Friday, June 12, 2020

I can’t lose weight for the life of me

hello, I have been a part of this sub for a long time but I haven’t ever posted because I never had a loss to celebrate. I have been trying to lose some weight for about a year but it only goes in the opposite direction. I only eat two meals a day along with a couple small snacks and I bike or walk to and from work everyday. I think maybe I need to be stricter with my food. I always think it would be easier if I just stopped eating but I would get so weak and I need to have energy for work. It’s so hard to know how much to eat as I don’t want to eat too little because people say that messes up your metabolism. I just feel like i’m stuck and I don’t want to keep gaining forever. I hate going outside of my house or seeing people I know because I hate the way that I look. It’s so embarrassing. What helped kickstart your weight loss? Does full on fasting actually work long term?

submitted by /u/lavendersailboat
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I beat my mile time today!!!

So to start off, i have been on my weight loss journey for about 2 years now. its had its ups and downs (literally) and ive recently been getting back into an up after a pretty long down period. This sounds so silly when i type it out lol but im so proud of myself! two days ago i ran (and walked LOL) a mile in 15:57. today i went to the gym again and did a 15:46 mile! of course i have much improving to do, as that is not ideal for a mile run time, but its been a whole since ive done a dedicated mile and im super proud of myself. I have also been trying really hard to get back on track with my diet but am struggling really hard with it. ive gained like 20 of the 40 lbs i lost originally back over the last 6 months or so, and im not too happy about it but im getting back into the swing of things. if anyone has any pointers that they wanna guve, throw them at me!! This community is amazing and you are all so helpful and encouraging and i love you all

submitted by /u/CometThomas
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Thursday, June 11, 2020

I lost 28 pounds.

Just some late night thoughts as it’s 11:23PM here.

I started my weight loss journey at 208 pounds and I’m currently 180. It has taken me eight months of non-consistent dieting and it’s crazy because I haven’t been this weight since 2017. It feels so unreal. Apart of me still feels big when I look in the mirror but I also recognize I lost a lot of weight. My belly is basically flat now. Just bloated you can say. I can finally wear my favourite pair of jeans again! I kept them even when I gained weight because I knew one day I would fit them again. Even at 190 I couldn’t fit them comfortably and today I was walking around in them and it felt amazing.

My goal is 150. I’ve never been that weight before. I’m really looking forward to the results.

It’s crazy to think that if I didn’t make that one decision in November to start losing weight, I wouldn’t be here today.

advice and tips to people starting their journey:

  • Take lots of photos. One of my biggest regrets is not taking a lot of ‘before’ photos.

  • You’ll fuck up some days. It’s okay, don’t punish yourself, keep going.

  • Sometimes you need a break from calorie counting if it’s draining you. Take a break for a week or two (or however long you need) and eat at maintenance.

  • Progress doesn’t happen overnight. One of my biggest problems with my weightloss journey(s) is that I always expected to lose a bunch of weight within a month and be completely transformed which is soooo unrealistic.

submitted by /u/thundercat29
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Calorie intake?

I am F/255 I started my weight loss journey a few weeks ago and have lost almost 15 pounds. I calculated how many calories I should be eating for max weight loss and it’s around 1770. However, I’ve been eating around 1200 calories or even under 1000 a day. I work out 5/6 days a week as well. Today I ate around 1300 calories and am feeling a little guilty because it’s a lot more than usual, but I feel like I shouldn’t be feeling this way if my recommenced is 1770. I’m wondering how close to 1770 I should be eating? I also know that 1200 or under 1000 sounds little even if I want max weight loss, but I also understand that I need to take things slow and I just simply haven’t been as hungry. Any help, advice, and tips would be much appreciated!

submitted by /u/appawat
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5 Lower Body Exercises for Runners

Quick Home Workout to help you keep your hips and glutes strong! This can be an area of weakness and potential injuries- so pay attention to how your body feels & if the Right / Left side feel significantly different from the other. Keep your body strong so you can run better, faster and longer!! ... Read More about 5 Lower Body Exercises for Runners

The post 5 Lower Body Exercises for Runners appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

Learned a Valuable Lesson Today

First time posting.

I thought this might help someone today so I should share. TRUST THE PROCESS.

I got back up on the “lose it” train at 346 on 5/4/20 and was determined to get back to it after my work life had made me put things on hold. And, boy oh boy, was that first month good to me. I lost 21 pounds and was feeling good. I’m losing 3 to 4 pounds a week! This is easy!

Yet, here I was, after having every single time I stepped on the scale be a new low, to plateauing for four days in a row. I was defeated.

Maybe I was right and my body just couldn’t lose weight like “normal people” could. Maybe I was destined to be this big forever. Dramatic, I know. But, those are the thoughts that run through your head at times like these. If I defeat me, then the weight loss can’t defeat me.

I told my wife “I need to do something different. I’m working hard and it’s not making sense.”

“Well, let’s do some math. Your maintenance caloric intake at your current weight without exercise should be 2,900 calories. You’re eating 2,400 a day. So that’s a pound a week. You’re on track, right?”

She was right.

“So, either eat less calories or burn more. Makes sense to me. You got this.”

When you hit the wall, which you will. Remember that failing to lose one pound today or even this week, doesn’t mean you “didn’t lose weight”. It means your weight loss stalled a little at the weight you’re at and your body is adapting.

Reassess and get back to it.

I didn’t “not lose a pound”. I got stuck for a few days after losing 21 pounds! And it didn’t happen on accident!

Trust the process.

submitted by /u/dallasdp
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Health Scare

In January, I was hospitalized due to a severe infection. Turns out, I had diabetes. While In the hospital, my kidneys started to fail and I had 4 surgeries to get rid of the infection in my leg/ groin.I was 5’ 7 and nearly 300lbs. I was a smoker and drinker and ate terribly.

Fast forward to today, I have lost 65lbs, quit smoking cigarettes (after 20 years), stopped drinking alcohol (for now), and go on daily walks. I truly believe most of weight loss was attributed to my diet change ( low carb, vegetable or fruit at every meal) and following my calorie budget. I am now off of insulin and my A1C went from 12 to 5.7!!

Also, I started individually therapy, which I recommend to anyone.

I don’t think I would have done all of this without the health scare. Please pay attention to your body and get regular check ups/ lab-work.

submitted by /u/erinbeez
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