Monday, August 12, 2019

Finally Fit an XS

Hey guys, long time lurker first time poster!

I just had an amazing experience that I was dying to share with someone!

Before beginning my weight loss journey I was a 5'2 woman weighing approximately 200lbs with a BMI of 36.6. I was in such denial that I had a problem for so long but just over a year ago I decided that enough was enough and I started to lose weight.

Since then I've dropped to 119lbs and went shopping at an Ardene's. I could never fit anything at an Ardene's when I was at my biggest but I saw a nice hoodie and just threw it on without checking the size. It was actually a little bit loose on me when I realized it was a size extra small!! I bought it immediately and I've never been so proud of myself.

So yeah, I guess this is just a brag post but I felt like this was the best place to share my excitement.

submitted by /u/Murder_Boy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I wanted to lose weight, so I bought a new scale - when I weighed myself the result made me break down. I need some advice because I really don’t know where to start.

Hello there Reddit. This is my first time on a weight loss subreddit, and over all I’m pretty clueless when it comes to losing weight. I’d really appreciate any advice you could give.

For reference, I’m a 23 year old 5’4” female and I weigh (ugh) 204lbs (about 92kg). I for the longest time thought I was at 180 because it’s been a while since I weighed myself. I know 180 isn’t much better, but to me being over 200 is devastating. I just got married in June and while my husband is very loving and has never criticized my weight, I have become very insecure since our wedding because I’m afraid of being a disappointment as a wife. (For the record he has told me many times that I am a wonderful wife and he’s happy with me, that whole thing is related to my own anxiety and not him.) When I saw the number on the scale I broke down crying. He was concerned and told me it couldn’t be that bad. I haven’t even told him the number because I’m so humiliated.

I have been “trying to lose weight” for a very long time. Many of the women in my family are overweight, and a nutritionist I saw in the past told me it would probably be a bit more difficult for me to lose weight than the average person. That’s fine, I can work with that. I just need to know where to begin. Obviously I need to eat better (I teach preschool and tend to snack all day), but working out tends to feel like an incredible strain (I almost threw up after 15 minutes on the elliptical), so I’m hoping to find a method of exercise that works its way up to being more rigorous if that makes sense?

I’m sorry if this is all rambling and nonsensical. I just worked out and feel like absolutely garbage and I’m desperate for advice. Thank you and again I’m sorry about the godawful formatting

submitted by /u/LittleBirdLady
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

1 week into a weight loss competition, feeling pretty good, down about 6 pounds the first week!!

My fiance, and a handful of friends, and I started a weight loss competition 1 week ago, this week was our first weigh in after the initial one, I was down almost 6 pounds! I know this is mostly water weight the first week, and I have to stay on track for the coming weeks!

We went out to eat for dinner today for a cheat meal, which I think we will be doing once a week, he used to have a cheat day, but I can't do an entire day, I will ruin my week, so we settled on a single cheat meal each week!

We went shopping for veggies the other day, so we have a fridge full of veggies for snacks, but I'd love some ideas on low calorie snacks that satisfy the craving, or at least hold you over till the next meal.

I have a 11y/o boy, and 2 girls, one is 2 years and the other is 3 months, usually I run with the neighbor who lives across the street, who is also in the competition, with a double stroller, but I HATE running, plus the extra probably 50+ pounds slightly uphill is excruciating! I used to pretend I liked it, but I just hate it, I can't run when it's 80 and sun beating down, 75 is about my cut off so I won't be absolutely miserable. I think I may start using our workout bike in the mornings before the littles wake up because then I can even get a shower in everyday (I use it), which with 2 little ones is a rare occurrence!

Still feel motivated with this challenge, ones we've done in the past, I've lost momentum after a week or so and stopped, so I'm trying to keep the momentum up this time!

submitted by /u/Kg1120
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Girlfriend(31F/5'2/131 lbs) Frustrated With Weight Loss

My girlfriend is currently going to school for her pHD, working in a lab environment from 9-5. She spends most of her time in the lab sitting. In addition to school, she works out 6 days a week. She usually works out for 60-80 minutes. She does not do any cardio, but she bikes to school and home every day which is about 20 minutes round trip.

We mealprep our foods every weekend, with each meal being around 500-600 calories depending on the type of proteins we cook. Our meals usually consist of: handful of broccoli, half cup of cooked white rice and some sort of proteins(1/4 oz). In addition to the food, she also takes 2 scoops of protein powder which contains 150 calories per scoop. Her goal is to lose about 20 pounds. According to the TDEE calculator, she should be consuming around 1650 calories to start losing weight. In the first 2 months, she was eating 2 meals and 2 shakes consuming around 1300-1500 calories. In the last 4 weeks, she cut it down to 1 meal and 2 shakes equaling 800-900 calories.

One day out of the weekend, we might go and eat out. But when we do, it's usually: sushi, ramen, poke, pho. We rarely eat fast foods like McDonalds. During the weekdays we do not drink, but we might have 1-2 cocktails during the weekend.

