Monday, August 10, 2020

Is my weight loss diet safe and healthy?

So to start off, sorry for the post length and structure, I didn’t really plan writing this it just happened 😂

Hi, I’m a 19 year old, male and I’m 165cm tall. So I started at 80.7kg and I’m now 72.5kg, so I’m quite happy with myself managing to lose more than 8kg in 40 days. I’ve been reading about the possibility of losing muscle mass rather than fat, but I don’t think that’s what happening as I’m doing weight training 3 times a week (same for cardio) and I’m not losing strength at all, in fact I’m getting stronger. Does this mean I’m definitely not losing muscle mass? Also I don’t feel weaker day to day, I feel healthier actually and my arms aren’t smaller either if that’s any indication of possible muscle loss.

I try to keep to around 1200 calories, but some days I’ll go over a tiny bit.

My diet’s the following: 2 hard boiled eggs, 200ml of organic Soya milk, a banana, an apple, at least 150g of protein from chicken (zero fat and carb, 100cals per 100g) and some mixed salad with the chicken for fibre as my “leafy greens”. Carbs are below 60g and fats below 70g usually.

I’m hoping to get to 70kg, if not 69kg, then I’ll either focus on maintaining weight or bulking. I’ll keep up the cardio, and reduce my weight training to twice a week.

I would be really thankful if you could let me know what you think of this, for example could there be any long time negative effects of this diet?

Oh one more thing actually if you could help me out but nw if you can’t :), although I’ve lost 8.5kg, I still have quite a bit of fat around my belly and hips, and I don’t think getting to 69/70 kg will be enough to get rid of it, any advice?

Thank you!!!

submitted by /u/indianwitcher27
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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