Saturday, April 11, 2020

I hit my weight goal today!

Hi everyone,

It's my first post on this sub and I thought I might discuss my success (so far) in it.

I'm 20, female, and about 161 cm tall. I've always had a struggle with my body image. When I was 11 I moved to a new school and didn't deal with it very well. By the time I was 12 I was definitely very overweight. I remember, in the shower, looking down and not being able to see my toes because of how fat my stomach was. In my head I used to call myself 'Po' (the name of the panda from that Kung Fu movie...can't quite remember the name of it right now). My self image was horrible. I once looked into the mirror and said "I'm barely human". It was bad, and I was depressed.

My highest weight was about 67 kilograms.

When I was maybe 15, I started using the treadmill at home. I walked for an hour a day, usually 5 kilometres, sometimes 6 if I felt up I was up to it. I got down to about 60 over the summer holidays (a period of two months). But I was still fat.

I stopped exercising after that summer break. In my final year of high school I gained most of the weight back (I never weighed myself, but I looked as I did when I was 15 before working out) due to stress from studying.

When I was 18 I was diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) which makes weight gain especially hard.

Recently, about a month ago, I decided to take weight loss seriously. With the lockdown, I had no excuses not to spend some time losing the fat. My first weigh-in was 56.9 kilograms on the 5th of March. I set my goal as 55 kilograms, as I had read online that that would be right in the middle of the healthy weight range for my height and age. I also researched online about exercise & PCOS, and heard that HIIT is one of the most effective ways to lose weight if you have PCOS.

My workout routine consisted of a twenty-minute HIIT workout by Adrian Bryant (link) every day. Some weeks I would take one rest day in the week, but more often than not, I'd do it every day.

Within the past week, I added two more routines to my daily workout. In order, I'd do an eight-minute arm workout (link), then the 20-minute HIIT workout by Adrian Bryant linked above, and then a 10-minute standing ab workout by Chloe Ting (link) to finish up. This would make it about 40 minutes per day.

Today I weighed in, and the (digital) scale read 54.9 kilograms! The feeling of euphoria was insane...I almost cried! I had never been so low since I was 11 years old. I am definitely skinnier now but still have some stubborn fat on my hips, stomach and thighs.

I will continue with this routine until I stay under 55 kilograms (the digital scale sometimes goes higher or lower depending on the day), then set a new goal. I'm not sure what it should be though. Maybe 53 kilograms? 52? Advice on this would be really appreciated. The fat around my hips and thighs is what is irritating me. I still have a muffin top and my thighs are still fat and flabby. I also have two stomach rolls still, though they are smaller than before.

Let me know your tips for weight loss and any advice too - I'm super new to this, I only started a month ago, and am keen to come out of quarantine looking thinner, fitter, and healthier! Thanks guys :)

submitted by /u/squideye62
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

When you don’t want to yo-yo anymore, but need to start again....

Let me preface this with, I have been a “professional” at losing weight for the entirety of my adult life. I’m 28 and starting at 17 I began a long yo-yo journey in which I shed myself of the chubby girl stigma and instead was given the opportunity to have other adjectives attached to my being. For better or for worse. At my lowest weight, I found myself being 5’10 and 125 to then balloon to what I am now 10 years later somewhere around 250. I’ve been up and down the scale, sometimes in a healthy manner but more often times than not, in an unhealthy manner. Going to such lengths as shoving three fingers down my throat in the girl’s locker room if I ever dared to break down and eat a mini snickers. My relationship with food is non-existent at best and as toxic as cyanide at worst. Exercise became a thing I was accustomed to abusing in the sense that I obsess over the number or calories I was burning and would make I the centerpiece to my day outside of school. Or, I’d have no motivation to leave my bed and would justify controlling my eating instead.

But what is even more trying, is my relationship with my body and myself by association. You see the one thing people don’t talk about as much is the way you are treated once you lose the weight. I used to think that once you lose it, the world would become shinier, doors would be opened for me and suddenly all the opportunities to have a “normal” coming of age experience would find itself to me. What I didn’t expect was the way I treated myself when I was skinny and how that changed the way other people treated me.

Former bullies were all of a sudden inclined to treat me with a modicum of respect. People smiled when I walked by. When I went to the gym, trainers would flirt with me rather than try to sell me a fitness package. But above all, my looks were my most important factor over any other attributes I had. I was literally told the only way I’d make it in life was to marry rich by an internship boss. I rarely got taken seriously for my work or thoughts but instead was easily cast as the women who was better seen the heard. Where I went wrong was associating that I was not worthy of respect unless I maintained my weight loss. Otherwise, I was a failure who wasn’t worthy of any happiness.

This eventually got to me and in the last 3 years I just gave up. It became easier to be heard rather than seen. I struggled in my jobs more than any other time before. And I basically let depression get the best of me as all I could see was the failure who got fat again.

But something happened, I saw an old friend from college “my skinny days” and they didn’t even recognize me. The worst part was she was behind me in line at the grocery store with my credit card got declined. Talk about letting someone see you at your very worst. This was my biggest fear as I’ve been trying to runaway from old me for a while now. In a lot of ways that incident was my worst fear coming to life- but I got through it because I’m finally at a place where I’m not okay with letting others set my standards or feel shame over my struggles.

I’m definitely fat, definitely not even close to okay but after a year of therapy- I’m ready to do this again but with a better mindset and plan.

