Tuesday, October 15, 2019


Hi there! I am new to reddit but follow along with discussions about weight loss. Recently I had gained back about 20 lbs of the 70 I lost last year and that really put me in the dumps. I became depressed and kept stress/emotional eating. 3 weeks ago I changed my diet and started going to the gym with my significant other. Now, he says strength training was the way to do it so I listened. However, at the last few weigh ins I had I was gaining weight despite sticking to my diet (intermittent fasting with a <1400 calorie/day) and exercising. My job is fast paced and I'm on my feet moving for a majority of my shift.

I've gotten even worse in depression hole because of the weight gain despite these efforts and am at the point of giving up completely as it seems I am destined to be a fat girl. I avoid mirrors and the scale like the plague now.

Any advice?

Side note: I'm a 24 female, 218 lbs, 5'5. However, DDD bra size which everyone says contributes about 30% of my weight ...

submitted by /u/pastatot95
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2MIhAHf

My body seems hell-bent on eating up muscle before fat.

Stats: 33F, 156 cm, SW: 72 kg, CW: 62 kg, GW: 52 kg

(Imperial: 33F, 5’1.5”, SW: 159 lbs, CW: 137 lbs, GW: 115 lbs)

I’ve really upped my gym routine over the past month and half, working with a personal trainer 3x a week, getting in 10,000+ steps daily and attending fitness classes which means I’m usually at the gym 5-6x a week.

This means that I’m genuinely building muscle for the first time in my life and was feeling particularly proud that my triceps (a longtime complex of mine) were starting to shape up. I flex and touch them several times a day—that’s how I’m happy am I about them, LOL.

But yesterday I showed up for my session with my trainer and the first thing he mentioned was “What happened to your triceps!?” Well I noticed it too in the mirror that morning and was hoping it was just my imagination but it was true...my triceps hung ungainly like a curtain. “Were you doing cardio!?” He added.

I have to add, the last time he saw me was THREE DAYS AGO. And yes, I was doing cardio everyday like I have been doing the past 2.5 months. Also he literally tells me to do cardio before AND after our sessions. How else do you expect me to lose all this weight that I’m having trouble shifting despite a significant calorie deficit. My weight loss streak stopped completely the moment I went serious on lifting (2-3x a week) and fitness classes 5-6x a week but I’m losing inches on my waist so I’ve resigned to my fate.

So yesterday’s session turned into a 90% tricep-training fest and the underside of my arms are looking better this morning but STILL...of all the places that my body could think of to lose mass WHY target hard-earned muscle?? You’d think it’ll go for my face, neck, and back fat but NO....let’s eat up your muscle for shit and giggles yo.

And to think that yesterday morning, I was happy because it seemed that the scale was finally going on a downward trajectory.

Just ranting here, but any advice would be appreciated.

submitted by /u/cassis-oolong
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2BfzR9r

Just wanted to share about my intertwined journeys of weight loss and mental health...

Hey Reddit and friends from this sub,

It’s been a while since I’ve checked in on this platform, and it’s been good to be away. I’ve been gaining perspective on my own and prioritizing my health lately. I owe a lot to this sub for getting me started. I’ve said it before, but I was at an all time low when I first posted here (which I think I’ve hidden from my post history because I want to move forward).

A year and a half ago, I weighed 154lbs at 5’1. I’m a very petite framed girl, so that’s quite a bit of weight. I was exhausted all of the time, I was borderline diabetic, and I was showing symptoms of PCOS (which was never officially diagnosed). I was struggling really badly in my personal life- family health issues and mental health challenges, a turbulent relationship, and disappearing friendships, all of which, quite frankly, were the root of all my physical symptoms. I had no one to turn to, so I came here, and was met with so much kindness and love. I had a hard time believing in myself at the time, and having a few strangers believe in me gave me the push to get out of bed and try to imagine that a healthy life was possible.

