Thursday, June 11, 2020

I lost 28 pounds.

Just some late night thoughts as it’s 11:23PM here.

I started my weight loss journey at 208 pounds and I’m currently 180. It has taken me eight months of non-consistent dieting and it’s crazy because I haven’t been this weight since 2017. It feels so unreal. Apart of me still feels big when I look in the mirror but I also recognize I lost a lot of weight. My belly is basically flat now. Just bloated you can say. I can finally wear my favourite pair of jeans again! I kept them even when I gained weight because I knew one day I would fit them again. Even at 190 I couldn’t fit them comfortably and today I was walking around in them and it felt amazing.

My goal is 150. I’ve never been that weight before. I’m really looking forward to the results.

It’s crazy to think that if I didn’t make that one decision in November to start losing weight, I wouldn’t be here today.

advice and tips to people starting their journey:

  • Take lots of photos. One of my biggest regrets is not taking a lot of ‘before’ photos.

  • You’ll fuck up some days. It’s okay, don’t punish yourself, keep going.

  • Sometimes you need a break from calorie counting if it’s draining you. Take a break for a week or two (or however long you need) and eat at maintenance.

  • Progress doesn’t happen overnight. One of my biggest problems with my weightloss journey(s) is that I always expected to lose a bunch of weight within a month and be completely transformed which is soooo unrealistic.

submitted by /u/thundercat29
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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