Wednesday, August 12, 2020

for once, I'm actually listening to my body. (for my fellow binge eaters)

A little bit of context first:

I've always struggled with my food intake (bingeing/never feeling satisfied), and, as a result, my weight.

After being on one diet or another since the age of 10, I ended up at 250+ pounds (never got the exact number 'cause I was too embarrassed to step on a scale) shortly after finishing college.

I successfully lost most of the extra pounds and got down to a healthy weight range after discovering IF back in 2018.

It was the only thing that allowed me to feel like I had some kind of control over my life and for that, I'm eternally grateful.


My otherwise-successful weight loss journey didn't actually change my relationship with food.

IF and CICO became my best friends (still are, now that I've entered the second leg of this weight loss journey) but I "forgot" to address the underlying issues that led to my binge eating and other crappy habits in the first place.

Long story short, I did some work on that after gaining 25ish of those extra pounds back. (Inner-child-type-of-work, in case you're wondering.)

I also hopped back onto the calorie counting wagon 2.5 weeks ago.

Which brings me to today.

I woke up with a sore throat, runny nose, the works.

Normally, this would result in a day of mindless snacking (or, if I tried to resist it, a binge) - which would probably derail my whole week, and...

You can guess the rest.

But not today.


I felt... Calm.

I acknowledged that I may need to up my calories today to help my body through this - and the usual guilt of ruining a "perfect" week was nowhere to be found.

And when I heard my stomach rumbling 2 hours before my eating window officially began?

I acknowledged that too.

I went and made myself a veggie scramble.

Had salmon for lunch when the rumbly feeling appeared again.

Just now, had an extra snack of an apple and some toast instead of trying to push my body to make it to dinner.

And it felt good.


It's working.

I'm actually listening to my body this time.

I feel... Normal?

I never thought this day would come - so I thought I'd post this for the other binge eaters/mindless snackers/food-obsessed folks out there.

We've got this.

submitted by /u/self-love-and-squats
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost 20kg so far but I feel stuck

Hey! I’m a female 169cm tall, my highest weight was 119kg and I started my weight loss journey at 115kg. Now I’m at 98 kg (it took me about 3 months to get here). I count calories and I try too reach 10K steps everyday. I feel stuck right now because I barely lost 1 kg in the last 3 weeks even though I still do everything the same (haven’t overate and try too walk everyday) even tried cutting my calories shorter but nothing helps. I’m so frustrated... thought about giving up but I’m trying to motivate myself somehow but not gonna lie it’s hard. I know, in the start of every weight loss journey everyone losses weight faster but I didn’t think it will take me almost a month to lose 1 kg. I don’t know if I’m doing something wrong. If you have any advice please help a girl about! (Sorry if I made any grammar mistakes English isn’t main language)

submitted by /u/Allie020716
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Just hit a new (and unexpected) achievement yesterday!!

It’s been a little over a month since I started to workout and count my calories. It’s always been about the weight loss for me, that was always the goal. As of today I’ve lost a total of 7.2 kg, and as much as I love seeing the number on the scale drop, I felt the happiest (during this journey) when yesterday I jogged 5.39 km without taking a break! It took me 38 minutes so you can say it might be pretty slow but I’ve never in my life jogged that long without taking a single break. When I started working out, I couldn’t last jogging for 2 minutes without getting incredibly tired. A week later, I could go 5 minutes, and then 12, until I achieved what I did yesterday. That was when it really hit me that I shouldn’t be doing this just for the weight loss, but also for better fitness levels and overall a healthier me.

submitted by /u/katoastt
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

25F, 220lbs, need advice for weight loss and possibly developing diabetes

I really don't know if I have diabetes or even onset diabetes, Dr Google has told me tho that I have a key symptom that may indicate diabetes (strong, sweet smelling urine). This is my only symptom and I know lots of things can cause this but I'm still worried.

I have an upcoming (real) Dr appointment but I'm looking for advice on what I can do now to specifically prevent diabetes. I've been working on healthier eating, trying to stay under 2k cal/day. Unfortunately, I'm still dealing with a hip injury so all exercise I do is less intense and as low impact as I can. I also work from home thanks to the Rona, since March from gained about 20lbs.

Any advice is greatly appreciated, TIA!

submitted by /u/puntpurse
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Tuesday, August 11, 2020

I'm starting today. I deserve it.