I went to therapy, and struggled there too. I kept going and learned a lot about my so called self-destructive behaviours, and how they were really trying to protect me from a collapsing world that was mine. I overate and binged Netflix to cope because the alternative was thinking about killing my self. I isolated myself because I feared being rejected by people for being too vulnerable and for becoming a burden. I didn’t want to go to the gym because I was afraid that if I did, a) I wouldn’t meet my weight loss goals anyway, b) thought it was too late and found comfort in my bed from the big scary reality that was me being overweight, and c) I was terrified that people in the gym would shine a spotlight on my face as soon as I walked through the door, and call me out for being an “ugly, fat, worthless girl” that I felt that I was.

Therapy sucked and it was hard, but I stuck with it, and slowly but surely, having a person in real life believe in me, I started believing in me too. I had already started losing some weight due to slight restrictions in my diet, and the validation and reassurance I got my my therapist only bolstered my drive to achieve more wellness.

I reached out to friends. I began having genuine conversations with my family. I met new people, and fought every urge to curl back into bed alone. At first, it was so hard because typing out a rant or sharing my fears on reddit was so much easier. Why not go to the internet and receive almost instant feedback/reassurance/support? But it wasn’t getting to be enough, and I started to realize how much of a crutch this medium had become.

I don’t mean to sound high and mighty, but I think it’s important to recognize how a good thing can become too much of a good thing. Using reddit as my only support perpetuated the cycle of isolation for me. It kept me only healthful enough to keep coming back for more advice. I was missing the elements that were causing me to become stuck in a cycle of self hate- low self esteem, stress, a lack of social support in real life/poor relationships, that made my weight yo-yo.

I decided to drop social media for a bit, and my life has become tons better already. I enjoy eating food, and even better, I enjoy sharing the experience with friends. I like myself. Hell, I’d want to be my own friend, I’m pretty fucking great and have so much to offer others. I like how I look too- I don’t have the most defined muscles, and I’m still heavier than my goal weight, at 125lbs, but I like my legs and my curves- I like my chubby face which makes me look younger. I feel confident enough in my body to walk around in whatever I like, and I can go to the grocery story without make up on (which isn’t a feat to a lot of people, but it is for me). I can look people in the eye and tell them “no” without cowering and thinking “god, they probably think I’m ugly and fat, I’ll just do what they want so they don’t spend time thinking about my face and my body”.

I guess I just wanted to come back here to say thank you to this amazing and beautiful community first and foremost. And in a long winded way, share that there is a world away from this platform that is full of just as lovely of people who care about you - don’t neglect them! And if you’re struggling with mental health like I was, don’t neglect yourself in the name of advice-seeking here; find a therapist if you can, go to your doctor, find a mental health group. Gain your own perspectives away from the internet.

submitted by /u/BeginningGlove
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/33D6lH4

I'm not afraid of the doctor anymore! And other NSVs at 95lbs down

It's been a little over a year since I started trying to lose weight, and I'm down from 295lbs to a current weight of 200lbs (33F, 5'9"). Have a progress pic: https://imgur.com/a/DczLfA0

At my annual physical last year I'd already been doing CICO for 1.5 months. I had high BP and high cholesterol at 272lbs. I've always hated going to the doctor--it gives me tons of anxiety--but this year I was actually excited to go and see how my health stats had improved. Here are my results from this latest visit compared to last time:

Total cholesterol down from 253 to 204 (-43 drop in LDL); this should be under 199, I'm almost there!

Triglycerides down from 111 to 68 (should be under 149)

Blood pressure down from 148/95 to 130/80

Additionally, my resting heart rate has gone down from an average of ~85 to ~65 (according to FitBit). BMI is down from 43.6 (obese) to 29.5 (overweight). Plantar fasciitis is 100% gone. My skin has cleared up -- the whole texture is different, it feels soft and glowy, with fewer blemishes.

Clothing sizes dropped from 24 to 16/14, 3XL to XL/L. Ring size down from 10.5 to 7.5. Chesticles shrunk from 44D to 38C.

And for non-quantifiable victories...

Crossing my legs while sitting: So easy!

Putting on socks/shoes: So easy!

Collarbones: BOOM. BOOM. These puppies could cut glass.

I can find clothes that fit me in almost any clothing store, I can quickly walk up multiple flights of stairs without breathing hard, I have more energy and stamina and confidence, I'm more comfortable in hot weather, and my airplane seatbelt has slack for days.

