Friday, April 10, 2020

I've lost over 30 kgs and still can't decide If It made my life better or worse

Don't get me wrong my quality of life has improved a lot, I don't feel as tired anymore, the set of stairs in my bulding have become my bitch, and for the first time in my life I look...not bad. I have been overweight my whole life and It kinda became part of my personality, I didn't experienced bullying on a daily basis as I've always stood up for myself, but of course being a kid/teen who was always sold the idea of one day having "The big reveal" (she's all that style) I always wondered what It would be like If I lost the weight and to my surprise (after a year of dieting and exercising so not really) I got down to a health bmi (94kgs > 62kgs). At the beggining I thought that everything would change and then the closer I got to my goal weight the less I believed things would change, well... I was wrong both times. I didn't suddenly have 25 guys in love with me or anything like that, I just became a person, and I know that It sounds dramatic but because people used to always treat me as the funny gal who hangs out with the hot chicks, I didn't know any better. And now for the first time in my life I am my own person, I am seen. All of sudden I became attractive, talented, funny and all positive adjectives you could think of. But I've always been like this, I love to sing and people who saw me perform on a goddamn stage were surprised of how good of a singer I was only after my weight loss, my sense of humor that once was just amusing earning me always a friendly seat at the friendzone, now is attractive, overall people are nicer, and I kind hate the fact that I will never be able to shake the feeling that all It takes for It to go away is a slip on my diet. In conclusion: I can't bring myself to trust anyone, but at the same time I love the attention and only the thought of going back to being invisible terrifies me.

submitted by /u/gabraxe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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