Wednesday, August 14, 2019

36lbs Down in 3.5 Months!

Hello! I started trying to get healthy in April of this year(2019). I am 5’9 and clocked in at about 181lbs in April, the most I’ve ever weighed in my entire life. I’m in my late 20s so I realize that’s not a very long period of time, but when I was in my teens and early 20s I was more in the vein of 125-135lbs, though in an unhealthy means. In my teens I’d often just stop eating altogether until I dropped back down to my preferred weight. Obviously that’s not a great approach to weight loss, and I partially attest my high gain to the unhealthy lifestyle in my youth. So moving forward, I’ve attempted many diets and many workouts, none of which stuck. I hate working out deeply and could never find something I liked well enough to continue it regularly. And as for diets, they would always end with me binging immediately after the diet time frame was finished, and any minimal weight loss was undone within weeks.

I realized I needed a permanent change. In April I decided to cut all breads and beers and focus on veggies, fruits and meats. I treated it like an allergy, telling myself no instead of maybe. Within a month I was down 15lbs(166lbs) and within two months I lost another 11lbs and was down to 155lbs. I seemed to stop progress at that point, so I decided to also cut all alcohol, and that third month I made it down to 145lbs!

I’ve stayed there and fluctuated slightly between 145-148lbs but have managed to continue my diet shift, and happily. It was rough at first. The cravings were real. But after the first month I noticed that things I used to love no longer were appealing to me. I used to love candies like skittles, and deep fried foods, and now I have zero interest.

My advice for others is just what I’ve read on this sub continually. The best change is an entire life style change, and however best you can keep yourself in check and modify your eating to be healthier, the better. And mind you, I have not adopted an exercise regiment as of yet. It is something I’m planning on soon after I’m settled in from my recent move to a new home. I believe it is the next step to me being the best version of myself, inside and out.

For others who are trying to lose weight, don’t give up! There seems to be a couple of rough spots to overcome, but as long as you keep your head up and be stubborn about the change, your body will change too!

before and after

submitted by /u/TootyMcfruityPoots
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I want to look good for my wedding, and the rest of my life.

Hey everyone! I’ve been a relatively long-time lurker, but I’ve decided I need to post and really get serious about my weight loss journey.

I’m a 25 y/o male, 6’0” and ~235 pounds. I played lacrosse in college, so I’m fairly athletic and have definitely been in good shape before. But, when I turned 21, I started drinking fairly relatively, and now I’m to the point where usually binge drink twice a week, and very often even more.

I currently have a gym membership, and over the last 11 months, I’ve been pretty good about it, but haven’t been able to get into the habit of going every day, or even 3 times a week. I’m the last month, I think I’ve gone twice... I’ve also been a lot more conscious about what I eat, but food and beer are 2 of my favorite things on earth, which makes losing weight really hard.

I just got engaged to my now fiancée, and we want to get married in April. I need to change my lifestyle and start being really healthy.

So, what are some initial tips about how to go about this? How do I stay motivated? What works best when trying to lose weight? How do I learn how to enjoy cardio (cuz I fucking hate it)? How hard is it actually going to be? Etc.

And also, how do I change my tag to say “25M, start weight: 235, goal weight 180”?

submitted by /u/DJ-Kouraje
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can someone help? I need diet advice.

Hi all—so, a short bit about me. I'm currently 235lbs and need to lose weight. Two years ago, I managed to shed about 50lbs and felt great about myself, but then I got into a relationship and let myself go and now I'm back where I started.

Three months ago, I started to diet the same way I had before, which was just controlling my calorie intake: simple as that! But, strangely, the weight wasn't falling off of me like it did before. In the first week, I lost roughly 5lbs, and then in the following SIX WEEKS I lost less than 4lbs, despite sticking strictly to my diet. So, I gave up again and ballooned to my biggest size: About 250lbs.

Three weeks ago, I started dieting again. I should probably point out here that I've tried tons of different diets, but calorie-controlled was what had worked for me before, so I decided to try it. Yet again, I had a huge loss in my first week (6lbs) but in the last two weeks combined I've only shed another 1lb.

Literally the only thing that's different to my diet two years ago is that my boyfriend is a chef and cooks dinner most nights. He is very helpful in calorie-counting, but because of his cooking know-how, he often makes meals that are fairly low-calorie but in big portions. Could the portion size be affecting my weight loss?

For a bit of extra background, I work an office job, mostly chained to a desk, so I don't get a lot of exercise, but I do go swimming once a week and take a short walk around the block every night (about 3,000 steps).

Thank you for any advice you can give!!

submitted by /u/tell_it_to_the_lyman
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I think I've pushed myself too far and fudged my metabolism.

First, a little background. I began my weight loss at the beginning of May. I began by doing about 1,000 calories a day of nearly entirely protein and vegetables with supplements to cover the vitamins and minerals lost with cutting dairy, root vegetables, and nuts. I quit drinking, and cut gluten as well. Think the ideal protien diet. Before you ask, because the calorie count is low and the diet highly restricted I am medically supervised with weekly check-ins and have experienced no problems or malnutrition.

