Friday, June 7, 2019

Encouragement From Binging/Being With Babish

The first few weeks of my most recent weight loss journey were mentally easy. I was dropping pounds each week and seeing a lot of progress. I felt like I could finally get to a place where I felt happy about my weight. Then this week, I jumped up about 5-7 pounds from where I'd been the week before. It was the usual suspects: eating a little too much, consistently making some dumb choices regarding food when I got frustrated about work. Last night, I slammed an entire thin crust pizza, then worked out so hard that I almost made myself throw up in a new gym class because I was so angry at myself and ashamed at how little self-control I had.

I didn't know I'd get some motivational words on weight loss and trying to get healthier from one of my favorite YouTube channels today, but I think many of need to remind ourselves of what Babish says in his latest video. I've written out the things that I think are most important for this sub:

"...Getting in shape is a process. Is it difficult? Absolutely. Is it worth doing? Absolutely.

...But there's a moment when you realize that you can start right now and that there's no magic diet, no perfect routine, no shortcuts or cheats. It's more about creating healthy and sustainable habits. Sometimes it's excruciatingly hard. You are, after all, depriving your body of all the feel-good drugs it's become accustomed to your entire life, but like any withdrawal, it's temporary and the light at the end of the tunnel starts feeling more and more like a torch you've been carrying along.

...Well, I hope that more than one of you decide that today is the day to try and make a change.

...You can know that I'm in this with you, because I have no intention of stopping."

Anyway, thank you to everyone on this sub. Reading your words of encouragement and even just feeling like I'm not the only one who gets tempted by the things that got me this overweight in the first place is such a gift. This place is a bastion of kindness and emotional generosity in a place that can often feel alienating.

submitted by /u/bleslsed
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

PSA for the older folks - your kids care

I recently had my re-birthday and posted over at /r/progresspics . It went over very well, there were a lot of congratulatory comments, but more important there were some "you inspired me to try in my older age" comments, which means if even one person successfully get motivated it was more than worth it.

However, there were also more than a couple comments from people who wished their parents (generally dads, as I'm male) would/could follow suit.

So... old dudes. If you've been on the fence about starting weight loss/getting healthy, consider giving your kids a Father's Day gift this year by trying. Yeah, it's supposed to be about you on FD, but how cool would it be to turn the tables on them? It's harder when you're older, but not impossible and never too late. Plus, there was a recent study that indicated people who got fit later in life share the same benefits as people who have been healthy their whole lives, it's one of the few chances you have in life to wipe the slate completely clear of previous bad decision.

I say this as a childless-by-choice old dude, so take it FWIW.

submitted by /u/eehotaka
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

1st year anniversary | 25kg lost

I'm not really good at writing longer texts, so I'll try to keep it short. Long time lurker, first time posting, you know the drill.

Exactly one year ago I began my weight loss. I was at 105kg, 170cm tall and 17 years old. It began when my school nurse said I was a "little" too heavy for my height, which I've been pretty much my whole life, yet none of the nurses from my previous schools ever pointed out or ever thought of helping. Anyways, my current nurse sent me to a doctor that would help me lose weight. We agreed on a plan where I would walk 10 000 steps 4 times a week and reduce my consumption of sugar, since I ate too much of it at this time.

I followed the plan pretty well but was lazy sometimes and skipped, but it happens to everyone. But it was fine since I counted calories through MyFitnessPal, even if the doctor never mentioned that suggestion. I took a short break with counting calories for almost two months but managed to maintain the weight since I still ate with care and walked or cycled. I began counting again almost a month ago. I recently bought a better scale and even a skateboard, so that'll be pretty helpful now. I've been better at drinking more water recently too, which can reduce the hunger sometimes.

Today I went to the doctor again and it shows I'm at 81kg, so very close to 25kg lost in total! I'm very proud of myself and will still keep doing the same thing as before, since it clearly works. My goal weight is around 65 to 60 kg, since that's the normal weight and BMI for my height. I'm planning on building a little muscle after I reach the goal weight, since I've always had weak arms. I'm looking forward to it!

Unfortunately I don't have any pictures to show since I didn't take any, but it doesn't really matter. I can still see and feel the differences!

submitted by /u/AbsurdPancakes
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How so you find motivation & thin(er than them) shaming is a thing.

I've had a few day ones. I'm now the heaviest I've ever been and not able to muster the usual motivation and self-discipline I normally have when I'm ready to make a positive change. I'm 43 and just to that point where I'm tired of fighting uphill for the health I should have. It's hard to find encouragement when you are back at the starting line again.

