Friday, April 10, 2020

I've lost over 30 kgs and still can't decide If It made my life better or worse

Don't get me wrong my quality of life has improved a lot, I don't feel as tired anymore, the set of stairs in my bulding have become my bitch, and for the first time in my life I look...not bad. I have been overweight my whole life and It kinda became part of my personality, I didn't experienced bullying on a daily basis as I've always stood up for myself, but of course being a kid/teen who was always sold the idea of one day having "The big reveal" (she's all that style) I always wondered what It would be like If I lost the weight and to my surprise (after a year of dieting and exercising so not really) I got down to a health bmi (94kgs > 62kgs). At the beggining I thought that everything would change and then the closer I got to my goal weight the less I believed things would change, well... I was wrong both times. I didn't suddenly have 25 guys in love with me or anything like that, I just became a person, and I know that It sounds dramatic but because people used to always treat me as the funny gal who hangs out with the hot chicks, I didn't know any better. And now for the first time in my life I am my own person, I am seen. All of sudden I became attractive, talented, funny and all positive adjectives you could think of. But I've always been like this, I love to sing and people who saw me perform on a goddamn stage were surprised of how good of a singer I was only after my weight loss, my sense of humor that once was just amusing earning me always a friendly seat at the friendzone, now is attractive, overall people are nicer, and I kind hate the fact that I will never be able to shake the feeling that all It takes for It to go away is a slip on my diet. In conclusion: I can't bring myself to trust anyone, but at the same time I love the attention and only the thought of going back to being invisible terrifies me.

submitted by /u/gabraxe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost 20% of my weight after meeting my boyfriend!

Story time! I was overweight, and became a healthy weight within just 4 months after meeting my current boyfriend. There was no struggle in my weight loss, I simply understood his healthy habits with food, and imitated them. This post is basically what I have changed in my behaviour under his influence, to enter the healthy weight range that I had not been in for a very long time. It may overlap with not only [this recent post]( that blew up, but also [another post] ( that I wrote a year ago too!

From the first time I dined with my boyfriend, I noticed that he’d put his cutlery down when either of us were talking. This is in contrast to the old me where I would squeeze in bites of food between sentences, and also sometimes rush to swallow unchewed pieces of food just because it’s time to answer a question, resulting in both missing what the person just said because I was trying to twist slippery pasta onto my fork, and also forgetting what I just put in my mouth. It was a bit weird at first for me because it made me afraid to talk as I didn’t want him to stop eating HAHA. Now I’m used to it: meals consisting of alternating periods of completely silent eating, and engaged conversations.

From the last point, when you focus on your food like that, you tend to appreciate the flavours more, and you are slowing down your pace. Really, doing this has made me more sensitive to the flavours of the food, and also I finally acquired the ability to feel that sudden the point of being no longer hungry! Tip: when you want to stop eating, wipe your mouth and throw the tissue on your plate :)

Also if something is not nice, he just would not finish it, not even another bite actually! I still feel pain seeing a large amount of food being abandoned because I was taught to not waste food, but I’m getting there. The mindset is to use the trash can as a trash can, not your own body! I have lost weight from doing this, therefore I think it’s worth it.

He’s never been much of a snacking guy, so I followed him and we don’t keep any at home. I also no longer consume anything other than a plain tea after dinner, all the way until around 2pm the next day where we’d have brunch. This was something that he had done daily for years just out of habit, so he’s pretty much been unintentionally doing 16:8 intermittent fasting!

Exercise-wise, he doesn’t go to the gym or anything, but he has so much energy! He’s always happy to walk upstairs if there’s a wait at the lift, and wouldn’t consider getting in a vehicle if something is within an hour’s walking distance. So I also developed these habits and I’m sure they add up!

I’ve always been someone who tends to try to assimilate myself with whoever I date, because I find happiness in doing the same thing as them, therefore I’m very lucky to have met someone who’s made a positive impact on me! I feel like I have adapted these behaviours as my own, and shall continue with them even if some day he’s not around.

Thanks so much for reading and I hope my post helps you in some way :) Any questions you guys have for either of us I will pass them on and answer!

submitted by /u/pancaketoo
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do I start running?

Ok, seems like a pretty stupid question, but here we go.

I started my (serious) weight loss journey in about mid-January. Some of my beginning stats first: 25 year old male, 6' tall, 290lbs. I don't have any other health issues other than my obesity. Was at the doctor a little over a year ago and blood pressure was good, blood tests were in proper ranges, etc. Doctor obviously said losing weight would be a good idea, which I already knew. Not sure why it took me until now to actually take that advice, but better late than never.

I started 16:8 intermittent fasting. I essentially skip breakfast, no snacking, eat lunch and dinner, and only drink black coffee and water. I do have the occasional can of diet soda, but nothing crazy. I was still having some trouble with portion control at lunch time because my employer caters lunch everyday and it's a buffet line of really good food. I also haven't really added any exercise, either.

