Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Getting Back in the Groove!

25(F) SW: 276lbs CW: 207lbs GW: 175lbs - So I started this wonderful weight loss journey a couple years ago. I would lose 20-30 lbs, maintain for a few months, gain 5 lbs back and then lose another 20-30 lbs just to do it all over again. Its not been a bad journey, actually it was really great once I genuinely started understanding how food and nutrients work in your body. However, I also had a good support system that I would share my accomishments and buy new clothes with, ect ect. This time though, I feel far more alone in it having relocated to a new state 2 months ago for my husband's work.

Well, I maintained my weight for a solid year before deciding right before COVID really hit that I was going to start losing again. I counted my calories, I hit my proteins, carbs and fat and exceeded my steps everyday and not a single budge. Worse, I was starting to feel really sick and tired all the time. Frustrated and angry, I said "F*ck it, you look fine" and threw myself a little tantrum - 10 months later, my beautiful son was born.

He turned 4 months this past Tuesday and I was fortunate to come out of my long and arduous pregnancy (and 32 hr labor) only 10 lbs heavier than I went in. I decided last month, when I quit breastfeeding that it was time and I joined a gym again.

Today, I stand 15.8 lbs lighter and just got home from my first step aerobics class which I will be attending every Wednesday (cardio on M/F and Yoga on Sundays). A friend referred me to reddit for the stock market threads and I ended up here, been lurking for a few days and decided I love the atmosphere. I hope this will make a fine replacement for the support I had back home.

Thanks and sorry for the long post lol

submitted by /u/MrsCarter817
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How do you handle comments?

I'm [25F] on a weight loss journey and it's been a couple months I've lost a good bit of weight but I'm not near my goal weight... A couple of people have already started to notice it and commented but today in particular a coworker was asking me in detail if I've lost weight and what am I doing to lose weight and what my goals are etc. I just said thank you and I've been eating healthy that's all. Kept it short. I just feel so awkward because I'm very introverted and shy especially when it comes to these things. I really don't want to be talking about myself and especially not about my weight loss journey I find it personal. My question is.. How do you handle comments the right way and is it normal that I feel this strange about it?

submitted by /u/S-wa-S
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Lost period?


Start weight: 155 Cw: 141

Hi guys. I started taking getting the quarantine weight off and picking my healthy habits back up at the end of January. I had been working out since December, but I really buckled down for february.

I lost 15 lbs.

And now my period is M.I.A

I'm concerned it's because of the weight loss? Am I working out too much? I don't know. I was afraid my copper IUD had failed, so I took a pregnancy test today: negative.

I'm not sure what my course of action next should be. I eat 1200 a day which is only a 400 calorie deficit for sedentary at my height. I work out 45-60 min Mon-Fri.

Is this normal?

submitted by /u/babydolleffie
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

30 Day Accountability Challenge - Day 3

Hello losers,

Wednesday is here. Looking much like Tuesday with a little more hump.

Weigh in daily, enter into Libra & report here even if I don't like it: No weigh in this morning, 229.9 lbs trend weight. Facing the music tomorrow & hoping my mornings quit being so, weird. I hadn't meant to skip any weigh ins & the universe just keeps handing me weird mornings that throw me off my game.

Stay within calorie range (1800): Not super jazzed about it but today maybe another maintenance day. I'm going to be real with you losers, life has to happen around weight loss & sometimes it's a scary world. 1/1 days.

Exercise 5 days a week: 30 minute lunch walk plus 30 minute stationary bike. 3/3 days.

Self-care time (journaling, beauty treatments, anything that fills the bucket, non food rewards): Guys. I'm going to put my laundry away, I swear. Mostly because finding all the clothes & a mask plus changing into work out gear from a pile is massively annoying.

Try a new recipe once a week: Nothing yet, although I tried the pickled peppers from last month & those need to happen again for sure, with more exciting seasonings & types of peppers. Also I'm getting some bok choy in my next produce order so that's going to be a learning curve too! X/4 weeks.

Express mindfulness and or gratitude: Today I am grateful for living in a world that has a way better understanding of introvert versus extrovert & mental health issues. We have access to so much knowledge. It is genuinely a beautiful thing.

Also, cats. Because toe beans.

Your turn kids!

submitted by /u/Mountainlioness404d
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I am not a failure.

24F 5’0 SW: 200.8lbs CW: 181.4lbs GW: 115lbs

I started my weight loss journey back in April of 2020 after babysitting for a friend and using her scale to weigh myself because it had been years since I had done so. I had weighed in at 200.8, 25lbs heavier than the last time I remembered weighing myself. I always told myself I would never get to 200lbs but here I was, .8 over 200lbs.

Immediately I started trying to lose weight, but I knew from my high school experiences that fad diets just didn’t work for me. I had to change my entire lifestyle as a whole in order for my weight loss to be successful. Due to the pandemic, I was not working and this acted as a blessing for me. I went for walks everyday, I was cooking all my meals at home. My biggest issue was my diet. I had years and years of stuffing myself with fast food and processed junk and I really wanted to put most of the focus on my eating habits and creating sustainable meals for myself to prevent over eating. I struggle with food a lot so rather than forcing myself to completely change my diet and keep up with regular exercise, I did more leisurely activities like going for walks and bike rides so I didn’t have too much pressure on myself. Slowly I would see a pound lost, and another, and another. It was a slow process but I didn’t care, I was making successful changes and I was so proud. By the end of the year, I was at 181.4.

