Saturday, April 11, 2020

Just kissed the 190’s goodbye! Getting out of a Plateau

I’ve been waiting for so long to leave the 190’s. Y’all. So my weight loss journey started last May (end of May) and since then I’ve lost 46 pounds! I started at 235 and am now at 189.3

The way it started was I actually studied abroad for a month in China in June of 2019. We walked so much every single day that I lost 10 pounds and got plantar fasciitis lol. So not all positive. When I got home I spent the next two months of summer working with a personal trainer and eating clean and counting calories. And basically CICO and lifting weights have been my magic sweet spot for weight loss. HOWEVER.

There have been a couple specific times when I’ve plateaued and there have been two ways I’ve gotten out of those. The first is getting strict on calorie counting again. A few times I let myself slip and snack and eat way more than I was supposed to. The second way is intermittent fasting. Now don’t get me wrong. I love to eat. I love it so much. But let me tell you-try IF for a week if you’ve plateaued, workout while you’re fasting, and eat the right amount of calories. It almost always helps break me out of a plateau.

If you are in a high stress environment-I wouldn’t recommend this!! This has worked for me now during quarantine when I got nothing going on and in the summer when I also had nothing going on. I tried it towards the beginning of the semester in the fall when my classes were in full swing and it just made life unbearable.

So yeah I just wanted to share something that has been working really well for me lately and I hope it gives you some hope as well!

submitted by /u/CatLadyNumbaFive
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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