So fast forward to today, I'm still 25, still a male, still 6' tall, but I'm down 20lbs to 270lbs. as of this morning. Having been working at home for 3 weeks, I've been learning a good lunch portion now that I have to provide it for myself. I have also started exercising. I can't go a gym because of the stay-at-home orders plus everything being closed, but I do have a really good neighborhood for walking. It has some hills mixed in and stuff like that, low population density so I can walk without really seeing anyone. I've started walking for about 30 minutes at least per day, unless it's raining. I also have been doing at-home workouts 2-3 days a week consisting of squats, sit-ups, push-ups, and curling some weights.

Anyway, with that as a background, I'd like to start running to improve my lung capacity, cardiovascular health, and burn more calories. I remember when I was a bit younger, I would get out of breath pretty quickly when running so I never really liked doing it, but I want to confront that and change that, without harming myself. One thing I was considering is to start out walking, then go to a light jog for as long as I can and then back to walking until I catch my breath, and then run again, etc. And keep doing that for awhile with the hope that the time I'm able to run increases over time.

Does that sound like the right approach? Also, would biking give me the same benefits?

TL;DR: 6' tall, starting weight 290lbs. Down to 270lbs in a few months. Want to start running. How do I do it safely?

Edit: Thanks to everyone who answered so far, but something else I thought of. Generally, I would consult the advice of my doctor for this, but because of this pandemic, I don't know if a doctor visit is even possible.

submitted by /u/WildTomorrow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

TDEE/weight loss question?

Ok so once this pandemic thing has calmed down a bit I am hoping to exercise several times a week, I am sedentary again now so my TDEE is around 1800 and my BMR is around 1590. If I exercise say, 3-4 times a week then would I lose any weight? Because I read somewhere that you're not supposed to eat below your BMR, not 100% sure if it's true obviously, but can anyone tell me that if I increase my TDEE by exercising more, then will I shed any pounds?

BTW, I am not actually overweight at this moment in time, I just sort of want to stay in shape and maybe lose a few pounds, because a few months ago my diet was pretty much the same as it is now and my weight was less than it is now, but I seem to have put some pounds on since then even though it doesn't look like it much, but yeah, I really would like to get to below 11 stone (that was the healthy weight I was at before even though I didn't really look that much different), I have some excess fat on my face so want to maybe trim that down a bit (even though having some slightly fatty areas doesn't necessarily mean you're unhealthy, right?) but yeah, this is the plan for when we can all start going out again.

submitted by /u/littleaspiegirl
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Running and Coronavirus Info and Resources

The best places to get information on Running during the Coronavirus outbreak. A round up of websites and tips on how to double check the advice you’re getting is legit. Plus a quick update on how my new minimalist lifestyle was NOT ideal when COVID19 hit California. All the links from this episode are available ... Read More about Running and Coronavirus Info and Resources

The post Running and Coronavirus Info and Resources appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

the more weight I lose, the worse I feel.

I have been fat my whole life, and was basically ridiculed in school daily from elementary school all the way to high school. Due to the constant bullying about my weight, I always hated myself but didn't decide to take action until recently. I am 29 years old, female, 5'10'' and currently weight 195 pounds (starting weight was 270 pounds). I did a lot of fasts, extreme calorie counting and exercise to lose weight and have been glad to be thinner. The more I lose weight, the worse I feel. I have become obsessed with losing as much as I can, and now my loose skin depresses me. I've even started to focus on my facial features and how I need plastic surgery to fix it. I thought I would have a cute life and meet a nice partner when I lose weight but now I feel like I am just seeing more, and more things I need to fix before I can be a normal person. I have so much anxiety all the time because I still binge sometimes and then I worry I'll go back to my old weight and it scares the hell out of me. I have no friends or weight loss buddies to talk to so it's a really lonely thing to be going through. Sorry to rant here, but I don't know what to do.

submitted by /u/Hungry_Panic
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I have been losing significant amounts of fat and I want to tell you how and why

The main thing that i realised is, weight loss isn't a task, its a mindset. What i mean by this is, setting a diet for the next week and saying you wont eat breakfast, you'll cut carbs and sugars, YOU WILL FAIL THIS. If you have no mental reason to lose weight, you will not stay strict on your diet, you will begin to think, oh one Reese's cup, one cheat meal, one cheat day, and before you know it you will be straight of the diet.

I have lost 19lb and counting in a month and a half and it is because i realised that being fat was making me miserable. i am 195lb 6ft now and i shit you not i feel the happiest i have in three years.

Some facts that help me stay motivated, things like fast food, and sweet treats are "empty calories." they do not fill you up but simply add calories. they will make you feel 10 seconds of happiness and then shame for the rest of the night. They will not improve your mood or curb your hunger.

20 minutes of cardio, for example on the cross trainer will burn fat for 3 to 4 hours after you are done. don't just hop on for 10 minutes and say that you've done your cardio for the day, go the extra mile (literally) and go to 20 minutes, in the long run it will do you a world of good.

With this information that has changed my life, i hope you can make some positive changes to yours.

submitted by /u/Marzippp
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from loseit - Lose the Fat