Saturday, January 11, 2020

8 Recipes for Your Nutrisystem Shakes

Simple to prep: check! Easy for on-the-go: absolutely! And the perfect choice when you need a little something sweet and healthy to satisfy a grumbling belly. If that’s not reason enough to try Nutrisystem shakes, then keep reading to find out all the reasons why these protein-packed super shakes are a must-try!

They’re decadent and delicious. Whether you live in the all-chocolate, all-the-time camp, or are more of a flavor purist, these shakes are made to please. With the chocolate shake, you get rich and fudgy in every sip; or opt for the vanilla shake for some smooth and creamy goodness. If you want to flip-flop between flavors, go for full indulgence with this combo pack.

They help shrink your belly. That’s because our shakes contain probiotics—good bacteria that help your digestive system do its job. The added bonus of probiotics: less belly bloating.

They help burn fat! You read that right. Nutrisystem’s Protein and Probiotic shakes are made with a compound called chromium, which has been shown to help reduce body fat, as part of a healthy diet and exercise program.*

How to Lose 10 Pounds in a Month* with the Nutrisystem Program

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They’re packed with powerful nutrition. You get 22 vitamins and minerals per sip, to be specific. What you won’t get in our shakes: artificial sweeteners, flavors, soy or gluten.

They help fight hunger. With a whopping 15 grams of protein and 6 grams of fiber, these shakes are formulated to help keep you feeling fuller, longer. Plus, they are perfectly portioned for weight loss, with only 120 calories per serving. On Nutrisystem, they count as one PowerFuel.

Now, check out eight recipes using our shakes that pack in the protein (and flavor!):

1. Black Forest “Milkshake” >

black forest milkshake

Filled with chocolatey flavors and complemented by a hint of cherry, this Black Forest “Milkshake” is the perfect protein-filled pick to start your day the healthy way.

2. Berry Delicious Smoothie >

berry delicious shake

This filling shake combines the flavors of berries and banana with a vanilla shake for a refreshing and filling smoothie so sweet and delicious, you’ll want to make it over and over again.

3. Pumpkin Latte Super Shake >

pumpkin latte

If you’re a pumpkin lover, you’re going to want to bookmark this recipe. Filled with pumpkin flavor and blended to creamy perfection thanks to a Nutrisystem shake, this latte-inspired smoothie packs in the vitamins and deliciousness for a pumpkin-filled breakfast.

4. Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie >

chocolate peanut butter

Chocolate and peanut butter is a classic combo, and this shake adds in a hint of banana to make this protein-packed shake a must-try for those on-the-go mornings.

5. Mango Madness Green Smoothie >

mango madness

Filled with greens and sweet mango, this fruity smoothie will fill you up the Nutrisystem-approved way thanks to our NutriCrush® Protein and Probiotic Shakes.

6. Mint Chocolate Smoothie >

mint chocolate smoothie

If mint chocolate chip is your favorite ice cream, then we’ve got the perfect (and healthy!) alternative that you can enjoy guilt free. Packed with protein, chocolate and minty flavors, this hearty shake is bound to become a menu regular.

7. Piña Colada Protein Smoothie >

pina colada

This sweet and fruity smoothie will whisk you away to tropical bliss with zero guilt. A combination of pineapple, coconut and a vanilla Nutrisystem shake makes for a creamy protein shake that will keep you feeling full all morning.

8. Chocolate Lover Smoothie >

freshstart shakes

This recipe is a chocolate lover’s dream come true—filled with chocolate and a scoop of peanut butter, this four-ingredient recipe is a healthy way to curb your chocolate cravings.

*As part of a healthy diet and exercise program.

The post 8 Recipes for Your Nutrisystem Shakes appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

I worked hard and I should be proud of myself. And so should you

I don't know if anyone has been struggling with their self confidence lately, but I have. After wanting to be invisible and hiding myself for so many years it's hard to get out there and be confident. I am work in progress you could say.

But damn it I am proud of myself and I should be. I lost 73 pounds on a 5'1" frame and have gone beyond my weight loss goal of 125 and reached 108 instead. I stopped binging and using food as a coping mechanism. I started working out and playing the sports I always wanted and because of losing the weight I am actually improving. I started putting myself out there and conquering my fears. I worked so hard these last couple years. I pushed through when things got bad, I might have stumbled a little (gained back a lot of weight and had to basically start over) but I didn't give up. And I just want to be proud of myself. I keep having doubts about all the things that are bad about me, striving for some kind of perfection that doesn't even exist. So I am writing this post for myself to tell me that I am proud of myself for doing all the things I do and that I am worthy of feeling proud.

If anybody else is struggling with their confidence I hope you know that you are incredible for even being on this sub and trying to make a healthy change in your life. Whether you are at a goal weight, just gained your weight back or just starting out, you deserve to be happy and proud of yourself.

submitted by /u/NotKeepingUp
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Need accountability partners? Here we are...

Hello people. We are a small group of 5 people from all over the world. We try to push each other and share info about workouts, weight loss tips, and healthy meal recipes. Started this so that each person in the group feels accountable to not binge eat and to not lose track. Anyone and everyone who’s looking for such a setup is welcome.

