Sunday, July 7, 2019

Men who've lose a lot of weight and women who have male SO who've lost weight - adult conversation 👀

Right, so far I am 80lbs down... now this might not be the topic everyone wants to talk about but...

Has anyone else noticed their penis is "bigger" with weight loss?

I'm not a fool, I know it hasn't grown I imagine I've just lost fat around the area to reveal more of what was there, but this isn't something I'd ever considered and looks like gained a decent length 👀🙈

Am I just being stupid or is this a thing? 🍆

  1. M. SW 392lbs CW 312lbs Sedentary job, walk as much as possible listening to audiobooks. Commute via car 2.5hrs each day and it's a killer.

Meal prep most Sundays, decent calorie deficit fitting around a social lifestyle.

submitted by /u/WhatDProblemIs
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Increased calories + new exercise routine = stalled weight loss and frustration.

Mid 30s guy in the obese BMI range. I was put on a 1500 cal diet by my docs and have lost 30lbs since mid April. My docs gave me the okay to increase to 1800 cal a day since I was dropping weight too fast. I’ve added about 60-90 minutes of strength training a week 5 days a week for the last month with about 20-30 of cardio if I have time about 2 days a week. Since I’ve added the exercise a month ago I’ve stalled out a bit. According to MFP I’m down about 3-5lbs for the month and I’ve lost practical nothing in the last week.

I know that adding exercise can cause water retention , add muscle, increase blood volume etc. And that the increased calories are going to slow things down a bit. I also know that even including the slower loss I’m still above the “safe” loss rate of 8lbs per month. So I shouldn’t really complain.

All that being said I really miss stepping on the scale in the morning and seeing it drop by .25 to .5 lbs. I guess I’m just venting because I’m about 6lbs away from being out of the obese range and the lightest I’ve been in 10 years.

submitted by /u/Rho-Ophiuchi
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I'm feeling very stuck in my weight loss goals and could use some help!

Throwaway because I like to keep defining personal details off my main account.

A little bit about me:

I'm 5'4", 141lbs as of this morning, 27 years old, female. My starting weight was 164lbs about 8 months ago. I'm very proud of the weight loss I've already achieved, but my goal weight is 125lbs, and I've been stuck hovering around the high 30's low 40's range for probably two months now. I exercise around three times per week, focusing a lot on cardio but also not ignoring the importance of building muscle with weight lifting.

I work on my feet and am averaging about 12,000 steps per day, so I definitely do not have a sedentary lifestyle. A couple of weeks ago I switched to a low carb diet, thinking that that might help me get over this little hump. It seemed to be effective for a week, and I reached 136lbs! Now, following the same diet, I'm all the way back up to 141. I cannot understand why I'm going backwards. I haven't started any new medications that my body isn't used to, I'm not pregnant (you wouldn't believe how many of my friends suggested this lol) and I cook all of my meals at home. I also have logged all my recipes in a macro calculator so I know exactly what I'm eating. And not to pat myself on the back too hard, but I've been doing an excellent job of not straying from my meal plan. I honestly do not snack or have "little bites" of anything. I've been increasingly strict because I was doing so well for a while and it hurts to be sliding backwards. I allow myself one cheat day per week where I let myself eat more carbs than usual, like a slice of toast with breakfast or one serving of ice cream after dinner. I'm not all out binge eating. My diet currently is heavy protein and good fats, but it's definitely not Keto.

If anyone else has been in this situation and has advice about how to overcome it I would be so appreciative of the feedback and help! Happy Sunday y'all!

submitted by /u/imstuck_help
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Am I being unhealthy?

I am now around 190lbs. Around 1-2 years ago I was pushing 250. I've done a mix of simply eating better, and more recently, intermittent and short term fasting. I still want to shed some excess fat on my body. I am 6 foot, and think losing ~20 more lbs would probably leave me at my ideal bodyweight. from what I have researched this doesn't seem to be an unhealthy weight for a male my height.. and right now am even considered overweight by BMI.

