Saturday, September 12, 2020

How do I stop saying “tomorrow” when attempting to start making better choices?

I can’t seem to start working on my weight loss goals. Every weekend I say Monday is the perfect day to start only to lose steam by Wednesday. Every Thursday I say I’ll start this weekend and then something comes up and I lose my willpower. I’m in a rut always waiting for tomorrow to start eating better. I’m angry at myself every Tuesday and feeling like a complete failure. I ask myself why I didn’t start on Monday.

I make all these plans in my head on what I will do to prepare. I go grocery shopping, meal prep and think about the times I can fit in a workout. Come Monday I say well everything is ready to go so I can wait until tomorrow. I say to myself how bad is waiting one more day. I feel this internal pressure that I am just waiting for a health crisis or some sort of rock bottom but I don’t want to do that to myself. How do I break out of waiting for the perfect “tomorrow”?

submitted by /u/velvetgalaxy
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

i think i'm giving up on weight loss for now

I remember many times when I was at my highest weights, the thought came to me: i don't wanna live like this anymore. Eating too much until I feel like shit, not exercising or going outside, not feeling confident or good in my own skin.

Well, I'm feeling that way again. I don't wanna live like this anymore. Counting calories, stressing about my eating, and most of all, feeling hungry. I'm so goddamn hungry all the time. Every meal is a form of suffering because I finish eating according to my calories, but I just feel so hungry. The aching type of hunger is very bearable, it doesn't bother me. But this hunger - one born of being in a nonstop deficit for 3.5 month - is a form of suffering. It's like a vacuum in my core. I'm tired of feeling it all the time. I'm tired of battling with myself to leave the kitchen despite being hungry.

And I've tried all the "feel full!" tricks. Lots of water, volume eating, eating "filling" foods like nuts, and eating nutritious foods (well, this one's not a trick, it's all I eat). They work as a temporary fix, but in the end of the day, my body is in a calorie deficit and it is gonna find a way to let me know that it wants more energy.

So, dear r/loseit, I'm letting go of calorie deficits. For now, at least. I'm 9 pounds over my goal but at this point it's vanity. It's the fantasy of being thin that has, in one way or another, slowly haunted me. But I think that's what it should remain as, a fantasy. It's not who I am. I've always loved food and I've always had thick build. I look fine and more importantly, I'm healthy, my BMI is 22.5. Why am I suffering over this ideal? Will I even be happy when I get there?

I've found a passion for exercise and have been jogging and lifting regularly (I have actual visible muscles now!), so I'm just gonna focus on that instead. It's achievable, it's healthy, it's fun as hell. I'd much rather feel sore than hungry.

All of this is not to say that I'm gonna return to my old eating habits - no way in hell. I'll keep a sharp eye on my intake, I'm still gonna avoid junk and "empty" carbs, and I'm still gonna weigh myself regularly. But by god, I'm NOT gonna be hungry anymore and I'm not gonna count calories. It's been long enough that I have a decent idea of calories anyways.

I just wanna sit down to a meal and not have to think. And I want to leave a meals comfortably satisfied.

Let's see how it goes.

submitted by /u/nessaea-blue
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Progress Pic and Milestone Combo - Face Comparison Included

I 27M didn't start my weight loss journey until January of this year. However these two pictures are exactly 1 year apart. SW 345 CW 245. My face is much less round and my mom says I look way happier and I'm inclined to agree.

I'm not done but sub 100 pounds was one of my milestones and I was so excited to share. Thanks to everyone in this community for providing inspiration and support when I needed it.

I did a combination of CICO and IF to achieve my results. Began going to the gym and started seeing muscle definition as well but the gyms closed and kind of put a damper on that. Have been doing home workouts and since my knees were no longer hurting I also started taking up jogging/running and hiking. Want to get a bicycle so I can start incorporating that into my routine by using it for daily commuting.

As promised here's a comparison pic

Thank you to all the wonderful people here.

submitted by /u/Bossocalypse
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight Loss Help! F(23)

Hello, I recently decided to finally stop the years of yo-yo dieting after reaching 252lbs at age 23 and having a long conversation with my family, and my therapist I finally had a break-through. I'm in my third week of my new healthy eating, I lost 3lbs the first week and 4.5 the second so I have lost 7.5 so far! I am adapting to missing chocolate and pizza (my two favourites) but I am still finding the whole process quite difficult. I was just wondering to those of you who are on your journey, when did you start to settle in and find it less difficult? Food seems to be the only thing I think about at the moment, whether it is preparing my next healthy meal or thinking about food I miss. I also find myself bored a lot, since I would eat previously when I was bored, or to feel fulfilled...It's almost if now I feel a bit, empty. Any advice would be appreciated!! :)

submitted by /u/LavenderRising
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Things to work on in therapy

I am a male, 27, and 272 pounds. I made the decision this week to start therapy. I feel like I have a very a emotional relationship with food and that I need to deal with this issue through therapy in order to be successful in my goal to change my lifestyle permanently and lose weight. I have my first session on Monday. I am planning on having monthly sessions as I have $1,000 deductible and I will have to pay $160 per session until my deductible is met. Has anyone else here started therapy to complement their weight loss? What are some things that I should work on in therapy to aid in my weight loss goal?

submitted by /u/thisbleakworldalone
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Athleta Running Shorts Review

NO Chafing Running Shorts! New Athleta Long Workout Shorts Review. And Tips to find the best women’s running shorts that don’t chafe or give you a thigh rub situation. Athleta Running Shorts Review   These are the Athleta HIIT IT 9 inch inseam Bike Shorts. I’m also wearing the Athleta Speedlight Gravel Tank. These are ... Read More about Athleta Running Shorts Review

The post Athleta Running Shorts Review appeared first on Run Eat Repeat.

from Run Eat Repeat

How to give someone advice that promotes health, fitness, and strength instead of just weight loss?

My boyfriend (22M) and I (20F) have both been on a weight loss journey and have lost a few lbs so far, mainly just through eating less, eating better, and moving more. He mentioned this in a Skype call with his family and when he finished he told me his younger sister (17F) had asked if I could send her some tips on how to lose weight.

His sister is a perfectly normal and healthy weight, if not a little under, but I know she suffers from rather crippling anxiety and body image issues. I know when I was her age (and much much younger) I did too, and a lot of my teenage years were taken up by google searches of "how to lose weight fast" and I ended up falling into pretty bad disordered eating and restricting/bingeing even though looking back I was actually at a healthy weight, maybe only a few lbs into the overweight category.

I would love to give her some advice, as I really feel for her, and as she has two older brothers I guess it's nice for her to have an older-sister-type figure in her life who can help her with this kind of thing. But since I know how dangerous telling someone who already has problems with the way they look to "just eat less" could potentially be, I'm looking for other advice and tips I could give to her that don't strictly promote this. When I was her age, I wish someone had told me the importance of general fitness and strength as well as body health, rather than just trying to lose as much weight as possible. Because of this, I went from a competitive cheerleader who could lift an entire person above my head to being almost unable to open sauce jars or walk a 3-min hill because my muscles and cardiac health just wasted since I wasn't promoting fitness and wasn't eating enough/properly.

Has anyone got any advice I can pass onto her with this in mind?

Ty in advance :)

submitted by /u/htelouise
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from loseit - Lose the Fat