The stats: F/age 43, 5' 1" tall and at a 35 BMI-- 55 lbs overweight. I'm heavier than I have ever been, including pregnancies. I'd love to be at 130 or 140, though numbers aren't really my biggest goal. I want to slim down, feel better and be able to move and wear my clothes again. I am gluten sensitive, have some minor issues with dairy and no longer have a gallbladder. All of which make dieting more depressing to approach when looking to limit EVEN MORE foods. I'm not looking for diet advise. I have done extensive research over the years and ridden a few different versions of this carousel. I've lost some weight several times, though never as far as my goal. I know what I should and should not be doing. I just want to know where everyone goes for encouragement when they are in that rut.

Something that I also find hurtful is the fact that people who are larger than me do not tend to be very supportive. I feel like I have to be careful not to mention dieting or weight loss or my struggle to those who have a longer road than me because they respond with guarded hostility. Any mention of these issues are usually met with comments like: "You aren't fat" or "Are you kidding? Look at me!" or "you are tiny!" 1.) I don't use the F word about my weight, this is just to illustrate the tone of response. 2.) I am NOT small (for me.) 55 lbs over and a 35 BMI is NOT healthy according to the medical industry. 3.) If one is finding their health, comfort and lifestyle compromised by their weight, then people shouldn't be negative when they express a need for support, regardless of if I happen to have a bit less to go than them. Has anyone else run into this? It makes it hard to find support, which is a double whammy because I am a self-sufficient person who has trouble asking for help in the first place. Very discouraging.

What motivates you the best? Where do you find encouragement when you don't have any for yourself this time? Who do you find a great source of positive support and unbiased encouragement?

TL;DR: Where/from whom do you find encouragement and heartfelt motivation when you're in a rut AND people can be jerks to those smaller than them, too.

submitted by /u/LavenderLady75
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I used to overeat so much that I went within a week from 78kg->74.3kg and now I'm more motivated than ever

I have started my weight loss journey only a week ago or not even a week and somehow managed to lose almost 4 kg (obv water content too I guess because I eat extremely clean now, but again; I used to eat around 3k calories/day on some days; eating a cheese pizza ordered right from the restaurant which has 800grams was no problem for me and I would eat around 4 caloric sweets per day too and tons of pasta or bread with cheese). But - seeing results this early is absolutely amazing and it motivates me to not give up.I want to get to a better place physically and mentally too. I have suffered from depression because my mum died not even a year ago and I have been battling a chronic illness so it's the first step I took to actually end this nightmarish spiral. I just want to feel good in my body and also help my hormones to get better with losing weight. My self-esteem has been affected since I have gained so much weight (I used to always weight around 64-66kg) and I want to put an end to it.I am not bloated anymore and I'm motivated to keep going; I am starting to see results in my body too even though it has been only around 4kg less, plus I have also started adding some light exercise into my routine and I clean my house every day so I move around a lot to get that extra burn.

For all people who are thinking about losing weight don't start tomorrow. Start today- make better food decisions, download some app for counting calories and log absolutely everything you eat (that's what I do vigorously) and later get a kitchen weight and you are all set.

submitted by /u/Railgun_Misaka
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

7 Morning To-Dos to Help You Lose Weight All Day

Wake up on the healthy side of bed with these seven morning habits that will help keep you losing weight all day:

1. Don’t Skip Breakfast to Lose Weight
It’s tempting if you’re in a hurry (or think sparing yourself the calories will help), but meal-skipping is a major no-no if you’re trying to lose weight. It just backfires on you, boosting your appetite and inviting bingeing later on. In one study at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center in Seattle, people who skipped breakfast or other meals lost almost eight fewer pounds than those who didn’t.

2. Have Protein
The breakfast of weight loss champions is a high-protein meal. People who ate a sausage and egg-based breakfast (containing 35 grams of protein) felt fuller and ate less at lunch than a similar group who either ate a low-protein breakfast or skipped it altogether in a study published in the International Journal of Obesity in 2015. Another study found that eating eggs in the morning can help you eat less for the next 36 hours! The secret: It takes longer for your body to digest protein which can help stabilize blood sugar levels and keep you feeling fuller longer. Not sure if you’re eating enough protein? Get the facts here.

