Sunday, July 7, 2019

The weight I now am is someone else’s goal weight.

So kind of like a shower thought, I had this thought while fasting the other day as I’m doing IF as a way to help calorie intake atm.

I was super down on myself as I’m starting to lose weight that I gained back while in a depressive slump. I was going through all the self critical thoughts of “why couldn’t you just keep it off? Would you stop eating your feelings!? You’re doing a crap job. This is taking’ll never look as attractive as you did before your baby. You’ll never be able to lose the weight to get to your goal weight....Etc....”

And it hit me that I’m currently rocking a body that some other people are desperately trying to achieve. Of course this doesn’t mean that I should compare myself to others as this is a personal journey, but for some reason it just helped me stop thinking all the critical thoughts and started me on a better mental track. I now try to think “what if I had just achieved a major milestone in weight loss? What if this weight was 50 lbs downs from my SW? How would I be feeling towards my efforts and this achievement?” And honestly, it’s helped a lot. I’m now super grateful for the body I DO have and am willing to listen to and work WITH it rather than feeling like I have to fight against it to get the results that I want.

I hope this makes sense and helps someone out there who is feeling blue or down about his or her efforts today. I’ve gained a lot of inspiration and hope from this sub and wanted to pass some along.

submitted by /u/795_224_xx_9
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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