However, despite feeling the best I have since being born eating and exercising the way I do, pretty much everyone in my family has something to say about my weight loss. My mom tells me that I'm "too skinny" and starting to "look gross". I really am proud of myself for finally losing weight but everyone I live with is making me feel extremely discouraged, and making me second guess what I'm doing. They all eat like slobs, and are sugar addicts. They range in weight but their consumption and health habits are terrible. I don't want them to let me stop but every time I decline food or candy I am teased for being some sort of health nut.

I'm not really sure exactly what I'm looking for but I don't want want to give up on having my ideal body. At the same time, I don't want to ignore my family if there actually is something wrong with my actions because they might just have my best interest in mind.

submitted by /u/DpressionConfession
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Moving down clothing sizes is the motivator I needed!

I’ve [F/22/165lbs] lost about 25 pounds in the last 5 months and sometimes I have trouble recognizing the physical changes my body has undergone. I had my family vacation last week and all the week before I was super down on myself because when I began losing weight I was hoping to have lost more weight/ made more of a transformation than I did by the time I went.

I was on vacation with my family and we all went into a local store. I decided to pick up 2 t shirts from different stores. In the first store I bought a small and then when we went to the second store I bought a medium, the size I wore before losing the weight. I felt like I was being overly confident in my weight loss by going down a size.

Clothing sizes have always been something that freaked me out, as I have been overweight practically my whole life. In high school I wouldn’t buy anything if the medium was too small. In college as I gained more weight I would have to buy larges which would crush me. Lately, I’ve been working on not letting sizes be my barometer of how healthy/fit I am, because I know it’s just something I’ve made up in my head.

When we returned home from the store my sister saw the medium and asked “Why did you buy that size? It’s going to be so big on you.” I was a bit taken aback and said that I wanted it to be oversized. Later that day I put on the size small t shirt and she said “See, that size fits you!”

While I know that it’s a bit superficial for me to feel validated by something like that, the recognition that I HAD made a transformation was just the motivator I needed to hit my workouts harder to hit my goals!

submitted by /u/a-s-a-p-sav
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How can I help my significant other?

Hi r/loseit,

Throwaway since my SO is also on reddit.

So I was reading this thread on reddit, and there's alot of good stuff from doctors regarding things they wish we knew of our bodies more. Anyways, there were many posts regarding obesity and exercise. Now I am all for body positivity and loving one's self. BUT since this is my SO we're talking about, I'm starting to look more at the health side of it as well.

My SO is 5ft 8in and 215 pounds. I love this man. We've been together 7+ years and I definitely don't mind how he looks now; however, I'm starting to get concerned for his health due to his weight and his poor eating habits. According to the internet he's within obese territory and the link above got me to thinking about the repercussions of his weight moving forward in our lives. I want the best for him, and that includes a healthy life. For reference I'm 5ft 2in and 130 pounds. I've gotten into weightlifting the last 3 years and I'm absolutely loving it. It's made me change how I look, how I eat, all that jazz. You know the deal. I'm not saying I'm a professional when it comes to diet and exercise but I can comfortably say I know my way around food and exercise. I like to go through what body builders call "cutting" and "bulking" phases where the former basically involves losing fat, while the latter involves gaining weight/muscle. This has taught me to control my weight and has shown me first hand just how directly caloric intake really does affect your body. If I want to lose weight, I simply know to eat less and I can easily adjust my diet accordingly. Same thing for gaining weight too. I'm happy to know how much control I truly have over my body.

Now my SO definitely wants to lose weight. He buys clothes a bit smaller than usual sometimes as a motivator to lose weight. So the mentality to lose weight is there, but I just feel he needs that extra push to get him started. Here's the thing: every time I try to talk to him about his weight, he groans and says to talk about it another day. I respect that. I try not to be controlling with his food, but ultimately that's the biggest issue with weight gain/loss: caloric intake. So I always tell him to be mindful of his food intake. I always remind him that all he has to do to lose weight is to eat less. He doesn't need to even exercise. I always try to recommend to him to maybe half his rice portion at the very least or his main carb option of the night. But his reasoning for not doing so is that he shouldn't have to "starve" himself to lose weight. So I think he's missing the point. I don't know how to get around that. Because really, eating less is all it would take. I'm not saying it's easy, but that's the best I can really do/say to him without being forceful about it.

