Wednesday, March 3, 2021

I am not a failure.

24F 5’0 SW: 200.8lbs CW: 181.4lbs GW: 115lbs

I started my weight loss journey back in April of 2020 after babysitting for a friend and using her scale to weigh myself because it had been years since I had done so. I had weighed in at 200.8, 25lbs heavier than the last time I remembered weighing myself. I always told myself I would never get to 200lbs but here I was, .8 over 200lbs.

Immediately I started trying to lose weight, but I knew from my high school experiences that fad diets just didn’t work for me. I had to change my entire lifestyle as a whole in order for my weight loss to be successful. Due to the pandemic, I was not working and this acted as a blessing for me. I went for walks everyday, I was cooking all my meals at home. My biggest issue was my diet. I had years and years of stuffing myself with fast food and processed junk and I really wanted to put most of the focus on my eating habits and creating sustainable meals for myself to prevent over eating. I struggle with food a lot so rather than forcing myself to completely change my diet and keep up with regular exercise, I did more leisurely activities like going for walks and bike rides so I didn’t have too much pressure on myself. Slowly I would see a pound lost, and another, and another. It was a slow process but I didn’t care, I was making successful changes and I was so proud. By the end of the year, I was at 181.4.

Now, -19.4lbs in 8 months may not seem like a huge deal. I definitely could have lost more. But this was the LONGEST I had ever stuck to a “diet” in my entire life. I had not gained the weight back, I had maintained the loss and that was incredible to me.

I, like many others, suffer from SAD. Oct-Mar can be rough for me. Particularly this year has been bad. But guess what? I have still maintained my weight loss while only fluctuating by about 5lbs. (depending on the time of the month) and I am still so amazed at myself that almost a year later I have still maintained that 19.4lb loss. That, along with learning to love who I am throughout this last year, has been my biggest accomplishment in my entire life.

While I still have a ways to go, this is a reminder to myself and anybody else out there who is struggling with their weight and feeling like they could have lost more from when they started to now, what you have done for yourself is amazing and you deserve to be proud of the changes you have made in your life regardless of if you could have lost more.

Maintaining my weight during the toughest time of the year for my mental health has been the biggest win to date in my journey. While I was so close to giving up because I felt like I could have done more, I am reminding myself that what I have done is create a successful mentality towards myself and towards food. I am NOT a failure and this is NOT the end of my journey. It may take years but that will no longer deter me from wanting to keep going, and I hope it doesn’t deter you either!

submitted by /u/thebetterhealthierme
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

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