Saturday, April 11, 2020

power walking vs jogging

Hello all,

I began my weight loss journey about 15 days ago. So far I've lost 7.5 lbs, and I'm excited to lose more!

I've been walking everyday and typically get around 10k - 14k steps in per day which has done a lot to accelerate my weight loss.

However I've been thinking about adding in some light jogging to help burn a few extra calories per day.

I'm a bit concerned about being morbidly obese (300 lbs, 45.6 BMI) and jogging as I've been told it can be hard on the joints. This has been the case for some coworkers as well, jogging tends to be painful and put you at an increased risk for injury due to weight. I haven't been able to confirm that via google searches however.

A lot of people I work with have had a lot of success with Power Walking, which from what I understand is just walking, only quite a bit faster haha.

I really want to up the weight loss with exercise as I'm at my limit with CICO (1500-1800 per day currently) and don't want to risk being nutrient deficient.

What say you, people of /r/loseit? Anyone have thoughts on Jogging vs. Really Fast Walking?


submitted by /u/Jkell84
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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