Tuesday, August 27, 2019

First time below 300 in what feels like an eternity [20M, 6'2"]

Went out of town for college right after I graduated High School. Needless to say, I gained waaayyy too much weight waayyyy too quickly. About 60 lbs in 2 years ish. I wasn't even fit to begin with! And for the longest time I never really minded it.

And then I came back from one short vacation and felt like total ass. I hadn't seen my friends in forever, haven't really spoken to my family, no interest in the things I used to enjoy etc.

Most people get addicted to drugs, alcohol, money. I was addicted to food (like 2500 kcal/day during a whole semester!) and I knew I needed help. But I felt scared coming up about it to anyone, really. Hesitantly, I spoke to my parents because it was the last solace in my dark time.

Thankfully they still love me and I love them. So after months of arranging (from Feb - June 2019) I've been back home since the beginning of summer and I was starting to pull myself together. My family and I aren't the most well off and I've been struggling to get a job so no gym membership unfortunately but there's other ways to burn those calories!

From June 21st 2019 to today, August 27th 2019, I went from 331 lbs --> 298 lbs! Idk if it seems like much to start with (after all I still don't see too much a difference) but man I feel so much better about everything.

Routine: none, essentially (for now).However, I have made a drastic change in lifestyle. I've been strictly calorie counting (1500 or less) and a shit ton of water. No soda, juices, and if I ever got a sweet tooth craving I had sugar free 15 kcal popsicles towards the night. Most of my calories reduced were carbs (Hispanic family stuff; mainly rice, beans, pasta), eating out, and sugar. A LOT of sugar. Hispanic desserts are the foods I enjoy most in life haha. Flan, Mazamorra, Arroz con Leche, Pastelitos, you name it.

As for exercise, not much because no gym and I hate running by myself. But I love playing soccer with my friends! So about twice a week we meet up and go to our nearest soccer field and play for a couple of hours.

I've been browsing this sub for months and I've never really put myself through a tough training regiment or strict diets because I was just lazy. But maybe all you really need sometimes is knowing that you mean a lot to someone and wanting to be there for them for a long time. I love my parents and without them I don't think I would have sparked my interest in weight loss.

Huge shoutout to my family and r/LoseIt


submitted by /u/Y05H1M4U5
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/30GfHAu

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