Wednesday, August 12, 2020

for once, I'm actually listening to my body. (for my fellow binge eaters)

A little bit of context first:

I've always struggled with my food intake (bingeing/never feeling satisfied), and, as a result, my weight.

After being on one diet or another since the age of 10, I ended up at 250+ pounds (never got the exact number 'cause I was too embarrassed to step on a scale) shortly after finishing college.

I successfully lost most of the extra pounds and got down to a healthy weight range after discovering IF back in 2018.

It was the only thing that allowed me to feel like I had some kind of control over my life and for that, I'm eternally grateful.


My otherwise-successful weight loss journey didn't actually change my relationship with food.

IF and CICO became my best friends (still are, now that I've entered the second leg of this weight loss journey) but I "forgot" to address the underlying issues that led to my binge eating and other crappy habits in the first place.

Long story short, I did some work on that after gaining 25ish of those extra pounds back. (Inner-child-type-of-work, in case you're wondering.)

I also hopped back onto the calorie counting wagon 2.5 weeks ago.

Which brings me to today.

I woke up with a sore throat, runny nose, the works.

Normally, this would result in a day of mindless snacking (or, if I tried to resist it, a binge) - which would probably derail my whole week, and...

You can guess the rest.

But not today.


I felt... Calm.

I acknowledged that I may need to up my calories today to help my body through this - and the usual guilt of ruining a "perfect" week was nowhere to be found.

And when I heard my stomach rumbling 2 hours before my eating window officially began?

I acknowledged that too.

I went and made myself a veggie scramble.

Had salmon for lunch when the rumbly feeling appeared again.

Just now, had an extra snack of an apple and some toast instead of trying to push my body to make it to dinner.

And it felt good.


It's working.

I'm actually listening to my body this time.

I feel... Normal?

I never thought this day would come - so I thought I'd post this for the other binge eaters/mindless snackers/food-obsessed folks out there.

We've got this.

submitted by /u/self-love-and-squats
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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