Friday, April 10, 2020

How do I start running?

Ok, seems like a pretty stupid question, but here we go.

I started my (serious) weight loss journey in about mid-January. Some of my beginning stats first: 25 year old male, 6' tall, 290lbs. I don't have any other health issues other than my obesity. Was at the doctor a little over a year ago and blood pressure was good, blood tests were in proper ranges, etc. Doctor obviously said losing weight would be a good idea, which I already knew. Not sure why it took me until now to actually take that advice, but better late than never.

I started 16:8 intermittent fasting. I essentially skip breakfast, no snacking, eat lunch and dinner, and only drink black coffee and water. I do have the occasional can of diet soda, but nothing crazy. I was still having some trouble with portion control at lunch time because my employer caters lunch everyday and it's a buffet line of really good food. I also haven't really added any exercise, either.

So fast forward to today, I'm still 25, still a male, still 6' tall, but I'm down 20lbs to 270lbs. as of this morning. Having been working at home for 3 weeks, I've been learning a good lunch portion now that I have to provide it for myself. I have also started exercising. I can't go a gym because of the stay-at-home orders plus everything being closed, but I do have a really good neighborhood for walking. It has some hills mixed in and stuff like that, low population density so I can walk without really seeing anyone. I've started walking for about 30 minutes at least per day, unless it's raining. I also have been doing at-home workouts 2-3 days a week consisting of squats, sit-ups, push-ups, and curling some weights.

Anyway, with that as a background, I'd like to start running to improve my lung capacity, cardiovascular health, and burn more calories. I remember when I was a bit younger, I would get out of breath pretty quickly when running so I never really liked doing it, but I want to confront that and change that, without harming myself. One thing I was considering is to start out walking, then go to a light jog for as long as I can and then back to walking until I catch my breath, and then run again, etc. And keep doing that for awhile with the hope that the time I'm able to run increases over time.

Does that sound like the right approach? Also, would biking give me the same benefits?

TL;DR: 6' tall, starting weight 290lbs. Down to 270lbs in a few months. Want to start running. How do I do it safely?

Edit: Thanks to everyone who answered so far, but something else I thought of. Generally, I would consult the advice of my doctor for this, but because of this pandemic, I don't know if a doctor visit is even possible.

submitted by /u/WildTomorrow
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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