Friday, June 12, 2020

What the Boston Marathon Cancellation Means for Running – Podcast 125

The Boston Marathon announced it’s officially cancelled for 2020. This has never happened before. But – Should you care if you weren’t planning on ever running Boston?? Yes, because this announcement may have an impact on all the other races this year.  And last week I said I was changing up my long run day ... Read More about What the Boston Marathon Cancellation Means for Running – Podcast 125

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from Run Eat Repeat

Starting to see abs!!!

I've been on a weight loss journey since last December. I've lost 11 lbs so far, and something that has really been helping has been exercising!!! I honestly love exercising, the feeling of my muscles being worn out, being able to do new things and pushing my body to new limits.

I've been doing many ab workouts lately, and thought I love working out, I absolutely hate ab workouts and HIIT workouts. However, today I looked in the mirror, and when I flexed really hard I could see my four upper abs!!!! I've never had visible abs in my entire life, and although my current relaxed stomach is still a bunch of squish, I'm so excited!!!!

I'm still in the overweight category and have a lot of fat to lose, but seeing this muscle definition has really inspired me to keep it up! Things like this are what makes weight loss fun and exciting.

This is my first time losing weight, and it's incredibly interesting to see how my body changes along the journey considering I have absolutely no expectations. I'm really stoked to see what my body will look like at the end of this year.

submitted by /u/TwinTemporaryTime
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

23/F/4'10" - Haven't lost a pound since March. Advice?

Hey everyone! I'm a 23F who is extremely short (4'10") but weighs in at 140 pounds. I was about 115-120 lbs almost my entire life and have been going to the gym pretty regularly since high school. I actually love working out and regularly jump rope and run as an anxiety reliever. I am decently muscular as well as I fell in love with lifting after it helped fix my winged shoulder blades.

I never had a huge issue with weight. I ate generally healthy meals as they make me feel good, but didn't really pay attention to calories. I just ate until I was full. Suddenly, last year, between January 2019 and August 2019, my weight shot up from 120 to 150lbs. I went from a healthy to obese BMI despite working out a few days a week and working a job that had me walking 15,000 steps a day. I was noticing my weight gain this entire time and upped my cardio even more. But the weight kept piling on.

I was not counting my calories during this time, but my eating habits had not changed at all. The only difference is that I started an ADHD medication. According to my doctor, this usually does not cause weight gain - the opposite, actually. I had my thyroid checked twice and nothing was wrong. This surprised me considering the amount I gained and my mom has hypothyroidism.

My goal weight, that I started working at in August 2019, was to reach 115 lbs. However, since August 2019, I have only lost 10 pounds (down from 150). And have not lost any weight at all since early March 2020. Not a single pound. This is extremely discouraging because weight loss was already taking forever, but now it seems to not be working at all.

Current plan:

Diet: 1300 calories a day max. I usually end up around 1100-1200 but I always keep it under 1300. I allow myself one cheat day on the weekend where I can eat up to 1600. Cut out fried foods, alcohol, limited high calorie carbs like bread/pasta/white rice, and try to get at least 50 grams of protein a day (hard to do eating so little). I do not eat back my exercise calories. I weigh and measure my food, and always round up so it's likely I may be eating less.

Exercise: 6 days a week I do 30 minutes of cardio right when I wake up to try to get into a calorie deficit. I always go for either jump rope, elliptical, or the treadmill. According to the machines and my calorie tracker, I burn between 350-400 calories depending on how hard I go. I do lower body strength workouts (weighted squats, lunges, leg press, etc.) twice a week for about 20-30 minutes, and also do twice a week of upper body strength. I usually only burn about 150 calories from strength.

Despite doing these things meticulously, I haven't lost since March. I don't know what to do. My best friend eats more than me and works out less and is shredding off the pounds - and she is only 5'3"!

Please don't think I'm a dumbass or I'm not actually being careful with tracking. I know this doesn't make sense scientifically. I have done everything I can. That's why I'm reaching out for advice.

This week I started eating 1,000 calories to see if that will change anything. I know this is too low according to what I've read, but I am not hungry or feeling weak as of yet. In fact, I never feel hungry, which is weird?

Is it possible that I need less than 1200 since I'm so short? Is that safe? Has anyone else struggled with this?

Please be nice, I just want to see if anyone has advice...

submitted by /u/777sadurn777
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How I lost 50 pounds!

