Wednesday, April 8, 2020

[Update] Time to lose it - Tired of being the fat guy

Hi Guys

So it's me again from Original post and it's time for my third month update

Let's start with the facts


Dec 145.9 (Start)

Jan 142.8 (-3.1kg)

Feb 139.6 (-3.2kg from previous weight) and (-6.3 from start)

March 138 (-1.6kg from previous weight) and (-7.9 from start)

April 135.8 (2.2kg from previous weight) and (10.1 from start)

10 Kilograms DOWN!!!!!

Gym (Changed the format a little after some advice)

I've been doing the following;

Cardio (Cycling, elliptical and treadmill)

Upper body (Ab press machine, lat pull downs, dumbbell curl, lateral raises and overhead press)

Lower body (Goblet squats, leg press, leg curl, calf raises)

I have been trying a few home routines as our country is in lockdown now.


  1. So in the last 4 months I've been sleeping better and clothes already fit better (some newer clothes are now a little too lose and older clothes are starting to fit me again.) which has been awesome. I've been getting compliments on the weight loss as its starting to become noticeable. I put on a 2XL tshirt and it fits like normal (Got emotional about that)
  2. Really feel better emotionally.
  3. More energy during the day, seriously guys before I'd get to about 2 in the afternoon and feel drained and needing sugar
  4. Dropped my blood pressure.
  5. Donated blood in November and results were - 162/89. Donated on Feb and results were - 147/100

Will update with the next donation


Lockdown has my gym routine completely ruined, fortunately i'm not overeating and I am sticking to my calorie limit/budget


Gym 6 times a week (Been achieving 5 times a week) once we're back to normal

Going to be focusing on achieving a calorie deficit each day using the cronometer app

Thank you to everyone for their support on my original post and for sharing your stories,

Any workout techniques and advice in general are appreciated

submitted by /u/Mc_Mike_007
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I am worried about my daughter, her eating habits, and her weight. What can I do?

My daughter is 5 feet tall, 140-ish pounds, and 17 years old. She was 170 pounds but has been doing a fairly good job at losing some of her excess weight. I’m finally ready to accept that her weight is at least somewhat my responsibility, with her being under the age of 18. I need advice on what I can do to help her and support her.

Here’s the problem: her weight loss had slowed down or maybe even stopped lately. Also, whenever both myself and her father are out of the house, and she’s alone, food turns up missing. I’m not just talking snack quantities; I mean half a jar of peanut butter, five or six slices of bread, a granola bar I had hidden, butter, anything sweet... Also, I’ve even noticed the flour and the sugar bags quickly being depleted, I wonder if she’s eating that too. So many things have gone missing, and this has been going on for 2-3 months. Surprisingly, she doesn’t seem to be gaining weight back.

I can’t continue to afford this. Should I confront her about it? I’m sorry if I sound like I’m being harsh. I truly love my daughter and it’s obvious that she’s struggling with something. I want to help her. But at the same time, this is not something I know how to handle. I don’t think I can continue to afford it either.

I just want to be a good mom. I don’t want to seem like I’m criticizing her (my daughter) but I think we’re going to have to talk about this sooner or later.

Any advice is welcome. Also, let me know if I left out any crucial information.

submitted by /u/My_venting_account_1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I haven't been 175 since I was 14

My whole life I've been overweight for my age and while I was active, I never invested in any difficult positions. (Nose guard/lineman in football, throwing shotput, "powerlifting")-fat guy things. All these sports just gave me an excuse to be fat. I ended up leaving highschool at 230lbs. At the beginning of March last year, I made the decision to start losing weight half-heartedly and switched to calisthenics. However just passively thinking "maybe eating this isn't such a good idea" every once in a while worked for me. Another contribution to my weight loss was fasting, it was mostly to save money on food but it curbed my appetite immensely. Seeing 175 on my scale this morning filled me with so much pride I almost cried. Anyways that's it, I don't really have anyone supportive to share this to, so I figured I'd try Reddit.

submitted by /u/shaggyfag
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

5 Reasons This Is the Best Time to Start Nutrisystem

You’re stuck at home, grocery store shelves have become unreliable and you’re not sure how you’re going to stay healthy during this stressful time. Stay on track with your weight loss goals and start a convenient meal delivery service like Nutrisystem. Meal delivery is a great solution to avoid leaving the house while you’re practicing social distancing and self isolation during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. Use this time at home to get healthier and kickstart your weight loss journey.

5 Ways a Meal Delivery Service Can Improve Your Life

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Here’s five reasons why this is the best time to start Nutrisystem:

1. You’ll make fewer trips to the grocery store.

start Nutrisystem How to Lose Weight at Home

Remember when going to the supermarket was just a chore and not a stressful adventure? Start Nutrisystem and you won’t have to worry about grocery shopping during the COVID-19 pandemic. With our program, the majority of your meals and snacks will be delivered directly to your door. So, you can avoid the long lines and continue practicing social distancing safely at home. Check out these amazing ways our meal delivery service can improve your life during a period of social distancing! >

2. You’ll be eating nutritious meals.

start Nutrisystem How to Lose Weight at Home

On Nutrisystem, you’ll be eating lean protein and lots of vegetables and fruit. Studies have shown that this kind of diet helps boost your immune system by increasing the number of disease-fighting white blood cells in your body. Since non-starchy vegetables are unlimited on our programs, opt for more green veggies. According to ScienceDaily, 2011 research published in the journal Cell, found that green veggies like bok choy and broccoli help your immune system function at its best. Nutrisystem is also a low-fat diet. The Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine says, “Studies have shown that limiting dietary fat helps strengthen immune defenses.” This is a definite win-win scenario while you’re learning how to eat healthy during self isolation. Enjoy an immune system-boosting meal plan and stay healthy with food from Nutrisystem while staying safe at home.

