Monday, August 10, 2020

Is my weight loss diet safe and healthy?

So to start off, sorry for the post length and structure, I didn’t really plan writing this it just happened 😂

Hi, I’m a 19 year old, male and I’m 165cm tall. So I started at 80.7kg and I’m now 72.5kg, so I’m quite happy with myself managing to lose more than 8kg in 40 days. I’ve been reading about the possibility of losing muscle mass rather than fat, but I don’t think that’s what happening as I’m doing weight training 3 times a week (same for cardio) and I’m not losing strength at all, in fact I’m getting stronger. Does this mean I’m definitely not losing muscle mass? Also I don’t feel weaker day to day, I feel healthier actually and my arms aren’t smaller either if that’s any indication of possible muscle loss.

I try to keep to around 1200 calories, but some days I’ll go over a tiny bit.

My diet’s the following: 2 hard boiled eggs, 200ml of organic Soya milk, a banana, an apple, at least 150g of protein from chicken (zero fat and carb, 100cals per 100g) and some mixed salad with the chicken for fibre as my “leafy greens”. Carbs are below 60g and fats below 70g usually.

I’m hoping to get to 70kg, if not 69kg, then I’ll either focus on maintaining weight or bulking. I’ll keep up the cardio, and reduce my weight training to twice a week.

I would be really thankful if you could let me know what you think of this, for example could there be any long time negative effects of this diet?

Oh one more thing actually if you could help me out but nw if you can’t :), although I’ve lost 8.5kg, I still have quite a bit of fat around my belly and hips, and I don’t think getting to 69/70 kg will be enough to get rid of it, any advice?

Thank you!!!

submitted by /u/indianwitcher27
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tips for losing weight faster while staying healthy/happy? For a weight loss bet

I signed up for a HealthyWage bet last month, which is where you pay some money per month, and then if you make your goal you get back what you paid in, plus extra. Now, I'd previously lost 5lb over the past few months with a lifestyle change, and I was looking to lose about 25lb more, but when I signed up for the bet, I found that I would get a much bigger reward if I lost 29lb. No big deal, I figure it's still in the healthy range for my height, so I signed up, and because I didn't want it to drag on too long, I went with the minimum (6 months). So far, I've lost 12 lb, most of it being water weight, but as my loss slowed I checked a calculator to see what my calories would need to be to make the goal.

For the following:

age: 26

height: 5'1"

CW: 120lb

GW: 103lb between Dec. 25 - Jan 8

sedentary lifestyle

According to an online calculator, I'd need to eat ~1000 calories per day for the next . I've heard of 1200isplenty, but I'm pretty sure 1000 isn't plenty for anyone! I already paid money to the site, and I really don't want to lose it, but I'm worried that eating this little will leave me starving or trigger an eating disorder. I thought maybe I'd aim for 105ish and then water fast for a day or two to get down to 103 for the weigh out, but even this will be tough to reach. Is it better to exercise every day so I can eat more, or will this be too hard on my body? Will taking vitamins help me deal with this much of a deficit? Should I try IF or intermittent dieting (a la the MATADOR study) to maximize my weight loss efficiency?

Any and all tips appreciated, especially from people who have worked with a similar calorie goal!

submitted by /u/Potatorum1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Welcome to another edition of Maintenance Monday!

If you've reached your goal weight and you're looking for a space to discuss with fellow maintainers, this is the thread for you! Whether you're brand new to maintenance or you've been doing it for years, you're welcome to use this space to chat about anything and everything related to the experience of maintaining your weight loss.

Hey squad, here's your weekly discussion thread! Tell us how maintenance and life in general is going for you this week! And if you'd like to reread last week's, here's a link.

Note: I'm no longer including specific prompts or topics unless requested. If you have an idea for one, you're more than welcome to drop me a line and I'll be happy to include it next time!

submitted by /u/liyote
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Getting back up and trying again (advice appreciated)

I was overweight my entire childhood. Obese, really. (My grandmother took care of me when I was too young for school, and let me tell you, daily trips to the McDonalds drive-through do not get a kid off to the best start.) After a couple decades of mental health issues and binge eating I finally got it together and lost over 80 pounds by closely monitoring my diet and exercising regularly. Oh and developing a pretty big case of bulimia.

I then took the weight loss to the other extreme, eventually being diagnosed as anorexic at one point. It’s a sign of how sick I was, but at the time the diagnosis felt like a badge of honor. But after fainting in public a few times and finally being taken to the ER I realized exactly what I was doing to myself (maybe I hit my head that last time I fainted lol) and got professional psychiatric help. I managed to maintain a healthy weight for over five years without dipping back into unhealthy habits on either end of the disordered eating spectrum.

