Thursday, November 7, 2019

Weight loss with limitations?

Hi guys, I'm a new follower to this sub but man do I have a situation. You'll need a bit of my health backstory. I was super skinny for years and years. I had to gain weight to stabilize my very low blood pressure, and then I was put on antipsychotics and gained thirty pounds in a month. I have PCOS, and therefore an insulin resistance. I also have hashimotos, and am still on antipsychotics that slow the metabolism. After a struggle with a miscarriage, I worked hard and lost 30 pounds (from 190 to 157) before getting pregnant through IVF with my son. I went to the gym 4-5 days a week, and found I really love working out, as it's also very good for my mental health. Baby was born, I had complications. I had seven surgeries over the summer to resolve them. Before pregnancy, I had fatigue and joint pain and muscle weakness, but post pregnancy it got worse. Way, way worse. There's now visible joint damage to my bones in x-rays. It's looking like sero-negative rheumatoid arthritis, although an official diagnosis is still pending. I'm back into the 180s. I keep trying to re-institute an exercise routine but my body fatigues so quickly and I have a ton of inflammation and pain. I can barely care for my baby most days, and had to hire help due to excessive pain. I'm trying to get my diet back under control, but with all my metabolic issues I really struggle just maintaining my weight when I can't include a hefty exercise routine. Worse, the last problem. I'm on so many medications for my health problems that I often feel very nauseous. I need to eat every couple hours to not feel very sick, and usually something more carb based to settle everything. I am recording calories and starting to cut sugar and carbs, but after three months of a calorie "deficit" I gained three more pounds. I'm feeling hopeless and I know my medical problems will make it harder but I don't know what to change next to make this happen.

submitted by /u/MrsLoki12Odin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss calculators keep recommending me 800 calories a day to lose 2 lbs a week?

Hey all, I'm wrapping up my first week of CICO and it's worked out great so far, lost 4 lbs since I started! I know that the first week is just going to be a lot of water weight and stuff, and I can expect a slower but steady weight loss trend from now on if I keep it up. I'm trying to shoot for losing 2 lbs a week and have been pretty good about keeping my intake to around 1200 calories a day and just doing some yoga every other day. This is what I have done in the past and has worked for me before.

Today though I tried out some TDEE calculators and set it for weight loss, and many of them gave me a ~800 daily calorie intake to lose 2 lbs a week. Obviously I'm not going to listen to that and plan on sticking to 1200, but is it just impossible for me to lose 2 lbs/week at a healthy rate? I thought 1200 would basically guarantee that.

My stats are F 23, 5'8" and currently 157 lbs, trying to get down to 145 lbs.

submitted by /u/brainthieving
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Quick share!

It's my(23F, 5'6) first time posting here- just wanted to share my joy and hopefully motivate a few people at the same time! I don't have a set goal weight, but I would like to end up somewhere around 130 if possible.

Growing up, I was a figure skater and easily kept my weight close to 120lbs while eating absolute crap. I had to quit skating in my mid teens due to knee injuries, and I admittedly fell into quite the depression at the same time because it was my passion and I had to pull out. This manifested in a quick weight gain, and by grad only a couple years later I was about 190lbs and absolutely uncomfortable, but also unwilling to acknowledge or do anything about it. To be fair, I was struggling a lot with my knees still. I'm now 3 surgeries in, with more to come as 'maintenance' when I eventually need them.

3 years ago almost exactly, I went vegan(that's another story, but the switch was never about weight. Moreso a combination of realizing what I was eating, and ethics). I stayed close to my original weight for the first 2 years, though I did notice other changes like my skin clearing up and less digestive issues. I ate a lot of 'vegan junk food's like fake chicken strips and pasta, because that's what I knew how to cook. Then, last October, I switched positions at work to one that requires a ton of lifting and I now put in about 25,000 steps a day on average. I slowly started losing weight then, which has motivated me to continue!