My weight loss has slowed now and I'm plateauing hard on the precipice of onederland. Still, I can't wait to keep going. Thanks, r/loseit community, for all the inspiration!

submitted by /u/1byteatatime
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2OQ1xtG

New here, and looking for advice on my weight loss journey (F/24/ 198 to 155/5’2)

Hi everyone,

I was overweight for about 7 months and in February I decided I needed to make a drastic change so I did with a new diet. Since then I’ve lost 43pounds. While that’s exciting, I suffer from body dysmorphic disorder so I’m not content still, I’m working in therapy right now to deal with that but for now I have some questions!

From the weight loss I’m experiencing that my butt and boobs have a bit of a different feel as far as my skin, like it’s loose. Only when I touch and squeeze or pull does it do this. Granted, I just started working out and I have questions on this to coming up, but I’m unsure why this is happening? Did I loss weight too fast?

I live a low activity lifestyle and I’m trying to change that but building habits is so so hard. My body is basically a marshmallow. I have a pretty big butt, but now it looks like it’s connected to my thighs, like it’s not two separate areas anymore, it’s heavy, like it’s just fat with cellulite. I’m using this workout routine for glutes and only been doing it for a week, but I’m wondering what I can do to speed up the process for getting my butt and really my whole body less jiggly.

I’m maintaining my diet, no issues there, I do struggle with celebrating accomplishments because I never think they are good enough or that I’m still not where I want to be so I shouldn’t celebrate preemptively.

As for working out, I’m committed to doing any routine over and over again if it means I’ll see results. My problem is, if my depression, anxiety and BDD flair up, I find a way to get out of working out. Does anyone relate to some extent? I’m just so tired of being tired and I’m working hard, and now even harder but my brain is holding me back!

If anyone can offer anything to my ramblings that would be amazing. I just want to be back to the healthy woman I was a year ago, my god does life smack you hard in the face when you’re not paying attention!

Any additional tips that worked for you are welcome as well ❤️

submitted by /u/whosyourtarget
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2MIWA2X

How To lose Fat Calves

While spot on fat reduction is not possible, there are definitely steps you can take to reduce the size of your calves. Overall weight loss is a good starting point to achieve that slimming effect.

Genetics is a big factor in the size of your calves. If you haven’t done much to change the size of your calves before then it might be quite difficult to achieve considerable results but minor reduction in size might still be possible.

If the reason why your calves are big is because of muscle then there are steps you can take to counteract that, like stopping certain exercises that might be increasing their size.

Legs are the last place where we usually lose fat and tend to be the last place for women specifically.

Exercise can make your calf muscles bigger and may be effective if you already have considerable fat but will obviously fatten your calves even more in the process.

A healthy diet can also reduce overall body size, which will definitely help slim down your calves a bit.

You could also have contributed to your calf size due to the exercise you have performed, especially if you’re an ectomorph or endomorph.

There are 3 body types which build muscle and lose weight differently, and 2 out of those two tend to bulk up quickly.

There are also certain habits that make your calves look bigger and it’s important to identify them.

Cardiovascular exercises:

Take up cardiovascular exercise 2 to 3 times a week which will help lose overall fat including fat in your calves without gaining extra muscle.

Walking is a good option if you are just starting and want to go easy on your joints. It’s not high intensity so you won’t see significant results like you would running or cycling.

Running is considered higher intensity but it’s also high impact, which means that it’s tougher on your joints unlike walking.

The Ellipctical is a great alternative to running because it mimics the motion of running without being hard on your joints.

Swimming is an excellent form of cardio because it’s very complete and it’s high intensity and easy on your joints.

Here are some exercises to avoid!

  1. Cardio at Incline

Running does tend to build your calf muscles a bit but since it is so important and effective I don’t recommend stopping it. Instead, you can run but avoid running at an incline because running at an incline tends to build bigger calves than when running on a flat surface.

  1. Skipping:

Skipping is not good for slimming down your legs. If you want to decrease calf size you need to stick to walking and running because skipping actually causes the opposite effect since you are using your calves a lot when performing that exercise.

