Tuesday, August 27, 2019

12 weeks and 35 lbs down!

I’m generally not much of a person to share this kind of stuff but I’m really proud of this!

I have been overweight my entire life (still am, but working on it). Throughout school I was active and didn’t binge eat too terribly so I stayed in relatively good shape and felt alright about my body. Once I graduated high school and started my “adult life” I started gaining weight, I wasn’t working out in my multiple physical classes I had signed up for in school, my meals were no longer controlled by the school menu and their conservative portions, my biggest downfall had to be my job. I was working at a fast food restaurant and eating that food 5-7 days a week with no concern of my health. Years went by, working at restaurants, not exercising, binge eating at home. Even though most aspects of my life were taking off wonderfully, my career was going great,I got engaged to my high school girlfriend,had a beautiful daughter, I found myself getting more and more depressed and accepted that I was always going to feel like this. I have started diets so many times, they last a couple of days but then I slip up once and justify throwing it all out the window. On my 23rd birthday I had thought “where will I be on my next birthday? Still overweight and depressed? Or will this be the year I do something about this?” I weighed in at 272 at 6’ with not much muscle. This time I didn’t quit though, I made no excuses for myself even if I did slip up I got right back on the horse the next day. Started exercising every day, counting my calories, eating clean and nutritious food. Today I weight 237 hitting the 35lb mark and I feel better than I ever have in my life. Being public about my weight loss has helped me so much, so many hard days of just wanting to quit have been saved just by reading your guys’ stories. Thank you guys for letting me share and thank you if you read it all. I know my life isn’t exciting but I’m very proud of how far I’ve come!

submitted by /u/mello96
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/323Yjpy

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