So what is she doing wrong here? I thought as long you eat at a caloric deficit, you should be able to lose weight. It's been 3 months now and she's only lost 3 pounds. Please help!

submitted by /u/tnluong84
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice re: Kids Seeing You Trying to Lose Weight & how to be a good example?

Background: I've been trying to lose weight for twenty years, but over the last few days (and thanks to the recent challenge) I've started putting in place things that have helped me re-start habits that helped me in the past (like having a dedicated way to track CICO, having a health journal, meal planning, overall planning, having goals for moving more.) I'm currently 5'6/F/37/225lbs. Around my two daughters, I usually try to keep quiet about the weight loss aspect of my activities, because I've heard that I could trigger eating disorders or body issues for them by talking about calories, though I've taught them about the basics of food and energy. They've always been a healthy weight and we eat healthfully (I just eat too much). In the past they've been excited to see me doing strength and lifting, which is fun. They past few years I've battled and am in remission from Graves disease (yay!) and this last year I've had chronic back pain from working a desk job and commuting long hours. My doctor hasn't told me to lose weight, but says if I do, it probably wouldn't hurt. I've just quit my job to work part time, to make more time for anything that's not sitting.

My girls are now 12 and 13, and they are definitely noticing my journal and activities. I find aspirational images to be helpful, though I'm trying to pick more realistic people in terms of weight and body type, which I tape in my tracking journal. Though I try to be discreet, my daughter saw some and wanted to know who the people are, and I felt awkward about it. I'm finding it hard overall to hide the goal making and calorie counting now that they're older. I guess I'm not sure that I should be hiding it? The reality is they also have eyes and can see that I'm obese. I don't necessarily think it would be a bad example to have them see me "trying".

Also, it would be nice if this journal could be all super easy, but the reality is if I'm going to try to stick to CICO long term I'm going to have hard days or days where I'm tired or cranky sometimes. I don't think it'll be realistic to hide that forever. Question: So I guess how much should I share or what shouldn't I share? Will I trigger disordered eating in them by them seeing me track calories (within a healthy range)? Or is it better for them to see me try? People who have successfully lost weight who have kids, what do you do? How do you balance that line?

submitted by /u/MMFuzzyface
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What losing weight has made me realise

Long story short, I’ve started a fresh this year started my journey at the beginning of the year where I weighed 244lbs since then I’ve revised that way I lived with cardio and healthier eating with MyFitnessPal, to this day I’m 162.9lbs at 5’11 with 16.6% body fat.

I’d like to share with you what I’ve learnt from hitting my goal, a lot of its personal but I’d thought I’d share for motivation that anyone can do it..

  • More energy
  • Feel more free no longer trapped
  • More attractive
  • Dad no longer shuns on me
  • Some friends won’t be there after weight loss
  • Friends will like you more/more invites places
  • Feel more comfortable in public places
  • Feel like I’m more approachable no longer stared at
  • No longer sweat as much
  • Actually see cheekbone on face
  • Life is more fulfilling no longer dull
  • More flamboyant clothing no longer restricted
  • Fit in small/medium clothes
  • Hip hop is motivating, NF makes me feel human
  • Watching educational podcasts motivate you to better yourself
  • Hard work pays off
  • People notice and mention it straight away feels awarding
  • Better fitting clothes no longer restricted on belly
  • Don’t miss old lifestyle much prefer healthy eating and gym
  • Love gym and exercise, new hobby love it
  • More motivated/get things done
  • Can finally wear skinny tight clothing
  • You’ve proved yourself to be better than previous girlfriends
  • Proved to myself that I can do anything I put my mind to
  • Achieved higher levels of fitness whether that’s push ups or cardio
  • More opportunities
  • No longer a burden to friends of family
  • Be patient, life is catching up to you
  • Exercise is key to mental health
  • If ever down exercise, clears your mind releases endorphins
  • Actually see bones/veins now
  • I LOVE life
  • People will look differently at you see you in a better light
  • Buying new clothes is nice if you have money
  • People speak differently to you and respect you more
  • I’ve loved the journey
submitted by /u/JoshGRS
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

“Move your fat ass out of the way“

I just need to vent for a minute. So today I was changing trains at a busy station on my way home from work. While I was walking, a woman started screaming from behind me that I should “move my fat ass out of her way“. I was wearing new jeans that I bought after my first 10 kg loss ( SW: 95 kg, CW: 85 kg) I was so proud of my weight loss and thought the jeans looked great on me, so that was crushing to hear!

A few years ago I would have broken down crying, but this time I was fucking angry. I told her that I'd rather be fat than have such an awful and miserable personality.

( I also told her she was ugly, because I was so pissed and I get childish when people are just plain mean for no reason. Who behaves like this??)

Thanks for letting me vent, this community is the biggest inspiration, even for a lurker like me!!!

submitted by /u/holygolli
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from loseit - Lose the Fat