This worked well with me shedding consistent weight but as I got further along I wanted to make adjustments to see what else I could do to avoid a plateau. I began IF and ate only between the hours of 11AM to 7PM and about 40 lbs down I began attending 60 minute hot yoga 3-4 times per week to establish a fitness regimen I can maintain after I hit my goal. I've since stalled out at 47 lbs down and can't seem to push past it the last 3 weeks. I thought at first that it was because of the exercise and I was building back muscle but my fat percentages have leveled off. I cut down to 900 calories a day a while back because I just wasn't hungry and it was difficult to fit that much food into a small window. I can't cut anymore without jeopardizing myself, and I'm similarly worried about pushing myself too hard at the studio by increasing the frequency of my workouts.

I'm panicking that I've fudged my metabolism and don't really know what to do about it. Of course when I look it up on the web, stress can play a big factor along with sleep. I'm getting less sleep because of early morning workouts, and I am constantly stressed out with this and other life issues, money, work, etc. I feel stuck in this loop of seemingly good choices and don't see a feasible way out. Any advice?

submitted by /u/BobbyB2020
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I think I may have pushed myself too far and am afraid to tackle my plateau.

First, a little background. I began my weight loss at the beginning of May. I began by doing about 1,000 calories a day of nearly entirely protein and vegetables with supplements to cover the vitamins and minerals lost with cutting dairy, root vegetables, and nuts. I quit drinking, and cut gluten as well. Think the ideal protien diet. Before you ask, because the calorie count is low and the diet highly restricted I am medically supervised with weekly check-ins and have experienced no problems or malnutrition.

This worked well with me shedding consistent weight but as I got further along I wanted to make adjustments to see what else I could do to avoid a plateau. I began IF and ate only between the hours of 11AM to 7PM and about 40 lbs down I began attending 60 minute hot yoga 3-4 times per week to establish a fitness regimen I can maintain after I hit my goal. I've since stalled out at 47 lbs down and can't seem to push past it the last 3 weeks. I thought at first that it was because of the exercise and I was building back muscle but my fat percentages have leveled off. I cut down to 900 calories a day a while back because I just wasn't hungry and it was difficult to fit that much food into a small window. I can't cut anymore without jeopardizing myself, and I'm similarly worried about pushing myself too hard at the studio by increasing the frequency of my workouts.

I'm panicking that I've fudged my metabolism and don't really know what to do about it. Of course when I look it up on the web, stress can play a big factor along with sleep. I'm getting less sleep because of early morning workouts, and I am constantly stressed out with this and other life issues, money, work, etc. I feel stuck in this loop of seemingly good choices and don't see a feasible way out. Any advice?

submitted by /u/KittyBitMyFoot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

5'2'' 24F trying to lose it

Hi everyone !

First post for me today. I am realy sorry for my mistakes but english is not my native language.

So I have been struggling with my weight most part of my life now. When I was 20 (in 2014), I was 80 kg ( 176 lbs) and I went abroad to study during 8 month and gained 16 kg (35lbs) putting me at 96 kg (211lb). When I came back to France, my family was shocked and I was very sad about my body and what it have become. I had a lot of stetch marks and could not fit my clothes.

I decided to lose some weight by changing my eating habits. I managed to lose some weight within a few month and even got help by a dietetician. But I was always quitting after a while and putting back what I had lost. I was still obese at the end at 84 kg (185lbs).

So at the begining of june 2019, I decided to change it for good and lose the remaining weight. I already lost 8,5 kg (18lbs) in about 2,5 month by doing lazy Keto during 1,5 month and now CICO. I am feeling way better and starting to feel my clothes getting lose.

My first objective is 70 kg (154lbs) and my final objective is to be between 55 and 60 kg (124 - 132 lbs) in order to be in a normal BMI range. But now I am plateauing at 75- 76 kg (165 lbs) and realy struggling to lose since a few weeks. Do you have any tips to boost my weight loss and achieve my goal ?

Thank you for your reading and advice !

submitted by /u/newmenowclaire
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Working through CPTSD made me realize something about failed weight loss attempts

My mom was medicated at a functional level for paranoid schizophrenia my whole life. Growing up, she would complain that these miracle drugs that kept chaos out of our home made her fat. As a chubby little kid, I wondered, “Who cares?! You’re alive and you’re in control! Isn’t that worth 15 extra pounds?” Not to her! Thanks to her vanity (and the obligatory: the patriarchy, the media, etc), my father and I were subjected to episodes where she would go off the deep end and have to be hospitalized. Only to be discharged on a stronger dose of the fattening drugs than she began with. Rinse, repeat.

I think those incidents really made an impression on me regarding the evil of vanity. Unfortunately, I took that idea too far and never made space to have concern for my own health, never-mind my looks. I’ve been obese for at least 16 years.

Can anyone relate to this?

submitted by /u/throwaway0993746
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from loseit - Lose the Fat