Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Lost 33 pounds so far, but my face hasn't changed all that much

I'm a 30 year old man who stands at 6'2".

I started my weight loss journey almost 3 months ago and so far I have lost 33 pounds (15 KG), which is almost half the amount I ultimately want to lose. I started at 247 pounds (112 KG) and I want to 'finish' at 178 pounds (81 KG). My body looks ways better and most of my clothes are way too big, but my face hasn't slimmed down all that much.

I know for sure I can have a much 'sharper' face when I look at pictures when I was 18 or 19: my face used to look way better so this can't be a case of 'baby fat'. Will this get better with more weight loss? Does the speed of weight loss has anything to do with where you lose fat first?

Also, on a sidenote, the weight loss is going slower and slower last weeks. I'm currently at something around 1200 to 1400 kcals with moderate exercise. I can always work out even more, but I don't seem to be able to cut calories even more without getting too little nutrients..

submitted by /u/forcoolstuffD
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3aX4QaM

When motivation ends, discipline kicks in.

I’ve been working from home for 4 weeks now. I can honestly say that I’ve seen in full force the saying “when motivation ends, discipline kicks in.”

I can’t imagine going through social distancing like this last year. I would have used the situation as a free pass to eat whatever I want in mass quantities. I probably would have ended up gaining 10 lbs if not more easy.

BUT using the tools at my disposal and keeping my attitude in check I haven’t gained a single pound! Granted, with everything going on in the world and being stuck home I have shifted my focus from weight loss to maintenance... but 4 weeks stuck at home with fuck all to do and I haven’t gained! I have continued to log and weigh myself while also allowing myself to have snacks (in moderation) and been going for 2 mile walks about every other day.

What I’m trying to say is even in weird scenarios and trying times you got this - stay focused, stay disciplined. Use your tools and the methods that got you where you are and trust the process.

submitted by /u/BipsyDipsy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2JMst9P

I feel like I'm cheating and I am fearing maintenance as I approach it... (ADHD meds, anyone on stimulants can comment?)

Las fall, early November I think, I was at 225-230. I ran bit, but didn't calculate calorie or any of that. I gained 10-15lbs in a year since being with my GF. I was struggling mentally with a few things. After speaking to my doc, I got diagnosed with ADHD-PI and got on Vyvanse. Frankly, this explained so much things and it turned my life around, but this is a discussion for another time. I feel my dosage is right, it is effective.

February through December was business as usual regarding what I ate and my weight. I ate wayyyy to much on holiday. I began counting calorie early January. I am now at 195 lbs, which is fucking great. My goal weight for now is 180, I am 5'8".

What fears me, is that even on those week that slacked, I lost weight. Last week, I ate a LITERAL bucket of gummies and sweet. I was prepared to have gained 2-3 lbs and frankly felt okay with that. I lost 1 lbs...

Cutting calories has been easy for me, I barely snack (quarantine changed that a bit), me and my GF cut on carbs and doubles our veggies portion. I really don't feel like I am starving myself. On MFP estimated that should eat 1900 kcal to lose 1 lbs a week on a sendentary lifstyle, I made sure to always be 2-300kcal below that most day.

Now I fell of the wagon. I stopped counting calorie. I ate that bucket of gummies I mentioned, ate 2 poutine in 3 weeks, some mcflurries here and there. I am still losing weight. Our main course didn't change a lot tho, those are still healthy.

Vyvanse is known to cause some weight loss in some people. It cuts your appetite. I honestly never felt like I had no appetite since getting on it, never had difficulty eating on the medication.

I fear reaching my goal. I don't know if I am gonna be able to maintain it. I'd want to stay at 180 for a while to get comfortable with my new body.

Is there some people on those medication that have any insight on that?

submitted by /u/PhilRattlehead
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3aLP3LH

Anyone else bloat more after losing weight?

I always swore I never got bloated, I felt lucky when all of my friends complained about it. Now after losing a lot of weight (going from obese to a normal BMI), I bloat like crazy!!!

Despite only eating 1200 calories yesterday, I didn't drink as much water as I should have and went over my normal sodium intake. I would up this morning very visibly swollen, I feel significantly bigger.

On standard days, after one meal... bloated. My measurements go up as the day progresses (I tested it to make sure I wasn't crazy). Shark week, I look pregnant.

Has anyone else experienced this? perhaps it's just my bloat is more visible and I did in fact always get bloated. It's funny seeing these small things that change after weight loss.

submitted by /u/Nin9Tac-
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2wkGwQS

That last stubborn 20

Hello, I've been a member here for a bit but have not figure out flair so hopefully this post will work.

I have done pretty well with my weight loss and am down 90lbs and am more fit than I have been for years. But I still have 20 or 25 lbs to get to a healthy BMI. And this has taken me forever! I lost 5 lbs in the same amount of time that it took me to lose 50 from my starting weight.

I know I am eating at basically maintenance for my current weight which is why I haven't lost much. I know I have to get tight with my diet. I have been running about 20 miles a week and have lost the balance I had between undercutting calories while still being able to handle the activity level I need for my mental health and the joy I get from running.

I guess I am looking for motivation or discipline ideas, or ways to get serious about my diet that are sustainable. At this point I am looking for long term changes that I can maintain forever, to avoid what has been happening which is undercutting calories to the point where I get too exhausted or get too hungry and overeat.

One benefit has been that eating at maintenance has improved my running, its tough to meet goals when you bonk due to lack of energy. I eat enough now that i have the energy for 5-10 miles several times a week. But i need to drop another 20 or 25 lbs to improve my health and running.

submitted by /u/butagooodie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/39REeX0

It takes work...

So I've always struggled with my weight since I was a kid. Up until my 30s I tried diets but never stuck with them past a day or 2 then went back to my usual unhealthy eating patterns. What i have never done is put the work in and actually resist eating junk food, I never put the effort in and actively stuck with changing bad habits. I joined a gym last May and have lost about 20 pounds over the last 11 months but even at that I still ate as normal. It sounds so stupid but I've just realised it takes work to lose weight, its not easy and I just haven't made myself accountable. It's like I've been secretly hoping that 1 day of healthy eating is going to act as a magic wand and erase 30 years of bad habits. This probably all sounds very silly and like something that should have occurred to me many years ago but I'm willing to take the hit as all the posts here have really inspired me to take control of the situation and get things going!

So today I am making myself accountable and I'm going to put the work in. I weighed myself this morning and I am 236 pounds, up 5 pounds since start of quarantine here in Ireland. I'm going to spend today writing out an exercise and eating plan, I'm going to start with intermittent fasting as night time eating is my major downfall and it's about time I taught myself self denial! Best of luck to you all on your weight loss journeys x

submitted by /u/lucynua20
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3c2ConF

Is this a plateau?

I started my weight loss journey last June, since then I’ve lost 44lbs. I’m 5’3”, 25years, female, SW:192, CW:148, GW:~125lbs.During my weight loss I’ve hit 1 plateau which I was able to get through by changing my workout a bit. Honestly I haven’t really changed my diet. I still eat what I want but I have added more veggies/fruits, drink mostly water nowadays, and have better portion control (this was the main thing that has changed). I don’t really eat sweets so that was never a problem. Now, for the past month I’ve noticed that my weight has pretty much stayed the same but I have lost more inches off my waist. I’ve noticed that my body does look different even though the number on the scale is still the same. What does this mean, does this still count as a plateau? Or is it that I’m gaining more muscle? This happened around the time quarantine started. So I haven’t been able to go to the gym but I still exercise for an hour 4-5days/week. It’s not the same.

submitted by /u/askandanswernow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3b23vz6