Reddit, what advice can you give to someone who’s trying again for the 50 billionth time?

submitted by /u/Winnersnevershiver
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Helpful to have people to rely while taking this journey

Greetings all! I started my weight loss journey on March 3, 2020 at 315.4 lbs and currently am at 299.2! Before the Coronavirus hit some co workers of mine, who I eat lunch with every day were doing the Keto diet to lose weight since the beginning of the year. It took me a few months to mentally get my head to the place where I was ready to change my life and finally took the plunge! Now I’m not doing keto and just really watching my calorie intake and exercising but I’m really excited to finally have broken the 300lb barrier! It’s been about four years since I was down there and It’s been a really amazing journey so far. I have signed up for a tough Mudder in September which is something I always wanted to do and this was a huge push for me to get in shape.

Thank you to all the amazing members of this sub who have kept me motivated in this time and are acting as a motivation.

Please be safe and we can do amazing things!

submitted by /u/johnnypyro64
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

No weight loss after 2 months

But I can tell my body is getting smaller. 😭

5’6 F 192lbs

I actually haven’t cared much about the scale at all lately, I just hop on once a week or so to check progress.

But I’ve been treated for binge eating (successfully) since mid February. And I’ve been regularly going to the gym or walking since then. And I’ve recently started jogging.

I’m 192 lbs. I was 194 lbs when I went to my doctors appointment February. Those first 2 lbs were lost in the first couple of weeks starting medication. Since then. Nothing.

I don’t binge anymore and rarely overeat and overall eat less on a regular basis than I did before. I eat healthier. Drink plenty of water.

When I went to the gym I was doing a lot of cardio and stair climbing. ONE time I did some resistance training. Other than that I haven’t been training muscles, although the stairs probably increase muscles in my thighs.

That to say I’ve been trying to rationalize the stalled weight loss being replaced by muscle mass but I don’t really weight train. Mostly cardio.

I can tell a difference in my clothes and body shape. I was stretching a size 14 when I started and now fit comfortably in my size 12s again. But the fact that I’m only showing a 2 lb loss in TWO MONTHS is starting to get to me lol.

I’m not mentally prepared to do any sort of drastic diet or fasting, so that’s off the table. This week I’ve started increasing the intensity of my walks/jogs (all I’m able to do quarantine).

But still 2 lbs in 2 months. Lol. Somebody please tell me what’s going on!?

submitted by /u/depression---cherry
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Just kissed the 190’s goodbye! Getting out of a Plateau

I’ve been waiting for so long to leave the 190’s. Y’all. So my weight loss journey started last May (end of May) and since then I’ve lost 46 pounds! I started at 235 and am now at 189.3

The way it started was I actually studied abroad for a month in China in June of 2019. We walked so much every single day that I lost 10 pounds and got plantar fasciitis lol. So not all positive. When I got home I spent the next two months of summer working with a personal trainer and eating clean and counting calories. And basically CICO and lifting weights have been my magic sweet spot for weight loss. HOWEVER.

There have been a couple specific times when I’ve plateaued and there have been two ways I’ve gotten out of those. The first is getting strict on calorie counting again. A few times I let myself slip and snack and eat way more than I was supposed to. The second way is intermittent fasting. Now don’t get me wrong. I love to eat. I love it so much. But let me tell you-try IF for a week if you’ve plateaued, workout while you’re fasting, and eat the right amount of calories. It almost always helps break me out of a plateau.

If you are in a high stress environment-I wouldn’t recommend this!! This has worked for me now during quarantine when I got nothing going on and in the summer when I also had nothing going on. I tried it towards the beginning of the semester in the fall when my classes were in full swing and it just made life unbearable.

So yeah I just wanted to share something that has been working really well for me lately and I hope it gives you some hope as well!

submitted by /u/CatLadyNumbaFive
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

power walking vs jogging

Hello all,

I began my weight loss journey about 15 days ago. So far I've lost 7.5 lbs, and I'm excited to lose more!

I've been walking everyday and typically get around 10k - 14k steps in per day which has done a lot to accelerate my weight loss.

However I've been thinking about adding in some light jogging to help burn a few extra calories per day.

I'm a bit concerned about being morbidly obese (300 lbs, 45.6 BMI) and jogging as I've been told it can be hard on the joints. This has been the case for some coworkers as well, jogging tends to be painful and put you at an increased risk for injury due to weight. I haven't been able to confirm that via google searches however.

A lot of people I work with have had a lot of success with Power Walking, which from what I understand is just walking, only quite a bit faster haha.

I really want to up the weight loss with exercise as I'm at my limit with CICO (1500-1800 per day currently) and don't want to risk being nutrient deficient.

What say you, people of /r/loseit? Anyone have thoughts on Jogging vs. Really Fast Walking?


submitted by /u/Jkell84
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Watching what I eat on the back burner during stressful period

Hi all, this is a post wondering what other people have done during more stressful periods with regard to losing weight. I lost weight last week, but found my stress levels go up this week because I have remote exams for uni coming up, which surprise surprise, I haven't prepared for.

Earlier this week, I did overeat, because trying to keep to a caloric deficit along with the added stress and not sleeping well was too much. For the last half of the week, I've decided to just try and stick to relatively healthy eating (... yes I did have a chocolate bar today) and my goal is to maintain (Monday is my next weigh-in). Does anyone have any tips on keeping the weight loss ticking over during more stressful periods? Or, does anyone have some stress-relieving tips? Thanks!

submitted by /u/EmilyEraneva
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from loseit - Lose the Fat