Sunday, July 7, 2019

Starting the beginning of my weight loss transformation. Need Advice though!

Hello there,

If your reading this then thanks, this is actually my first reddit post so I have no idea how this is going to go but I guess I'm making this post to help support myself go through this transformation and see if I can meet any nice people who can encourage me stay motivated or something (No idea if this is the right place to be looking for that). My life has been a hell of a rollercoaster this year, realistically probably all my life I mean where do I start, I've put on 9kg this year since from starting this office job I'm 3-4 months in to, and I'm generally so miserable in this job already! I just don't like the people and it has had a toll on my mental health (not going deep in about work just know its made me put weight on and I'm miserable at this 9-5 office job + in an environment I can't stand). What can I say money isn't everything but I need the money unfortunately... I'm 20 years old, I spent my 20th birthday (25th June) in hospital from an overdose as my mental health had gotten to a breaking point, now I'm somewhat out that mindset I'm realising I need to do something about my diet, now I believe your diet has a massive impact on your mental and physical health (I lost over 30lbs last year and went from fat to skinny for the first time in my life, so I know what feeling healthy and having a healthy mindsets like).

I'll have to admit my diet has been disgusting, this year ever since starting my first full time job, I'm eating amounts I never used to eat before, but I can't stop the boredom eating! From biscuits every half an hour, hot chocolates, lots of chocolate bars, sandwiches, ready made meals I mean all that weight loss I did last year, most of it I've put back on just from this job and my depression in general! I wish I had the mindset I did like last year but I feel like I've lost all motivation within me and rather feel temporary moments of comfort eating a chocolate bar which will then lead me to bigger consequences in the long haul...

Now I know what I kind of have to do for my body to lose weight and mentally sort myself out through diet however I was wondering if anyone had any suggestions or actual advice really on how to stop eating crap at work which I hate, hate the people and stuff. We've all been there, and then you eat out of boredom and because of isolation, sugary foods are the only things to comfort you in a stupid office. I only started gaining weight which I used to be 59kg to now 68-69kg in the space of 3-4 months only so thats a dramatic weight gain right there in such a short amount of time.

submitted by /u/cmkt999
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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