Tuesday, August 27, 2019

How do you deal with friends and family "sabotaging" you?

This is partly a question and partly a rant.

TL;DR: How to deal with people who hinder you without telling them to go f themselves and becoming a hermit?

After falling off the horse hundreds of times, I'm currently down 25.8lb (over 1/3 of my way to my goal) by finding what works for me and sticking to it.

Basically making sure I plan out all my food on MFP at least 2 - 3 days in advance and making a variety of healthy foods while doing intermittent fasting and staying under my daily calories. My biggest weakness is giving into temptation and bargaining with myself which leads to binges and thus set backs . By fasting and planning my meals I have been able to overcome this on a personal level. I can look at snacks and chips and not have a want for them.

However, my girlfriend and family (who are all overweight and make no real effort to improve themselves) say they are happy for me and say they continue to support me but I can't shake the feeling they are trying to sabotage me and their actions are the opposite of support. I don't feel it is a conscious effort because they aren't the vengeful kind but it still annoys to no end. My weight loss and techniques are no secret to them so they know exactly what I am doing but they seem to either forget all the time or not care.

One example of this is my girlfriend knows my eating window and I have no problem adjusting it by an hour or two because of work schedules so we can make and eat dinner together but she also knows I need some form of consistency but we will constantly eat 4 - 5 hours after my window is supposed to be closed which screws up my next day and make my first meal 4 - 5 hours later. I know I can make my own food but then she gets upset that we aren't cooking together. She also know that I have self control problems that I have identified and eliminated triggers, and I have talked to her many times about it but we will still be laying in bed late at night and she will offer me chips or ice cream when she knows I can't have it both as a fasting thing and it doesn't fit into my calories I have planned out days in advance. (When we do plan for a little treat or special thing, I plan around that in advance.)

Another example is my parents comments about my methods. When I started fasting my parents were always worried it would make me sick or when I started to take a multi vitamin and fish oil to fill in the holes in my micro nutrients they said I was wasting my money (idk if they are working or not but I feel better and I don't get headaches every 3 days anymore after I started taking them.) My dad will always offer me food when I come home or tell me there is ice cream in the fridge after I have told him multiple times I CANNOT EAT THAT CRAP ANYMORE. I don't mind that stuff in the house. You do you and I'll do me. But stop offering me food late at night. The list of comments they make about everything is long and I won't bore anyone who actually read all of this (thank you btw) but the last one I will talk about is the constant negative comments about weighing my food. I do it pretty religiously because if I don't I know I will eat too much. I decided to buy myself a new better food scale that I don't have to fight with to get an accurate reading and I am met with comments about how I am wasting my money on a $20 food scale, meanwhile when I was dropping $100 + a week on fast food and slowly killing myself I heard nothing but silence.

The only person who seems to actually be rooting for me is my gym bro.

So yea, How do you deal with people who hinder you without telling them to go f themselves and becoming a hermit?

submitted by /u/DirtyShizno725
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