Now, -19.4lbs in 8 months may not seem like a huge deal. I definitely could have lost more. But this was the LONGEST I had ever stuck to a “diet” in my entire life. I had not gained the weight back, I had maintained the loss and that was incredible to me.

I, like many others, suffer from SAD. Oct-Mar can be rough for me. Particularly this year has been bad. But guess what? I have still maintained my weight loss while only fluctuating by about 5lbs. (depending on the time of the month) and I am still so amazed at myself that almost a year later I have still maintained that 19.4lb loss. That, along with learning to love who I am throughout this last year, has been my biggest accomplishment in my entire life.

While I still have a ways to go, this is a reminder to myself and anybody else out there who is struggling with their weight and feeling like they could have lost more from when they started to now, what you have done for yourself is amazing and you deserve to be proud of the changes you have made in your life regardless of if you could have lost more.

Maintaining my weight during the toughest time of the year for my mental health has been the biggest win to date in my journey. While I was so close to giving up because I felt like I could have done more, I am reminding myself that what I have done is create a successful mentality towards myself and towards food. I am NOT a failure and this is NOT the end of my journey. It may take years but that will no longer deter me from wanting to keep going, and I hope it doesn’t deter you either!

submitted by /u/thebetterhealthierme
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A Year of Lifting in Lockdown: SW (210) to GW (176).

TL;DR progress made this year:

Long time lurker here, but I wanted to add my story and journey the past year through lockdown!

My weight loss journey has been sporadic over the past four years. I was at my heaviest in 2018 where I was around 230 pounds due to overeating from constant jabs from my coworkers that I was too skinny. After I gained weight, those same coworkers made fun of me for having gained weight. This hurt my self-esteem pretty severely. I eventually left that position, which was one I had strived for since being my childhood.

With a cratered self-esteem and a lull in employment in 2019, I tried to drop some pounds and get fit. It didn’t work too well. I focused too much on cardio and lifting and not enough on creating a strict diet. I was famished most nights and due to the deficit from an hour of cardio plus lifting while eating 1200 calories. I quickly lost 20 pounds. After two months of this, I began overeating and put back on 5 of those pounds.

I decided this didn’t work for me. I wanted to get muscle. I wanted to be thinner. I wanted to stop doing so much cardio.

And that’s what I did.

I almost completely cut out cardio in 2020. Instead, I focused on flexibility, form, and “jumping rope.” That’s in quotes because I didn’t own an actual jump rope until Christmas. I was around 210 at the start of this time

From March until October, I focused on eating 2000 calories with macros of Protein > Fat > Carbs. I hadn’t restricted myself on food and I’ve eaten dirty almost the entire time. Taco Bell, Popeyes, Chick-fil-A or some random take out around 7 times a month. The other days were a protein with veggies and a legume or other carb. My favorite preparation was a dry rub on a cheap cut of steak which was reverse seared and finished with a searing in the pan.

November, I am starting my cut around 195. At the end of the month, I am at 200. My SO and I got a CostCo membership and I may or may not have eaten a 40 count of Takis in 5 days before eating an entire bag of cheese in the middle of the night to avoid it from spoiling.

I restarted my cut December 1st where I followed a routine by /u/LukeatanPeninsula to the T. in my modest home gym of a power rack, a bar, 1 pair of 10,25,35,45 bumpers, and a bench. Here are some charts from Amazon Halo

Body Fat % Chart

Weight Tracked

Now some pictures!


October 2018

April 2019

June 2020 – October 2020

Amazon Halo pictures: November 2020 – February 22, 2021

Here’s January 2021 – Feb 2021

A preview of what I’d look like at 50% body fat

submitted by /u/Tucker-French
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What are some of the expected or rather unexpected health benefits you've noticed after losing weight? What kind of health problems you managed to treat or potentially reverse with weight loss?

I'm 26 years old, male. I am heavily overweight – 186 cm (6'1") / 130 kg (286 lbs) – however, due to my bulky nature, most of the weight surrounds my belly. While I don't want to blame everything on one thing, my weight grew extensively over several years since I do suffer from depression which really messed my whole taking care of yourself philosophy.

I'm a very anxious person. So, as you would assume, I'm also a massive hypochondriac, but that has elevated to new heights since I lost a loved one due to health related issues last year. Of course, being stuck at home hasn't helped with that either. For example, I had a coloscopy done on me last month which turned out to be nothing.

While I don't have any serious diagnosed medical conditions just yet, there are some that manifested over the years, such as GERD, mild fatty liver, elevated cholesterol and triglyceride levels, and all that. In short, all of my blood tests and regular check ups are showing that my weight isn't contributing anything to my long-term health.

I finally accepted the fact that the only way to beat my health anxiety is to actually start getting healthy. While I do want to look better as much as the next person, I have a couple of cosmetic health conditions that prevents me from having a better self-esteem about myself either way. So, I primarily want to feel and get more healthy, which is way more important for me right now.

So, for some motivational boost, I wanted to ask what are some health problems you managed to treat or potentially reverse with weight loss? Maybe something that seemed completely unexpected to you or you didn't even know you had.

submitted by /u/likeable_mango
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from loseit - Lose the Fat