Saturday, April 11, 2020

How to stay on track when nearly at goal weight?

I started dieting at the beginning of February and have gone from 80ish kg to 71 kg. I am 5"9, 32f with a fairly muscular frame. I feel great and am enjoying fitting into old clothes. I used My Fitness Pal and calorie counting, with a bit of an increase in exercise but I was already pretty active.

My goal weight is 69kg (I want to weigh myself and go "nice") and I'm having conflicting feelings as I near my goal weight. It's definitely getting harder to eat the correct calories and I haven't quite figured out if I'm taking the right approach.

I stopped tracking exercise calories as I think it overestimates but also realised recently, after going down to 1300 from the recommended 1380 to get over a plateau, that my net calories was below 1000. I took them back up to 1400 and feel more energetic for it. But I am also finding it hard to stick to calorie count 'so close' to goal. The last 6 or so days I have been about 100 calories over each day, possibly more.

Part of it is being in the house more, but I am feeling a weird mix of emotions. It's hard to keep the motivation for losing the last few kgs but I am also realising that my goals are creeping. My bodyfat is now measuring as about 25% (I know to take this with a pinch of salt) and I'd like to get that down to the early 20s to look my best but I'm wary of getting into a pattern where everytime I get to a goal I set a new one.

It's also relevant that I have been keeping my sanity with going for much longer cycles than normal (usually a commute of 25km over a week) and have covered about 100km this past week in 6 trips. I am loving this but noticing the upturn in appetite and am not sure how to approach this from a weight loss perspective.

I'd love any advice about how to keep on track for the last bit, if I should adjust my approach to reflect the cycling somehow, as well as this "shifting goals" thing. Setting a new goal weight seems common in other stories, but how do you know when to stop?

submitted by /u/sameoldslippers
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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