Wednesday, April 8, 2020

1 week in! Just posting for a little accountability and a lot of excitment

Last week on Tuesday evening I posted about how I was excited to start my journey into weight loss and a healthier version of myself. I am now 1 week from my official start date on April 1 last Wednesday, and I have really surprised myself. I am a desk job worker, and working from home now (this is week 4) and that was what kind of kick started everything. I thought, wow I could really work on eating healthy now that I am just at home and not tempted by the Wendy's drive through or Starbucks run. So for the last week, I have been doing 16:8 IF, in my window of eating I am working on staying within 1400-1200 calories with all nutritious foods. Working on no sugar, and sticking to just clean foods. I have not had pop or sugary drinks and been drinking lots of just water, black tea and black coffee. Each day, I have either done 20-30 min YouTube workouts that have left me sore and 1-2 mile walks to get fresh air with my momma. I feel more energized and overall just positive or optimistic. I don't feel lighter or like I am more fit yet. I don't have a scale and knew my starting weight from a doctors appt a few weeks ago and have another doctors appt on 4/24 so I think I am going to just not buy a scale until after that weigh in on 4/24. I took "before" photos, and don't know if I should do photos each week or just like each month.... or even that! But I am excited I have gone 1 week. I haven't ever stuck with logging my food in MFP consistently for that many days in a row or meeting my exercise goal that many days in a row. It's a good start to the new healthier me!

submitted by /u/starting-in-april
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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