Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Made it to onederland!

Hey /r/loseit I achieved a big personal milestone today and wanted to share it with you! End of last year I started a new job and decided it's finally time to start a whole new chapter in my life. I've been struggling with my weight for the longest time and reached a point where I just couldn't do it anymore. I couldn't walk 5 minutes without sweating and being out of breath, everything physical was way too hard and I had little to no energy all the time. So I decided to educate myself and start my weightloss journey, here's the progress I tracked:

17.10.2018: 123,7 KG / 272,7 lbs

29.10.2018: 120 KG / 264,5 lbs

08.11.2018: 121 KG / 266,7 lbs

21.11.2018: 116,8 KG / 257,4 lbs

5.12.2018: 115,3 KG / 254,1 lbs

19.12.2018: 114,9 KG / 253,3 lbs

02.01.2019: 112,5 KG / 248 lbs

16.01.2019: 110 KG / 242,5 lbs

30.01.2019: 109 KG / 240,3 lbs

13.02.2019: 107,1 KG / 236,1 lbs

27.02.2019: 105,6 KG / 232,8 lbs

13.03.2019: 105,2 KG / 231,9 lbs

27.03.2019: 103,2 KG / 227,5 lbs

10.04.2019: 101,9 KG / 224,6 lbs

24.04.2019: 100,6 KG / 221,7 lbs - BodyFat%: 30,9%

08.05.2019: 99,3 KG / 218,9 lbs - BF: 30,5%

19.06.2019: 95,85 KG / 211,3 lbs - BF: 29,4%

03.07.2019: 94,15 KG / 207,5 lbs - BF: 28,8 %

17.07.2019: 92,3 KG / 203,4 lbs - BF: 28,2 %

31.07.2019: 92,2 KG / 203,2 lbs - BF: 28,2%

14.08.2019: 91,2 KG / 201,2 lbs - BF: 27,4%

28.08.2019: 89,4 KG / 197 lbs - BF: 27,1%

faceprogress at the start vs. now

How did I do it?:

CICO + doing IF (OMAD monday-friday and 16:8 saturday-sunday). To start, I just kinda continued eating the things I ate before, just way less of them, so the change wasn't even that big. In the beginning I didn't even include any exercise and just tracked calories, trying to stay at a good deficit. This alone worked great in the beginning and after losing some weight and already feeling a bit fitter I got in the habit of doing daily walks. I walk for 25 minutes in my lunch break at work (don't need time to eat when I'm doing OMAD, so might aswell use the time) and then a longer walk after coming home from work. So one thing that helped tremendously were walks, walks and even more walks. That's my record for the last ~5 months starting in early april.

I know I'm not at the end of my journey yet, but this is definitely a big milestone. In the beginning I didn't dream of achieving a weight that 'low'.

The biggest tip I can give you is that 99% of the work is done in your head. You need to 100% WANT to change, the rest comes at ease after that. Just get your mind on board and take small steps in the beginning. If I can do it you guys can definitely do it aswell. And believe me, even though I'm still fairly chubby, I feel way better now than I did 1 year ago. I can finally buy nice clothes that make me feel even better in my own body. Plus occasionally you might even get people to recognize your weight loss and then proceed to complimenting you. After a life without any compliments at all, those compliments had me on cloud 9 - and I'm still rocking the high of them haha!!

submitted by /u/iSucceS
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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