Wednesday, July 10, 2019

[Daily Directory] Find your quests for the day here! - Thursday, 11 July 2019

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submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m getting married Saturday! I love my dress and I’m proud of myself. Still a ways to go.

February of last year I had lost 25 lbs. I gained half of it back, got engaged in August, and didn’t discipline myself. By January, I had gained back 20 lbs.

I don’t count calories. I have mild OCD and while I know it works and have lost weight hat way in the past, I get obsessive about it in a way that’s not healthy for me.

I lost that first 25 by doing 80% paleo, 80% of the time. I made better food choices, I tried to be more active and it came off slowly but surely over the course of a year.

I did Whole30 in January and quit smoking, so not a ton happened there. I tried keto for a while but it was no miracle for me and I didn’t feel healthy. I went back to Paleo this last month.

The last time I weighed myself was a couple weeks ago and I was only 2 lbs off my original weight loss. I stopped weighing myself before the wedding.

Because I feel good and I’m making good choices. I don’t need the scale to confirm or deny that. Today I wore a shirt I’ve never been able to wear confidently and a pair of jeans that have been sitting in a drawer for the better part of a year. People at work are noticing. I’m going to wear WHITE JEANS to an event tomorrow night.

I tried on my wedding dress today and it was perfection. I still have 20-30 lbs left to lose to feel my best, but I’m beautiful.

And I’m going to keep going. I’m not going to fall back into old habits after the wedding. I keep thinking about where I’d be now if I’d kept going. I want to know what that feels like.

Love yourself at each step of your journey, and keep going. You’ve worked too hard to do it all over again.

submitted by /u/dam_the_beavers
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Vulnerability of weight loss

In the past 2-3years, I’ve gradually lost 30lbs. I first started to lose weight when I started orange theory and really focused more on changing sizes and seeing my body tone up. That was when people really noticed I went from being a young post college party girl with drinking weight to growing up and really living a healthier lifestyle.

Then, in the last year I’ve lost another 10lbs truly not trying. I was diagnosed with different medical conditions that made me have to change my diet to a vegan diet for health reasons; I cringe when people think going vegan or vegetarian is a weight loss solution. I had 3 different surgeries and removed a lot of inflamed organs. People ask if I’m “still just doing Orangetheory” or “has going vegan made you lose weight”

My weight loss journey has really been more unique when coupled with a difficult health journey. I’m really struggling with the added attention I’ve been receiving about how great I look.

I love a compliment and appreciate the genuine encouragement from those that know my journey. However, I’ve had people really try to dig deep asking what I’m doing. Does anyone else feel this can be so intrusive? I know I look healthy and strong and I’m really proud of myself, but how do I kindly express that I’m not a nutritionist or fitness expert. I work hard and show up every day, but I feel like people can put you on a pedestal and it makes me feel so vulnerable to the eyes on me.

TL;DR: has attention from significant weight loss made you uncomfortable? How do you handle it?

submitted by /u/KellyPerry25
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lose weight while helping people with 100 day #HungryGivesChallenge

I've recently thought about using the good feeling of giving something to help someone to motivate the weight loss journey. It would be a win-win situation of losing weight while helping someone out. So I thought about giving away the snack I'm craving to someone who is homeless or starving and would benefit from the snack more than I would. The good feeling of knowing I'm helping someone in need with the snack would help me endure the hunger for not eating the snack. I did a little internet searching and it seems there is already a website called Hungry.Gives that let's people donate the value of the snack they would like to eat to people without food with their app. They have a 100 day challenge where you donate one snack a day for 100 days and it works out to losing 20 pounds of weight and helping 100 people suffering from starvation and poverty. I like the idea and I'm excited to take the challenge. I'm hoping it will be motivational with the weight loss journey. If anything, it will make it interesting and I'll feel good knowing that I'm helping someone out. What do you guys think? Anyone want to take the challenge together and keep each other motivated?

submitted by /u/Living_Scholar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I’m so proud of myself!

Hello everyone! Newbie here! I know it’s not much but I’m genuinely proud of myself.

Stats- 19F, 71 kg, 164cm

So 2 weeks ago, I finally started my weight loss journey. I’ve been wanting to lose weight for years but I never felt motivated enough. My main problem was my asthma. I made so many excuses because of my asthma but I finally had enough.

I’ve always been a chubby person but this is the heaviest I’ve ever been. I decided to slowly cut my unhealthy eating habits.

Last week I went to the gym 4 times and I’ve felt so much better. Yes, it was hard to breathe but slowly I was getting used to it. I went to the gym today and I did a whole hour of cardio! And I did not struggle to breathe as much as I used to !

My main problem is binge eating when stressed but I’ll try to overcome it!

I hope I keep this up.

submitted by /u/Cookiemonster-226
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I hope this is allowed- weight loss journey getting difficult with crappy worn down running/tennis shoes. Would love recommendations from plus size/heavier women who know of some good ones?

I’m 420lbs, and have a history of plantar fasciitis. I always need to wear supportive gym shoes even walking around campus or any distance really because of how heavy I am and how easily my feet hurt. Lately after having my Nike Air Maxes for the last 2 years they are due for an upgrade, they are worn down the support is basically gone and the edges make it easy to roll my ankle because they are so broke down. I find myself attempting to hike or walk and getting frustrated by the lack of support I have in my shoes.

Another thing to point out is I need wide shoes, I wear a size 10 and prefer shoes with a thick heel of some sort of support, cushion, bounce back (something to help the impact of my weight). I have had the Nike hair max shoes for a while but they aren’t wide and haven’t been as supportive. I would like to try to spend less than $100 on a pair of supportive but durable shoes (maybe with a subtle cute color or pink or blues) but I’m here for comfort more than I am the style portion.

I feel like my desire to exercise and just get out and walking has been hindered by my fear of plantar fasciitis swell ups due to the crap support I have now. Any suggestion on good tennis shoes for obese people would be wonderful. I also plan to go on a trip soon with a lot of walking involved and want some shoes that can be more reliable as well as useful when “hiking” (nothing severe just walking some slopes in a local waterfall park with hiking trails) or walking more.

submitted by /u/crystalizedwolf
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My mom and family really ruined food and body image for me.

Since I was really young my mom would always make food and eating an unhealthy relationship. They would let me try these crash diets that never worked, never talked to me about confidence. and honestly played on my insecurities as motivation for me, or even worse they would use comparison as a weapon.

Whenever I got a stomach flu, or when I got braces she act like I told her good news and she would say something like, "you'll probably lose a few pounds". Lately these flash backs have really been messing with me. I really resent the people back at home. Especially now since I've had a very big recent weight gain and it's their funny looks and comments all over again. I just want to let them all have it,

I remember telling my mom how people act towards me not too long ago and she was like, "well it sounds like ur still angry, you shouldn't be mad. and you did gain a lot of weight and ppl don't know how to react".

I would think not an asshole. but I can't expect anything different from ppl I grew up with. I do not like them.

I've definitely been struggling with self worthlessness lately and I never want to go out and be seen. I even thought about vlogging my "weight loss journey" (I hate saying that now)... but the thought of ppl I know seeing me haunts me

submitted by /u/AppropriateSoft
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from loseit - Lose the Fat