Saturday, February 8, 2020

Hoping to hit the 20lb weight loss this weekend

35F 5’0 SW: 174 CW:155. I started this journey December 1st and am down 19 pounds. I’ve been consistently losing until last week. I’m going on vacation in 3 weeks and had a goal in mind and not losing last week is really frustrating. I didn’t change anything with my workouts and still was sticking to 1,000-1,500 calories a day. Saturday and Sunday I see a trainer and do an hr of strength training. weekdays I do 30 minutes on the elliptical and 30 minutes of strength training/weights.

Until I go on my vacation I’m going to try IF. Any tips on that would be appreciated. Also the past 4 days I’ve added on another 30 minutes on the elliptical after work. I workout for an hour every morning before work and then sit all day. Also sticking closer to 1,200 calories.

I’m very proud of the work I’ve done. Losing weight has also been a big motivator in keeping me from drinking. I’ll be 3 months sober next week after drinking way too much wine everyday and gaining like 30 pounds. I’m seeing a special someone and want to feel and look my best. I know how I look wont matter to him, but I really want to feel confident when I see him. I have 3 weeks!!! As for the cardio should I be focusing on strength? Speed? Heart rate? Any suggestions are welcome. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Slutasaurus_rex
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Friday, February 7, 2020

How do I determine a goal weight for longevity?

I'm 5 foot 10, male, 33yo, SW180 lbs CW173 lbs and out of shape. I've been finding the weight loss process (which for me, has been slow and steady wins the race) not that difficult over all (I did have to give up a few habits!)

Originally, I had arbitrarily picked 160lbs as a goal weight, because it seemed like I probably had at least 20lbs excess weight. I've now read a bit more and seen calculators like these ( and decided to adjust my goal to 155 before beginning more serious exercise to shift some of that weight towards muscle.

I am wondering though, if anyone has done any research into optimizing weight for health and longevity. At my current weight (and body type), I'm sure I'm a risk for cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancer, etc. I'd like to make a goal to be at a minimal risk for these things.

Has anyone looked into this? What did you find?

submitted by /u/Gullible-Moment
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feeling hypocritical

I’m a weight loss/nutrition counselor. Every day, I’m encouraging people to transform their lives and nourish their bodies with nutrient-dense foods and achieve a realistic, healthy weight. Because I’m constantly talking about weight loss every day, I feel as though I’m a hypocrite or I’m letting people down. I grew up a fat kid and got into nutrition when I was in high school, losing around 50 pounds. I got my degree in nutrition when I was in college because food and health and helping people are all things that I’m passionate about. My weight has fluctuated since then, and a particularly hard relapse into depression caused it to skyrocket. I’m not “fat” in the obvious sense, since I’m tall and carry it better than most. But my boss frequently points out that I need to lose more weight if I want to be taken seriously as a weight loss coach. I get it. But it’s also very triggering. I’ve tied my worth into my weight for so long, and I feel so worthless right now. I want to be a good example for my clients, and at the same time, the pressure I feel to be a certain weight almost makes it harder to do it. I don’t know how to find the energy or the willpower to take care of myself.

TL;DR - a fat weight loss coach feeling super guilty and dejected on my own weight loss journey

submitted by /u/sloanevincent
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do you set a goal weight?

Hi ! I (28/F) have always been kinda chubby. My weight has always been something I am uncomfortable with and embarrassed about, but honestly I never really felt like I was extremely overweight, just overweight. I kinda punished myself for it by not doing anything about it, so I stayed around 165-168 pounds all through college and beyond. (I don’t remember my weight in high school, but I was chubby then, too.) My highest weight was 172 in July, (I’m 5’7). I got engaged in July, so I’ve been motivated to lose weight before I get married. I have lost about 25 pounds putting me at 145 yesterday morning. Throughout this journey so far, I’ve been giving myself pretty attainable goals. It started off at 155, then 150, then 145. I’m having a hard time finding a realistic goal. I’ve been chubby for so long, I don’t know what weight my body becomes “unchubby”. How do you know ? If I set a goal and don’t reach it because it’s not attainable, I’ll feel bad, but I’ve been setting “too easy” of goals, and I don’t necessarily feel good when I reach them. I still feel chubby! How is that possible ? I’ve lost 25 pounds... that’s a big deal! My clothes don’t fit anymore, and people tell me they’ve noticed, yet I don’t feel any different. I don’t even see it in the mirror when I look at myself, yet logically I KNOW I’m different. I wonder if it’s because I’m now thinking about it too much ? I feel like I honestly don’t know what I look like right now. Anyone have any advice ? This is my first weight loss journey.

submitted by /u/dizgirl4
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Information here helped me understand a plateau vs. maintenance

Two years ago I became very motivated to improve my health. Over the course of 14 months I lost 65 pounds through calorie tracking and walking. Then my weight loss stalled for 8 months even though I was still counting calories and walking. Initially, I was at peace with it all as I was happy to be smaller, healthier and more active. Then for the past 3-4 months, I became frustrated. No matter what I tried, my weight stayed the in the same 3-5 pound range and I was sure I had hit a set point/plateau.

As a perimenopausal woman near 50, the vast amount of information about weight loss indicates that it's "extremely difficult" for women like me to lose weight. Then I stumbled across this forum and started learning. In addition to learning terms and new tools , I came to realize that I wasn't stuck. This isn't a plateau or set point. What I was doing was eating/exercising/living a life style that was maintenance for that weight. It's such a great feeling to realize it's not out of my reach to see the scales move again.

So, I made the following changes:

1) I limited myself to a weekly weigh in vs. every day .

2) I educated myself on my TDEE and realized that I hadn't really adjusted my caloric intake enough since I started this process 65 pounds ago.

3) I became more precise with my measuring. I have the tools but I was guesstimating and approximating too much.

4) I adjusted my expectations to seeing 1 pound of weight loss a week by eating 500 calories less than my TDEE daily.

And.................. it's working. I've had 4 consecutive weeks of weight loss ranging from .9 to 1.5 per week. (for a total of 5.6 pounds) I know that might not seem earth shattering but it's been a revelation to understand that weight loss for me is far more mathematical vs. something out of reach. I wanted to thank everyone as there is some very good, logical and helpful information on this board.

submitted by /u/MissCmotivated
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Did my first leg day today, didn’t hate it 😁

I’ve reached a stage now where I’m happy with my weight loss progress, but want to make sure I don’t end up just saggy skin and bones.

I distinctly remember that I used to have an arse not too long ago, but it seems to have gone awol.

So I looked to see what weight training I could do at home and I found this program which looks pretty doable.

Today being Friday means that it was leg day today. Loads of lunges and squats with progressively heavier weights.

And you know what, I rather enjoyed it.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m using weights which barely deserve the name (between 1.5 and 3kg today), but I could feel the impact of them doing their thing. And I’m looking forward to seeing how much easier it gets as I keep at it.

I may feel differently tomorrow morning of course.

submitted by /u/ladyapocryphal
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Any tips for weight loss with PCOS???

So about a year ago I was diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) and one of the main symptoms is trouble losing weight, especially around the abdomen. I've been taking Metformin for the insulin resistance that comes with it, but haven't lost much weight. I weigh about 220 right now, and for a while I was steadily losing weight and dropped down to about 210 after cutting out most of the sugar I eat from my diet, but I started a full time job back in August of 2019, and since then I've slowly gained it back. Because I work full time, I feel tired constantly (fatigue is also a PCOS symptom) and I already have back, knee, and hip problems so working out kinda sucks, so I'm really not sure what to do or how to go about finally losing some weight. Anyone have any tips? Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/Ishatodareku
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from loseit - Lose the Fat