Wednesday, August 28, 2019

23M - Lost 115 lbs since Feb 2018. More to go. Things are getting hard.

Started at 330 lbs, currently at 213 lbs. Aiming to land in the 180 lb range. Long time lurker, first time poster. Here's a few pictures of my weight loss. Starting weight, Recent pic of me, Progress pic @ 100 lbs down

I've been obese since I was 5 and with a family history of health problems, last year I decided enough was enough and I was going to take a different route to lose weight. Our local medical care provider had a Medical Weight Management program alongside their bariatric office. MWM was sort of a self motivated, with their guidance, type of program and I met with a dietician, psychologist, and two other doctors every other week (and eventually once a month). They evaluated my unhealthy lifestyle, told me to eat between 1,500-1,800 calories a day (3 meals, 500 cals each, with 3 optional snacks at 100 cals each) and provided me a chart of how many servings to eat per meal, and a list of probably 100 different proteins, carbs, vegetables, and fats along with what counted as a "serving". Super helpful stuff, put me on the right track, started meal prepping, and I was losing about 10 lbs a month almost entirely on a diet. It didn't take me more than a week to feel comfortable eating half as many calories as I was used to eating. The healthcare provider shut down Medical Weight Management in January 2019, but for awhile, I felt like I was still prevailing.

When it got warm out, I joined a gym and started getting into a routine of 30+ minutes of cardio to burn calories + 3 different machines/exercises doing 3 sets of 15-20 reps each. The weight just kept falling off. I was incredibly motivated, my customers and coworkers were noticing and complimenting, and I felt like I had control of my life.

I went on vacation for a week, fell off the wagon, and it took me a few weeks to get my act together afterwards. Lost another 40 lbs, and the holidays hit so I would lose a few pounds, gain a few pounds, lose a few pounds, gain a few pounds. Still meal prepping, but the vacation halted all motivation to get to the gym.

The rate at which I lose weight, does not feel like it is nearly what it used to be. I used to reward myself with weight loss goals, by going out for sushi with friends or allowing another sort of cheat meal of something I used to eat. I would gain a pound, maybe two if I ate more sushi than I should've. There is a girlfriend in the picture now, and she's incredibly supportive but it's so hard for me to eat out and not constantly stare at calories, or think about how much weight I'll gain, or worse yet - the lack of portion control. I find myself snacking more, and not feeling like I can control it. I live at home and my parents could benefit from eating like I do, yet the leftover pizza or chinese food stares at me when I open the fridge and I feel helpless, craving it.

I've noticed recently that when I stray away from my diet, and go out to dinner with my girlfriend or family, it doesn't take but one or two meals for what feels like a massive gain. I'll eat two bad meals in one weekend, gain 7 lbs, and then it takes me all week to work it all off. I don't understand how it can be so drastic. I'm still meal prepping. I've been very good about being in the gym 4-5 days a week. However, I feel like my progress is slowing and I'm losing control. I've been in my head about it way too much recently, and I'm really just looking for advice.

What can I do differently in the gym to keep my metabolism high or keep the fat burning? How do I gain control of my cravings or meaningless snacking again? I'm not even hungry when I walk past the kitchen and grab a handful of almonds. Better yet, how do I stop obsessing over everything? I just want to enjoy a date night with my girlfriend or a cookout with family, without analyzing every single thing going into my body and then instantly beating myself up mentally for eating bad, and wondering how it's going to effect my weight. I just can't break away from this 213-217 lb range for the last month and it's driving me batty.

I'm sorry if this seems like a rambling mess. I'm just looking for some guidance from people who actually understand what I'm going through, because no matter how much support I get from my friends and family, they just don't truly understand.

submitted by /u/theemswiler
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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