Saturday, April 11, 2020

I hit my weight goal today!

Hi everyone,

It's my first post on this sub and I thought I might discuss my success (so far) in it.

I'm 20, female, and about 161 cm tall. I've always had a struggle with my body image. When I was 11 I moved to a new school and didn't deal with it very well. By the time I was 12 I was definitely very overweight. I remember, in the shower, looking down and not being able to see my toes because of how fat my stomach was. In my head I used to call myself 'Po' (the name of the panda from that Kung Fu movie...can't quite remember the name of it right now). My self image was horrible. I once looked into the mirror and said "I'm barely human". It was bad, and I was depressed.

My highest weight was about 67 kilograms.

When I was maybe 15, I started using the treadmill at home. I walked for an hour a day, usually 5 kilometres, sometimes 6 if I felt up I was up to it. I got down to about 60 over the summer holidays (a period of two months). But I was still fat.

I stopped exercising after that summer break. In my final year of high school I gained most of the weight back (I never weighed myself, but I looked as I did when I was 15 before working out) due to stress from studying.

When I was 18 I was diagnosed with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) which makes weight gain especially hard.

Recently, about a month ago, I decided to take weight loss seriously. With the lockdown, I had no excuses not to spend some time losing the fat. My first weigh-in was 56.9 kilograms on the 5th of March. I set my goal as 55 kilograms, as I had read online that that would be right in the middle of the healthy weight range for my height and age. I also researched online about exercise & PCOS, and heard that HIIT is one of the most effective ways to lose weight if you have PCOS.

My workout routine consisted of a twenty-minute HIIT workout by Adrian Bryant (link) every day. Some weeks I would take one rest day in the week, but more often than not, I'd do it every day.

Within the past week, I added two more routines to my daily workout. In order, I'd do an eight-minute arm workout (link), then the 20-minute HIIT workout by Adrian Bryant linked above, and then a 10-minute standing ab workout by Chloe Ting (link) to finish up. This would make it about 40 minutes per day.

Today I weighed in, and the (digital) scale read 54.9 kilograms! The feeling of euphoria was insane...I almost cried! I had never been so low since I was 11 years old. I am definitely skinnier now but still have some stubborn fat on my hips, stomach and thighs.

I will continue with this routine until I stay under 55 kilograms (the digital scale sometimes goes higher or lower depending on the day), then set a new goal. I'm not sure what it should be though. Maybe 53 kilograms? 52? Advice on this would be really appreciated. The fat around my hips and thighs is what is irritating me. I still have a muffin top and my thighs are still fat and flabby. I also have two stomach rolls still, though they are smaller than before.

Let me know your tips for weight loss and any advice too - I'm super new to this, I only started a month ago, and am keen to come out of quarantine looking thinner, fitter, and healthier! Thanks guys :)

submitted by /u/squideye62
[link] [comments]

from loseit - Lose the Fat

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