If you’d like to join, send me a DM(preferred). Or you can comment below and I’ll DM you. This is a whatsapp group btw.

P.S. People are fun here. And, talks about interesting things keep happening most of the time. And we also try not to make this group too big so that each person feels like a friend to the other.

submitted by /u/Embarrassed-Half
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Way to determine fat loss while you are building muscle?

I just started weight training about a month ago. I feel amazing, but my weight loss has stalled if I go strictly by the scale. I know I am changing for the better, because of the way I feel, and that I am eating better and being more active, but being stagnant right above 300 is really irking me. I miss that validation of the scale going down. How do y'all measure body composition when you are trying to put on muscle at the same time you are losing weight? I was looking at those at home body monitors, but read that they aren't that accurate. Anyone? I feel like getting some sort of quantifiable sign of improvement will help keep my motivation high. Seeing the scale tease the 200s everyday for weeks despite doing so much right is beginning to hurt my motivation. Thanks for any help on how you deal with this!

submitted by /u/utrolige
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Help! I'm trying to transition from unhealthy weight loss methods (VLCD) to healthy, but my progress has slowed so much and I'm losing patience

For background information, I probably have some kind of 'eating disorder' but it doesn't really matter because I am overweight and that is a more pressing issue. I used to binge and purge food but I have now stopped, but the urge is still there.

I'm male, 25, 6ft and 211lbs. I used to be about 260 but I have been on a very low calorie diet to lose this weight. I originally started at 1200, but ended up cutting down to about 300 calories a day. I only ate broccoli, tofu and seeds. I lost weight quickly.

I started suffering from extreme tiredness and brain fog, even though I was drinking a lot of coffee. It had started to impact my job, so I decided that i had to start eating more.

I have been eating 1500 calories a day while also working out for an hour a day for two weeks now, and I haven't lost a single pound. I'm about to give up, what is wrong with me? I am also dealing with extreme hunger. Oddly I wasn't that hungry while eating 300 calories a day but now I have this urge to just stuff my face with food all the time. One day I went over my calorie allowance when I ate a piece of cake and I was so close to purging it.

I want to go back to 300 calories a day since obviously this is not working for me, but is there any other things I can try to make it work? I want to lose weight in a healthy way if I can, but my body doesn't seem to want me to.

submitted by /u/RareAfternoon
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What weight scale to trust ?

I’m a 25f. 170 cm. And apparently among 67-72 kg.

I’ve been on a weight loss journey for years, gone through and eating disorder and loss of control. This last year I had gone through such a big weight weight gain that decided to control myself starting in around 75 kg.

My problem goes with... trusting the weight scale.

When I was dealing with an eating disorder I used to go to a pharmacy to track my weight daily. It had one of those machines that print you your weight, height and BMI. Later on I bought a digital scale and used it at home, specially since I became highly anxious about a very accurate weight and having at home would mean I could weigh fully naked and after going to the bathroom.

While recovering and re gaining weight I didn’t touch any of them for a long time. It wasn’t until I realized that I gained way too much weight and my hunger was out of control that I weighed in my home scale. It said 75 kg.

A month ago, in which I decided to be more serious about my weight loss, I went to that pharmacy and weighed myself: 68, 4 kg! Wow. My boyfriend and I decided to go there monthly to check our weight in that scale. He had lost a lot of weight and just wanted to keep it the same. Not gaining, not losing. And I thought that sharing my weight with him could help with being more organized with my weight loss.

We weighed yesterday. I weighed 67 kg! Great! I weighed myself today in my home scale: 72 kg? Which one is wrong ? I weighed myself in pijamas at home. And at the pharmacy I was fully clothed and wearing shoes. What the hell ? Is my home scale wrong ? Is the pharmacy one wrong ? Are both wrong ? What’s the best way to know my actual weight ?

Around September 2019, I was doing paperwork and a medical visit to join a my job’s medical insurance. They weighed me there with that “manual scale” in which you stand and the nurse goes changing the weight while balancing (sorry for the terrible English) and my weight was 70 kg. 3-4 months ago.

So, what to do ?

submitted by /u/throwaway28619
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Scale won't budge. Is it because of weight training?

Hey all. First post in quite a while. I lost 40+ lbs a while back doing keto but it became too restrictive for me eventually and I did put a little bit of that back on (maybe only 5-10lbs)

Since I wasn't working out during that entire diet (other than some cardio) I never built muscle and now I want to get rid of my gut and build some muscle definition elsewhere too.

I started at 186 on Jan 1 and then weighed in at 179.2 on Jan 6. Presumably just water weight or whatever my body freaking out because I hadn't filled it with beer and cheese.

That day I started a weight training thing and do 5 days a week with some light cardio each day too. I am limiting my calories to 1500 a day and doing intermittent fasting from 6pm to 10am (although that's something I've been doing for a while now anyway)

I know it's not even been 7 days since that first weigh in, but I got curious and stepped on this morning and am actually back up to 180. I know I shouldn't let the scale bug me and should probably just wait till my next set of progress photos, but do you think the added weight training is stopping any weight loss as (hopefully) my body loses fat and gains muscle?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks!

submitted by /u/ExPatSTL
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from loseit - Lose the Fat