Saturday, January 11, 2020

What weight scale to trust ?

I’m a 25f. 170 cm. And apparently among 67-72 kg.

I’ve been on a weight loss journey for years, gone through and eating disorder and loss of control. This last year I had gone through such a big weight weight gain that decided to control myself starting in around 75 kg.

My problem goes with... trusting the weight scale.

When I was dealing with an eating disorder I used to go to a pharmacy to track my weight daily. It had one of those machines that print you your weight, height and BMI. Later on I bought a digital scale and used it at home, specially since I became highly anxious about a very accurate weight and having at home would mean I could weigh fully naked and after going to the bathroom.

While recovering and re gaining weight I didn’t touch any of them for a long time. It wasn’t until I realized that I gained way too much weight and my hunger was out of control that I weighed in my home scale. It said 75 kg.

A month ago, in which I decided to be more serious about my weight loss, I went to that pharmacy and weighed myself: 68, 4 kg! Wow. My boyfriend and I decided to go there monthly to check our weight in that scale. He had lost a lot of weight and just wanted to keep it the same. Not gaining, not losing. And I thought that sharing my weight with him could help with being more organized with my weight loss.

We weighed yesterday. I weighed 67 kg! Great! I weighed myself today in my home scale: 72 kg? Which one is wrong ? I weighed myself in pijamas at home. And at the pharmacy I was fully clothed and wearing shoes. What the hell ? Is my home scale wrong ? Is the pharmacy one wrong ? Are both wrong ? What’s the best way to know my actual weight ?

Around September 2019, I was doing paperwork and a medical visit to join a my job’s medical insurance. They weighed me there with that “manual scale” in which you stand and the nurse goes changing the weight while balancing (sorry for the terrible English) and my weight was 70 kg. 3-4 months ago.

So, what to do ?

submitted by /u/throwaway28619
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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