Finally hit my first big goal at this morning’s weigh in. I honestly can’t believe I did it. I just feel so amazing and grateful for this journey. I wanted to share a little bit of my experience in the hopes it can help or inspire someone. Thanks for reading!

Some background info- F/24/5’6” SW:236 CW:186 lost the weight in about 11 months. Hoping to ultimately get to 150 or 160

I started out not really committed to losing weight, just wanted to be a little healthier. First thing I did was cutting out soda which was probably the hardest change for me. I was drinking several cans a day, slowly cut down to one a day, a few a week and then none. I also started walking about a mile a day 5 times a week.

At that point I was feeling good and decided to give weight loss a real try. Like most of you I had tried dieting many many times before, which always failed or I’d lose a bit then regain it. Instead of the usual try to completely change over night, I decided to make small changes one at a time. Once I felt comfortable with my new habit I would add something else in. This really made it feel like a lifestyle change and not a temporary diet like before. I did intermittent fasting, cut down on sweets, limited eating out, tracked my calories and added in home workouts. If I had tried to do all this at once I truly believe I would have given up and failed.

Please don’t be discouraged by how far you have to go, or how long it takes to get there. Just take things one step at a time and you will be there eventually! Happy losing everyone ❤️

submitted by /u/lynzanatomy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone else on a weight loss plateau these past two weeks?

I have been cutting weight since January at a pretty consistent pace. This was just walking and lifting heavy. I was losing on average about 1.5 pounds a week. Some less some more but it’s always been under every week. When the lockdown began I kept lifting weights in my home but I was limited. I did not lift as heavy because I didn’t have heavy plates/weights and had less equipment to do others exercises. I kept it basic and less intense for sure. Now these past 2 weeks it seems like I’ve stayed relatively the same if not gained (not much, about .5 a pound). But I also noticed that was around the time I went back to the gym. I’ve been more sore than ever as well. So I was thinking, could going back to a more intense workout regimen cause more water retention? That would answer a lot of things since my diet and calories have stayed the same from previous weeks.

submitted by /u/findmyheaven
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feel like a failure

I was always the fat kid. Family members would count how many servings I took or how my slices of pizza I ate etc and make comments like “are you sure you should eat ALL that?” I basically grew up constantly obsessing over my weight and size. It didn’t help that I developed breasts by 13 and my mom refused to get me a bra until I was 14 and by then my size was a 32 DD. I would self harm and hit myself and scream and cry becomes I felt fat and gross. I wanted to take a pair of scissors and cut of everything until I was skinny. I’ve been doing Jillian Michaels and tae bo videos since I was 11 years old. Looking back I can’t believe how much I hated myself and I want the body I had before. Last year I was the biggest I had ever been at 185 lbs and in August I decided to try and achieve my dream body. And I’ve been yo yo dieting since then. Probably only worked out a couple of times despite signing up for a gym membership and even committing to multiple “challenges” by YouTube fitness gurus. I’ve only lost 14 lbs. I’ve tried everything. Shakes, IF, OMAD, water fasts, keto.. the list is endless. But I never went below 170 and always gained the weight back within a couple weeks. I went Vegetarian the beginning of this month and want to transition to vegan for a couple weeks. Mostly because i want to stop eating processed meats and stuff and develop a taste for vegetables and fruits etc and learn how to make them yummy. But I feel like I need to start working out. I don’t have any motivation. None of my friends or family need/want to lose as much weight as me and I really don’t have a lot of support. Is there anyone willing to join me on the weight loss journey and we send each other everything we ate and what workouts we did etc and our weight and keep each other motivated? A group chat or something maybe? Does something like this exist ? Or we can create one ?

submitted by /u/caterpillarcuddles
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Does anyone feel like they lose weight unevenly?

First of all, I realise this may be a weird question.

I've been actively losing weight and trying to achieve a healthy lifestyle since April and the weight loss has become quite noticeable. I've recently noticed that I'm not losing weight evenly. For instance on the right side of my face my cheekbone is more visible than the left side. Also, my right thigh is skinnier than the other. The differences really aren't that big but they're noticeable to me.

So I guess I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else? And does anyone know if it will even out eventually? I know you can't choose where you lose weight but it seems kind of weird to me that my right side is losing weight faster than my left side.

submitted by /u/belgianidiot
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from loseit - Lose the Fat