Monday, August 12, 2019

Advice re: Kids Seeing You Trying to Lose Weight & how to be a good example?

Background: I've been trying to lose weight for twenty years, but over the last few days (and thanks to the recent challenge) I've started putting in place things that have helped me re-start habits that helped me in the past (like having a dedicated way to track CICO, having a health journal, meal planning, overall planning, having goals for moving more.) I'm currently 5'6/F/37/225lbs. Around my two daughters, I usually try to keep quiet about the weight loss aspect of my activities, because I've heard that I could trigger eating disorders or body issues for them by talking about calories, though I've taught them about the basics of food and energy. They've always been a healthy weight and we eat healthfully (I just eat too much). In the past they've been excited to see me doing strength and lifting, which is fun. They past few years I've battled and am in remission from Graves disease (yay!) and this last year I've had chronic back pain from working a desk job and commuting long hours. My doctor hasn't told me to lose weight, but says if I do, it probably wouldn't hurt. I've just quit my job to work part time, to make more time for anything that's not sitting.

My girls are now 12 and 13, and they are definitely noticing my journal and activities. I find aspirational images to be helpful, though I'm trying to pick more realistic people in terms of weight and body type, which I tape in my tracking journal. Though I try to be discreet, my daughter saw some and wanted to know who the people are, and I felt awkward about it. I'm finding it hard overall to hide the goal making and calorie counting now that they're older. I guess I'm not sure that I should be hiding it? The reality is they also have eyes and can see that I'm obese. I don't necessarily think it would be a bad example to have them see me "trying".

Also, it would be nice if this journal could be all super easy, but the reality is if I'm going to try to stick to CICO long term I'm going to have hard days or days where I'm tired or cranky sometimes. I don't think it'll be realistic to hide that forever. Question: So I guess how much should I share or what shouldn't I share? Will I trigger disordered eating in them by them seeing me track calories (within a healthy range)? Or is it better for them to see me try? People who have successfully lost weight who have kids, what do you do? How do you balance that line?

submitted by /u/MMFuzzyface
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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