I don't want to force him to exercise since he's a nurse who works three 12 hour shifts a week and he seems to be on his feet during the time so I'm not too worried in terms of exercise for now. Though I think everyone should have some kind of physical activity per week. I want to introduce weight loss to him slowly. Also we can't quite go to the gym together since he's a nurse and I have a typical five days a week 9 to 5 job so our schedules differ greatly.

He'll have his bursts where he'll go to the gym a few times a week, BUT due to the sudden increase of physical activity, he gets hungrier and eats more food than usual resulting in no weight loss. This will generally discourage, him. This will usually only last for a month. And due to the discouragement, he'll just fall out of it.

I love this man. We are approaching our 30's (I'm 27 he's 28) and I know we're still kinda young lol, and it's easy to take our bodies for granted, but I want the best for him. And I want to help him. But I really don't know where to start. I started my fitness journey a few years ago(was severely underweight) and it truly is a lifestyle adjustment that does not happen over night.

I'm feeling bad because I focused so much on myself and created this healthy mindset for myself, and would tell myself "it's his life, not mine, he can do whatever he wants with it" and now I feel awful. I want to help my SO lose weight and was wondering how to even approach this properly.

He's loved my progress and is happy to see me achieving my goals. I want him to achieve his goals too. I'm hoping that my fitness journey will eventually spark something inside of him, but for now I just need to help him get started and get on track. Any words of advice are greatly appreciated!

submitted by /u/_an0ther_throwaway
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting the beginning of my weight loss transformation. Need Advice though!

Hello there,

If your reading this then thanks, this is actually my first reddit post so I have no idea how this is going to go but I guess I'm making this post to help support myself go through this transformation and see if I can meet any nice people who can encourage me stay motivated or something (No idea if this is the right place to be looking for that). My life has been a hell of a rollercoaster this year, realistically probably all my life I mean where do I start, I've put on 9kg this year since from starting this office job I'm 3-4 months in to, and I'm generally so miserable in this job already! I just don't like the people and it has had a toll on my mental health (not going deep in about work just know its made me put weight on and I'm miserable at this 9-5 office job + in an environment I can't stand). What can I say money isn't everything but I need the money unfortunately... I'm 20 years old, I spent my 20th birthday (25th June) in hospital from an overdose as my mental health had gotten to a breaking point, now I'm somewhat out that mindset I'm realising I need to do something about my diet, now I believe your diet has a massive impact on your mental and physical health (I lost over 30lbs last year and went from fat to skinny for the first time in my life, so I know what feeling healthy and having a healthy mindsets like).

I'll have to admit my diet has been disgusting, this year ever since starting my first full time job, I'm eating amounts I never used to eat before, but I can't stop the boredom eating! From biscuits every half an hour, hot chocolates, lots of chocolate bars, sandwiches, ready made meals I mean all that weight loss I did last year, most of it I've put back on just from this job and my depression in general! I wish I had the mindset I did like last year but I feel like I've lost all motivation within me and rather feel temporary moments of comfort eating a chocolate bar which will then lead me to bigger consequences in the long haul...

Now I know what I kind of have to do for my body to lose weight and mentally sort myself out through diet however I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or actual advice really on how to stop eating crap at work which I hate, hate the people and stuff. We've all been there, and then you eat out of boredom and because of isolation, sugary foods are the only things to comfort you in a stupid office. I only started gaining weight which I used to be 59kg to now 68-69kg in the space of 3-4 months only so thats a dramatic weight gain right there in such a short amount of time.

submitted by /u/cmkt999
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from loseit - Lose the Fat