3. Soak Up the Sun
Early risers have an edge when it comes to weight loss. Studies have shown that exposure to morning sunlight can help control your appetite and even help you lose weight. One study of 54 people who wore sensors that monitored the timing and intensity of their exposure to light found that body weight corresponded to exposure to early light the equivalent of a well-lit indoor room. The earlier people got their dose of light, the slimmer they were. People who were exposed to light later in the day tended to be heavier on average. What’s at work? Light affects circadian rhythms, your body’s internal clock, which plays a role in regulating appetite and metabolism.

Are You Getting Enough Vitamin D?

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4. Get Moving and Motivated to Lose Weight
Exercise revs your metabolism, burning calories both during and even after your activity. That means that exercising in the morning can keep calorie-burning activity going just about all day. A 2012 study by Brigham Young University researchers also suggests that an a.m. workout could kill your cravings. When 17 healthy weight and 18 obese study participants walked briskly for 45 minutes in the morning, they were less likely to respond to food cues from photos of delicious eats. There’s also evidence that early movers have lower blood pressure and sleep better than those who hit the bricks or the treadmill later in the day.

5. Eat, Don’t Drink, Your Fruits and Veggies
You got one of those trendy juicers for Christmas this year so you’re tempted to turn all your produce into a smoothie. Or your morning habit since you were a kid was to start your day with a glass of OJ. Well, don’t. By removing healthy fiber, juicing can boost the glycemic index, of produce, meaning how quickly it can raise your blood sugar, a known appetite booster. (Fiber slows down digestion and the flood of sugar into your bloodstream.) Your body also doesn’t recognize liquid calories as food, so you’re not going to feel as full as if you’d eaten solid food.

6 Sneaky Ways You’re Ruining Your Veggies

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6. Have A Cuppa’ Joe
Coffee not only wakes you up, it revs up your metabolism so you burn more calories and could lose more weight. Studies have also found that your morning cup of java can help you exercise harder and longer, burning even more calories. Just don’t load it up with sugar, cream or syrups that can turn a dieter’s friend into an early morning calorie bomb. (Not a coffee lover? Black and green tea do the same thing.)

7. Write it Down
People who keep a faithful food diary can lose twice as much weight as those who don’t, according to a study from Kaiser Permanente’s Center for Health Research. Writing down everything you eat or drink actually encourages you to eat less and to eat healthier, say researchers, making this the ultimate in starting your healthy day off right.

The post 7 Morning To-Dos to Help You Lose Weight All Day appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Swimsuit season vs. Loose Skin (283 > 164 = 119)

This is my first summer as a “normal” sized person. I got fat in elementary school and stayed fat until I hit my thirties. Every year I have felt a sense of creeping dread as we moved into summer because that meant that swimsuit season was coming. Few things filled me with more anxiety about my body than the idea of wearing a swimsuit in public. The thought squeezing my fat body into Lycra and parading around on the beach was more terrifying to me than killer clowns or nuclear war. I was afraid that people would realize how fat I actually was if they saw my beach body. There was a lot of magical thinking that allowed me to believe that a pair of jeans could hide an extra hundred pounds. (Spoiler Alert: Everyone already knew how fat I was because they have eyes)

As I lost weight my fears around swimsuit season started to change. I was no longer worried that a modest tankini would spotlight my size. Now, I was worried that everyone would realize that I was now possessed the body of a shar pei if they saw me in my bikini bottoms. Unlike an extra hundred pounds, loose skin can actually be hidden by clothes. Putting on a swimsuit would mean destroying the illusion that I was just a normal person who had not disfigured their skin by becoming Class III Obese. I really wanted to hold on to that illusion.

Then our family beach trip happened. I love the beach. I did not want to deny myself the simple pleasure of playing in the ocean. When vacation arrived I put on a modest one piece suit and braced myself as I walked on the beach. No one stared. No one pointed. No one said a single word about my droopy butt and saggy thighs. The horrible reality of my new body was revealed and the world didn’t end.

I spent years talking myself out of weight loss because I was afraid of the loose skin. I’ve now lost the equivalent of a small adult woman in fat. There is plenty of loose skin on my body. Some of it can be strategical hidden with high waisted pants and sleeves, but in a swimsuit everything is put on display. Even though my body is far from perfect I still think it looks better now than it did 119lbs ago. Sure there are stretch marks and cellulite, but those things were also present when I was a size 22.

I did buy a bikini this year. I’m only going to wear it in the privacy of my own yard, but at least I’m not worried anymore that the world will end if my neighbors see my bare stomach. Instead, I’m going to share this with a bunch of Internet Strangers in hopes this can help you overcome your fear of loose skin and weight loss.

NSFW: Swimsuit Pics

submitted by /u/pizzadaughter
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from loseit - Lose the Fat