HOWEVER. I moved cross-country by myself three years ago, and since the move the weight has been slowly piling back on. For a long time I tried to ignore what I saw in the mirror and how tight my clothes were getting, as I let my eating restrictions loosen and became almost entirely sedentary outside of work. I’m in NJ and during the height of the COVID-pocalypse gained about 30 pounds during quarantine alone. I had gained back all 80 pounds I’d lost and then some, bringing me to the heaviest I’ve ever been.

Idk exactly which straw it was that finally broke the camel’s back, but about three weeks ago I decided I’m sick of feeling uncomfortable in my own skin. I looked up my TDEE and try to keep my intake to around 12-1500 calories (34F, 5’7”, SW 240 lbs). I logged into MyFitnessPal for the first time since cough 2017 and have been tracking my caloric intake religiously. I also invested in a stair-stepper, treadmill, and weight set for my apartment since gyms here may never open again (and I loathe outdoor exercise), and have been working out regularly throughout the week.

In the last three weeks I’ve lost nearly 8 lbs. I know this is a relatively good, sustainable pace. I know it took years to put the weight on, so I can’t expect to lose it in a matter of weeks. And most of all I know I need to ignore that little devil on my shoulder reminding me how much faster the weight would come off if I severely restricted my intake, over-exercised, and purged the few things I did eat.

How do I ignore that voice telling me to take the shortcut? How do I put aside the fear that I’m going to overdo it again and get myself into a really dark place mentally and physically? If anyone else has had similar struggles with both ends of the disordered eating spectrum I’d love to hear how you cope.

Sorry this ended up being so long, I just needed to vent. Thanks for reading ❤️

submitted by /u/ladycousland
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Concerns over weight loss

I dont know where to really start to so I will just get right to the point. Over the last month or so I have really started to get concerned with my body, espcecially with Covid. So over the past month I have been going on walks with my dog/running a little bit/ etc. However (thanks to this community), I saw some tips on what I should do, rather than just give 50%.

So starting last Monday (I am one week in), I weighed myself at 202.8 LBS (My goal weight will be around 165). I am around 5'6, 27 year old male and have always been stocky, I have massive legs and calves that are almost all muscle. I played sports my whole life, and even some in college (club teams) but that was about 5 or 6 years ago. I used to do other activities (hot yoga, pilates, biking) but havent been really that active in a few years.....back to the good stuff.

So I tracked to lose two pounds a week on my fitness pal, which recommended a net of 1500 calories per day (thus around 1700 total to cover the 200 used during working out). Thus I ran 6 times last week, all followed with some sort of lift (dumbells at home) or core workout (planks/abs) or yoga. I stayed discipline all week and noticed that I lose 4 pounds this past week...which I am very impressed by. However I am a bit concerned about losing too much too fast. Can you guys give me answers or your best opinionated guesses on my questions below.

  1. My biggest fear is that I'll end up having loose skin when I get to my goal weight. Should that be a concern considering my age and height? (27m, 5'6, GW 165 or 37LBs in 20 weeks or so)
  2. I am trying to lose 2 pounds a week, however I am assuming the first few weeks back to working out the weight will come off a bit easier and then will gradually pan out to the 2 lbs a week?
  3. Should I focus more on working out my arms/chest/abs to avoid the excess fat and build muscle up over there?

Thanks in advance guys! I really appreciate the help.

submitted by /u/bluebook60
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Advice to help stay on track with my goal.

Hi guys, I’m James, 20 year old male and this is my first dabble in reddit. Basically from about Nov 2018 - Current, I’ve dropped about 44KGs going from 140KG - 96KG. The weight loss is great and all but am still trying to get to my goal of 80KGs. Before in the higher weights it was less to do with what I ate and more with the quantities/quality if that makes sense. This mainly because with the exercise I was doing my BMR was just far too high and I dropped weight. But now with my BMR in a reasonable range, I find I have to monitor my calorie intake and do far more exercise. I can only imagine this getting compounded and exponentially harder as I get closer to my goal. So basically I just wanted to get some guidance for how to stay positive and stick with it. Because yeah at the start of the week when that number reads less it’s an amazing feeling but throughout the week I struggle to think about that end result I want and more about my stomach.

Thanks everyone, James.

submitted by /u/LessCrqzyJames
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to continue loosing weight if dealing with an injury.

(32/F/S.W. 106.1kg/ C.W. 101.1) I’ve only been on my health journey for a month but I’m super proud that I’ve lost 5kg and I seem to have completely changed my perspective on food and takeaways and snacking. I have been supplementing healthier eating with more exercise than before.

I’ve woken up this morning and my ankle and heel of my foot is killing and I think it may be as a result of taking up running. I believe I need to rest it and do low impact exercise until the pain subsides.

How did everyone manage and continue to see good losses while having to reduce or limit amount of exercise for whatever reason? I feel really disheartened as I know the exercise is what is mostly driving the weight loss. I’d love to hear how others kept on track. Thanks

submitted by /u/princessinsomniac
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from loseit - Lose the Fat