I cleared my cart of winter clothes today. I'm a 5'7 female, I weigh 277 lbs, and I'm not ordering any more clothes until I weigh 149 lbs. I am tired all day, my mental health is poor, my periods (tmi) are painful and give me PMS and I'll bet my bottom dollar that it's because of my weight and eating choices. I'm a girly girl and I hate how I have to sift through ugly/ old lady clothing, how invisible I feel in public, and if were being honest, how I cant find a good boyfriend. Because of all of this, I'm going vegan cold turkey today. No more drinks that aren't water, no more fast food. I'm a lazy-ass so my first baby steps will be to take my dog on longer walks, once I'm steady, I'll add YouTube workouts to the mix because I'm not comfortable with gyms due to covid. I've read numerous stories about how shoe sizes drop after weight loss, and seen so many face gain pictures. How unhealthy cravings dissappear after a while, and how life transformations happen. I just want that for myself. To be more active, healthy, and pretty. I'm ready. 
submitted by /u/nicenewredditaccount
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Irresistible burritos & weight loss

Hi! So, I have been loosing weight for checks app 115 days. Lost 26.6 lbs (bmi from 24.8 to 20.8) I have been doing this the entire time, but always end up feeling HORRIBLE about it and stressing a lot. So, I wanted to ask if this scenario is ok?

Once a week I have dinner at a mexican takeout place near me. I don't know the calories, since it is not a big name company, but I get 2 kids (so they're smaller) bean and cheese burritos and 1 buttered tortilla. Every. Single. Week. You can put brownies in front of me, cheesecake, cookies, you name it and I do not feel tempted. It's those dang burritos that get me every time! I am always impatiently waiting until the next time I can get it (every Friday). So, weight-loosers of reddit, is this an ok habit? It is the one indulgence I allow myself every week. I estimate the meal at about 1100 calories, and fit it into my daily calories (no breakfast, light lunch). Still, I cannot help but feel guilt and also wonder if I am underestimating the calories. Advice?

submitted by /u/goldfishtransfer
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

There are several healthy habits that have contributed to my weight loss.

I thought I’d share a couple of .

  1. I attempt to drink (2) 8 oz glasses of Water with each meal. I keep a cup with me the remainder of the day and sip thereon constantly. If it's hard for you to urge all of your water in, try keeping a pitcher of water within the fridge with a slice of lemon in it. Sometimes when things look more appealing, you’re more apt to travel for it.

  2. remember of your trigger foods, and if they present a drag for you, then don't keep them in your house. If you reside with people that enjoy your trigger foods, simply ask them to stay them during a place where they're not visible to you!

  3. I keep the fridge stocked healthy snacks, and that i go there first. I attempt to avoid the pantry. you would possibly likely find chips, crackers, cookies and packaged snacks there. I do best once I avoid those snacks. i prefer to enjoy those at someone else’s house.

  4. I keep most fruits and veggies within the proper compartments within the fridge, but if I keep visible the fruits and veggies that I decide to snack on over subsequent few days, I’m more apt to eat them, and fewer apt to finish up throwing them out!

  5. attempt to take an hour approximately hebdomadally to hotel plan . I feel less stressed about “What’s for Dinner?” once I take a touch time hebdomadally to plan. you're also less likely to dine out of convenience and make a poor food choice if you already know what you're getting to eat.

  6. Batch cook as often as possible. Whether you’re making an enormous pot of soup or getting to grill, make extra and freeze it for those days once you need something quick. This has are available so handy on nights when things don’t go as planned. And the maximum amount planning as we attempt to do, these nights tend to happen often. I also wish to cook up some chicken, shred it, and freeze for straightforward taco dinners, or pizza night. I also can throw together an excellent soup with a touch stock, some veggies and my pre-cooked chicken.

  7. Keep a bowl of cooked Quinoa or Caulirice within the fridge to add a salad, or a soup, or into another entremots to bulk them up!

  8. Eating out? Take a glance at the Menu online before you and choose what you'll order. you're more likely to order a healthier choice if you opt beforehand what you’d wish to have.

  9. Want to urge in some activity but just can't seem to urge it done? Schedule it in your calendar. Treat it as you'd a piece meeting or a meeting . Don’t desire you've got to travel to the gym or a category whenever you would like to urge some activity in. A 20 minute brisk walk or just marching in situ while swinging your arms within the middle of your front room is far better than no activity in the least .

Those are just a couple of of the items that I can consider that are really helpful on behalf of me in my journey to a Healthier Me! As I hope you’ve found a minimum of one tip which will assist you on your own journey!

submitted by /u/joseph198222
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from loseit - Lose the Fat