Saturday, August 31, 2019

My bariatric surgery journey Part 1.

I'm going to start this post by sharing that for a majority of my life I am (hopefully by the time your reading this "was") fat. Every time I have chosen to eat junk and fast food when I've gotten the opportunity. Was there factors that most people faced? Absolutely, I just have a nasty habit of externalizing my problems and shortcoming on something (or someone) else. And just never attempt to fix anything. Leaving me to relapse on my food addiction. If you can relate, then you must know it’s a cycle. Have a bad or good day you’ll come home with some salt covered classic double arch burgers with the fried salted potato sticks and in my case a nice helping of diet soda to wash that down. Day in and day out. Different kinds of fast food joints, food carts and lavish restaurants. From special occasions to just being bored, I’ve abused a private and now paying for it.

And with that being said, I wanted to pursue my goal with the help of weight loss surgery. So after some long winded internet (mostly google) searches and coming up with either: "How much can this surgery can your life", or "how much the surgery can improve my performances non-exist sex life". So I've started this post to both for a way to vent my emotions and to show other people that their not alone. There is a handful that is willing to share.

My first step began in October: when I first meeting with my weight loss doctor / surgeon back in October of 2018. He told me with diet and exercise he can see me losing 80-130 pounds after a surgery. I was happy to hear that but with a dash of pesky self-doubt. The doctor and nutritionist broke down the process of proving to doctors and insurance company that I'm worth the risk.

Now for those who happen to read and also just to be playing around with idea or if you are considering the pros and cons. It's probably time to ask some difficult and invasive question about oneself. Such as, "Am I ready to do this?", or how comfortable are you with surgery. My difficult question was asking myself was is it going to be worth it. I found that if you don't have an immediately o feel like you don't half way decent answer. Don't sweat it too much those answers are going to take some time.

Moreover, no matter which doctor or where you get the surgery from. If the people helping you through this process is seasoned then your weight WILL BE MONITORED. Most people who had the surgery would tell you that, but more importantly; you have to try. Doing this for the first time, starting at 372 pounds. I couldn’t see myself losing even ten pounds on my own and I’m down to 340. The most I have done was some light walking daily. Even doing this isn’t easy considering I was in two car accidents and lower back is completely herniated. You owe to yourself to try. Thanks for reading. Any question comment concerns or errors in my writing is appreciated. Part2?

submitted by /u/kaisertune
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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