3. You can be more mindful about eating.

mindful eating weight loss

With more time at home, you probably won’t have as many distractions, such as commuting, getting lunches ready in the morning, the food table at work or dining out. This time of solitude can help you focus on your healthy eating habits. Explore the novelty of the taste, smell, textures and look of the food in your first Nutrisystem order. According to Harvard Health, this mindful eating technique can help you slow down, notice and savor what you’re eating. “A small yet growing body of research suggests that a slower, more thoughtful way of eating could help with weight problems,” they explain. Since it takes about 20 minutes before your brain registers what you’ve consumed, you may find that you feel fuller after eating less than you usually do.

10 Easy Home Workouts You Can Do in Your Living Room

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4. Your kitchen pantry has fewer temptations.

start Nutrisystem How to Lose Weight at Home

With the help of Nutrisystem, all of your healthy meal prep will be at your fingertips while you practice social distancing during the Coronavirus pandemic. Everything you need will be there, including breakfasts, lunches, dinners and snacks. After you’ve cleaned out your pantry to make room for your Nutrisystem order and healthy additions, there won’t be any more calorie-laden foods calling to you. When you feel stressed out, the lure of fatty, sugary foods may be irresistible. Cortisol, the stress hormone our bodies make when we’re anxious, perks up the appetite for unhealthy foods that provide comfort, says Harvard Health. With healthy meals and meal prep ideas from Nutrisystem, you won’t have to worry about food availability. If you need a tasty snack, there will always be one—sweet or salty—at hand to make you feel satisfied.

Need help cleaning out your pantry for a healthy Nutrisystem food haul? Click here for our go-to guide >

5. You’ll get a crash course in portion control.

start Nutrisystem How to Lose Weight at Home

Over the last few decades, portion sizes in restaurants and at our dinner tables have grown—along with our bellies. At first, your pre-measured Nutrisystem meals may seem smaller than what you’re used to. However, both the packaged food and Flex meals that you will prepare with our healthy recipes are perfectly portioned for weight loss success. Think of your stay-at-home time practicing social distancing as a chance to get your masters’ degree in healthy eating and to be slimmer by graduation day.

Learn more health and wellness tips from our experts at The Leaf, including delicious and easy-to-make recipes that are perfect for your time at home.

We’re here for you! Get healthy and lose weight while at home with healthy food delivered directly to your door. Learn more about Nutrisystem weight loss programs >

9 Tips to Avoid Weight Gain While You Work from Home

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The post 5 Reasons This Is the Best Time to Start Nutrisystem appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf

Guys I'm losing it (lol) am I doing something wrong?

So I started this weight loss journey on March 22nd. I am a 5'9 F and I started at 172. My goal is 140. Yesterday I was 166.6. This morning I weighed myself and I was the same as yesterday, 166.6. I was steadily losing weight but now it looks like nothing changed. I eat breakfast and then I skip lunch because I'm usually not that hungry at the time. Instead I would drink water until I have dinner at 7 pm. I don't eat again until the next morning.

I don't want to be stuck on this number. Is it normal not lose everyday? This is my first attempt at losing weight so I'm not sure what qualifies as "normal". Thanks for the help :)

submitted by /u/tallglassofglass
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

1 week in! Just posting for a little accountability and a lot of excitment

Last week on Tuesday evening I posted about how I was excited to start my journey into weight loss and a healthier version of myself. I am now 1 week from my official start date on April 1 last Wednesday, and I have really surprised myself. I am a desk job worker, and working from home now (this is week 4) and that was what kind of kick started everything. I thought, wow I could really work on eating healthy now that I am just at home and not tempted by the Wendy's drive through or Starbucks run. So for the last week, I have been doing 16:8 IF, in my window of eating I am working on staying within 1400-1200 calories with all nutritious foods. Working on no sugar, and sticking to just clean foods. I have not had pop or sugary drinks and been drinking lots of just water, black tea and black coffee. Each day, I have either done 20-30 min YouTube workouts that have left me sore and 1-2 mile walks to get fresh air with my momma. I feel more energized and overall just positive or optimistic. I don't feel lighter or like I am more fit yet. I don't have a scale and knew my starting weight from a doctors appt a few weeks ago and have another doctors appt on 4/24 so I think I am going to just not buy a scale until after that weigh in on 4/24. I took "before" photos, and don't know if I should do photos each week or just like each month.... or even that! But I am excited I have gone 1 week. I haven't ever stuck with logging my food in MFP consistently for that many days in a row or meeting my exercise goal that many days in a row. It's a good start to the new healthier me!

submitted by /u/starting-in-april
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I hit a plateau and couldn't do anything about it

I'm currently 23, male, 67kg(148lbs). I used to be at around 80kg(176lbs) at 5-6 months ago. I got sick of being fat (it's fat for Asian to be 80kb). So I begin my journey for weight loss. (sorry for bad writing in advance)

In 5 months, I've managed to lose 13kg. And for the last 1.5 months I'm stuck at 67kg. In the beginning I go to the gym 4-5 times every week for 3 months. And then I stop and start doing home workout. From what I've read I see that fat loss is mostly about dieting. And that's what I been doing, but my weight just won't budge.

I tried many calories calculator for my new weight. All of them show that I need around ~1500calories for moderate weight loss. I've done just that, and there's been no changes. Everytime I step on the scale, seeing 67kg just make me so sad. I trying to aim for 65kg. But this last 2 kg just won't leave me.

I'm just lost right now, I thought about cutting to around 1200 daily calories. But I'm just not sure that's the right move for my health. Can you guys offer me some tips?

submitted by /u/zeroxx1123
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from loseit - Lose the Fat