Since then, I've tried to make more whole food swaps, eat a little cleaner, pack my lunches, etc. This summer, I started practicing yoga. After adding that in, I'm proud to say that today I'm down to 155 lbs... 155! I haven't seen that since about grade 9, and while it isn't by any means the biggest loss or greatest weight loss journey that I've seen posted here, I am so proud of myself for doing better. I feel better, I have more energy, and I naturally eat better because I know that I feel better when I do! My knees bother me a little less, probably a mix of having less weight on and the strength coming back with yoga. I can tell that I am in better shape, I can feel and see my muscle tone. I'm excited to see what else I can do!

submitted by /u/plantsandsunshine
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

ADVICE NEEDED: hit a plateau very early in my journey. How do I keep losing?

Hello, I recently started my weight-loss journey on October 18th, I started seriously looking at my calories and macros, as well as walking 2 miles at least 4 times a week. At first, the weight came off quickly, I lost 7 pounds within 10 days. I did not change any habits, and I have continued with the same eating pattern(around 1300 calories a day, no more than 90grams of carbs) and my two miles, 4x a week. The other 3 days, I work a very active job and burn around 900 calories, but my weight loss has stopped within the last week. The scale has not budged. What can I do to get it moving again?

Stats: 21/F/SW:273/CW:266

Thank you in advance for any recommendations. If any more info is needed, let me know.

submitted by /u/darthbubz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I finally saw it myself.

I'm on mobile and English isn't my native language, so you know the deal. Sorry for any mistakes.

TL:DR at the bottom for those who can't be bothered.

First off some info. Height: 6'5", SW: 290lbs, CW: 238lbs, GW: 200ish.

I started my weight loss journey back in may and at that time I was around 290lbs. I started due to me having hypermobile joints and kidney issues. Losing weight can help both those things. I also quit candy and other stuff cold turkey, which has gone surprisingly well. I don't count calories, but I just slightly keep track in my head.

So I started working out 4 days a week and I'm doing about 50/50 cardio and weights. I fucking hate it because my joints hurt and I haven't felt like I've been making any progress. But hey you gotta do it anyways is kind of my mindset.

I have been losing weight pretty consistently, but I haven't really noticed any changes to my body. It really made it hard to stay motivated. I mean I knew that I've been getting slimmer. My family and friends say so and I've gone down 3 belt sizes and I'm using old clothes that didn't fit me, but I still couldn't really see it for myself.

Today it happened my dudes. As I was getting into the shower I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and I noticed I was considerably thinner than what I imagined myself to be and I noticed some actual muscle in my arms.

I've been riding this high all day. Very pleased with these turn of events.

Really no point to this, but I felt the need to share this somewhere.

TL:DR less fat now, finally noticed it. Happy camper.

submitted by /u/MisterJBerg
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Favorite foods for weight loss

Hi everyone! I had a post the other day explaining that I’m trying to get back into the swing of things with losing weight and getting back in shape and I really want it to stick. Long story short, I ended up losing about 25 pounds over summer but I feel like I’m gaining some of it back after bad choices In Diet and less exercise due to school starting up.

What is all of your favorite “healthy” choice foods to make that help to keep you in track? And also what’s the little things you do just to help you get some extra exercise in during your day? Like parking further so you have to walk more or anything like that

I’m really struggling on my food choice and the small things like that so any suggestions would be amazing, I’m gluten free but can probably make anything with just a change of recipe on my end!

submitted by /u/ItstheChazz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Is comfort food a part of an unhealthy relationship with food?

I just got dumped, it’s been pretty hard. I’ve been easy on myself with my weight loss since it’s a hard time, but still tracking my calories.

I went out and got my favorite fast food yesterday, and went over my calorie limit of course. And today I’ve been eating my favorite snacks. It’s like 6 hours before bed and I’m already over my calorie limit. I still plan on eating more today, I wanted to watch a movie with my mom and eat ice cream.

I don’t know if it displays an unhealthy relationship with food, or if this is a normal thing after going through something hard like a breakup.

I haven’t really had trouble dieting this go round. Once I hit my calorie limit, I stop. In fact I’ve been losing 2lbs a week. I’ve lost 20lbs total.

Maybe it’s just post heartbreak brain, but I fear I have an unhealthy relationship with food that I never thought I did?

submitted by /u/rexowo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat