthy and that I don't even know what healthy is. Is there a book or something I could follow?

submitted by /u/PM_ME_YOUR_MEMOIR
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

So frustrated and stumped with my weight loss.

I have been in the process of losing weight since last year. I’ve recovered from an eating disorder as well, so this situation is almost triggering for me, to provide context. I was at 160 pounds a year ago and I’m at 140 now. I have about ten more pounds to lose before I’m in my most comfortable weight, for me. I’m working tirelessly it feels to lose that last ten pounds, but I can’t break the 140 line into 139. I’ve been bouncing between 142 and 140 for weeks now. I barely hit the 1200 calorie mark daily, I get in daily cardio sessions and go for runs every day. I eat a balanced macronutrient diet with a good amount of protein, healthy carbs, and healthy fats. Lots of fruits and vegetables and lean meats and protein powder. I’m not sure what to do anymore. Maybe I’m just being impatient. The most recent hurdle I got over was with a similar problem at the 150 mark, and the only reason I dropped the ten pounds was because I had surgery on my throat and could only get down 1 protein smoothie per day for a week and a half. It makes me think in order to lose weight I pretty much have to not eat or fast. It’s a depressing sentiment and it’s getting hard not to fall into restricting patterns. I’d like to continue to have healthy habits and be patient. But what else can I do to keep pushing forward and getting back to that healthier more fit weight? What’s a reasonable amount of time I should give myself to lose this last ten pounds?

submitted by /u/lemonylemin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I can't stop eating. Help me.

Hi everyone...I'm making this post I guess because I feel like I'm at the end of my rope regarding my weight. I'm male, five foot four, 245 pounds right now. I've made the usual half-hearted attempts to diet, but none of them seemed to make any impact. I guess I'm sort of at the breaking point right now, I *want* to lose weight, but I can't seem to stop myself from eating, usually massive amounts at a time. I know it's unhealthy, and I hate myself when I do it, but I just...seem to forget about my weight loss aspirations when I get hungry.

Some more background: I currently live in a smallish apartment by myself while I'm going to college, and am currently having issues with my sink, which makes dishes difficult. I've switched to mostly foods that can be microwaved or are low on prep, and although some of these options are at least relatively healthy, I don't always take those. I don't know how to stop it, and it's really affecting my self esteem. This is sort of a cry for help I guess. Occasionally I just eat to the point where I throw up, at which point I get disgusted and stop, but I know that in of itself isn't healthy either.

submitted by /u/WeightThrowaway98
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from loseit - Lose the Fat