  1. HIIT Exercises:

If you really can’t avoid doing HIIT exercises then I recommend staying away from burpees, jump lunges, and jump squats; anything that involves you landing on your feet with force.

Effective Tip:

If you are worried about your fat calves, you need to analyze the exercises that you’re doing and how much weight you are lifting. If possible avoid lifting but if that’s not the case then consider lowering the weight you lift considerably because the more weight your calves carry the bigger they will get; that applies to all of the muscles.

Here are some exercises that will reduce the size of your calves, build long and slender muscles, and slim down your thighs.


Squats are effective for losing weight overall. Use Only your bodyweight as the resistance. Using more than that will cause unnecessary increase on your calf size.

How to perform:

  1. Stand with your head facing forward and your chest held up and out.
  2. Place your feet shoulder width apart.
  3. Sit back and down like you’re sitting on an imaginary chair
  4. Lower down so your thighs are as parallel to the floor as possible, with your knees over your ankles. Press your weight back into your heels.
  5. Keep your body tight and push through your heels to bring yourself back to the starting position.

Standing Calf Raises:

With this exercise the target are your calves and hamstrings.

How To peform:

  1. Start standing with your feet shoulder width apart, shoulders rolled back and chest out looking forward.
  2. Next you will raise both heels and balance your body on the balls of your feet.
  3. Hold this pose for a brief second and lower your heels to the floor

Skater Hops:

For this exercise the target muscles are the glutes, calves, and hamstrings.

  1. Start with your weight on your right foot and your right knee bent.
  2. Lift your leg off the floor behind you.
  3. Bound to your left by pushing off with your right leg.
  4. Land on your left foot, lifting your right leg off the floor behind you.
  5. Continue hopping back and forth.

Jump squats:

This exercise targets the hamstrings, quads, and glutes.

How To Perform:

  1. Stand with your feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Start by doing a regular squat, then engage your core and jump up explosively.
  3. When you land lower your body back into the squat position to complete one rep.
  4. Perform 2 to 3 sets of 10 reps.

Soccer kicks:

How To perform:

  1. Start by standing in front of a surface that is elevated about as much as a soccer ball.
  2. Put your hands on your hips and then kick one foot so that the toe is touching the surface of the area, while the other foot is about a foot’s length behind it.
  3. Kick so that your feet switch positions, with the other foot pointed at the other surface while the other foot is on the ground.
  4. Repeat this quickly so that you’re not pausing in between kicks.

Track your calories:

You can’t spot reduce fat in any single area of your body but you can lose overall weight throughout which will help reduce the size of your calves.

In order to lose weight you have to consume fewer calories than you burn during exercise.

Therefore it is recommended that you keep track of how many calories you burn each day and how much exercise you do.

How many calories you should consume each day varies with gender, age, and other lifestyle factors. You should consult with a dietician to make and effective eating plan. Also, you shouldn’t consume less than 1200 calories per day.

If you incorporate this advice you will see marked improvement in slimming down your calves.

Visit www.shedthepoundsnow.com for FREE Effective weight loss tips and advice

submitted by /u/waterbear291
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/32t4jJr

Weight loss or psych meds? Do I have to choose?

Hi all,

I’ll cut right to the chase: I, like many of us, have struggled with bouts of anxiety for my entire life. I have been on and off meds, but have never found one I LOVED. Therapy (CBT, etc.) has helped to the extent that it can, but my anxiety presents primarily physiologically and I experience mainly physical symptoms that are best controlled with meds.

My anxiety specifically has been getting out of control for a while now, and I’m thinking I would finally be open to trying again to find a med that could control it. However, I’m very concerned about the weight gain and increased appetite that I have previously experienced on anti-anxiety meds, and I know that it’s not uncommon.

My question, I suppose, is whether any of you lovely medicated or previously-medicated folks have had this issue and managed to overcome it somehow, or if there are meds that have this issue less prevalently? I know my mental health is important but it would really really suck to see all my hard work so far go down the drain.


submitted by /u/doesntmatterhadtacos
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2oKev1o