Thursday, April 8, 2021

Does anybody feel like they'll be counting calories forever?

Over the past ten years I've waffled between gaining and losing 20 - 60 lbs. This time I've lost 20 lbs (15 more to go), but I'm really trying to find a way to make permanent lifestyle changes to maintain the weight loss so I don't have to keep doing this.

Over those ten years I lose weight fairly easily when I track calories. Stop tracking? Gain weight. I've been trying to do a week or two here and there with no tracking to practice eating without an app, but every. single. time. I gain 2 - 3 lbs in those couple of weeks. I'm not splurging, I'm not getting any food out of the ordinary. I think I'm just eating slightly larger servings than I should, and it's so frustrating that I can't visualize how much a serving is after ten years without measuring or tracking. Does anyone else have this problem? Will I need to use a calorie counting app forever?

submitted by /u/Asti_WhiteWhiskers
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

24F, Lost 45 pounds already, Struggling with Anxiety

Hi Everyone,

There is no real point to this other than me getting my thoughts out. I over indulged over the weekend, my weight is still up, and I just feel shitty. I have a wonderful new job, but learned that my team orders lunch daily from Chinese restaurants or pizza chains. I know that this is rude to say, but even with my weight where it is now I am one of the "slimmer" people on the team... which concerns me. Everyone is so nice and helpful, but I'm worried about how things will change when I am in the office (I'm remote for now due to covid), and actually have to reject their food offers.

On top of that, I just don't know how I will ever be comfortable in my skin after losing the weight. I look back at pictures of myself when I was even lower than my goal weight, and I still see issues... I still remember how low my self-image was, not that it is any higher at this point. I just don't know how I will be able to sustain my losses, it never feels like I value myself like how I should. Before anyone asks - I am on an antidepressant, and I am in the search for a therapist. I know that weight loss will not fix my problems, I just want to be in a healthy body that I like.

I just feel emotional today, I don't know exactly why but I needed to get this out. I'm sorry that this is not directly related to weight loss

submitted by /u/Oragami-Hot-Sauce
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

The scale is stuck and so am I

i'm a mom in my mid-thirties trying to lose the extra 20 lbs i've packed on during the pandemic. i'm at my 5 week mark of exercise and calorie counting and have GAINED 4 pounds. I know not to live by the # on the scale but ugh - how discouraging.

More info: i'm 5'2" 154 lbs. (up 4 lbs since my starting point 5 weeks ago). goal weight is 130 lbs. i've been working from home with a sedentary job. i recently began walking / jogging again. i average 15-20 miles per week. i do body weight exercise 1-2 times per week. i'm on an ssri for generalized anxiety (zoloft). thyroid has checked out ok. im logging calories into myfitnesspal.

any tips for jump starting weight loss? was hoping to achieve close to my goal within 2 months. feeling so stuck.

submitted by /u/Sea_Calligrapher6227
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

[Century Club] April 8, 2021 - Have you lost or need to lose 100 lbs or more? Here’s a thread just for you!

I have often welcomed those who have lost 100+ lbs (~ 50 kg , ~7 stone) to “the club” and joked that club meetings were on Thursdays. I recently suggested that we try out having a regular weekly thread to talk about issues that are particular to those who have lost 100+ lbs, those who are well on their way and those who are just at the beginning of a journey this big.

Welcome back to the Century Club! Each week I will provide a topic of the day that has been on my mind or inspired by previous posts. However you are free to talk about any topics you think might be relevant to current and prospective club members.

Previous Topics: April Fools! - What didn't work? - Milestones - Seasonal changes - Is it worth it? - Surprising Food Facts - Mistakes were made - Time to Vent - Relief Valves - Seeing Objectively - Tips you hate - Fear and Self-Loathing - Starting - 2020 recap

Today's topic: Multiple Centuries

Thanks all for the laughs and some good stories on foods you avoid for allergy or other reasons last week. This week, I'm looking for input for folks who have or need to lose the weight of an average adult man (200 lbs) rather than that of a smaller woman (100 lbs).

This comes out of a discussion I was having with u/Moth-Seraph earlier this week about their journey which is just beginning. Right now their goal is to lose 200 lbs, to get from ~450 to ~250 lbs.

I approached my weight loss for the long haul, always with an eye on maintenance at goal weight and also in 15-20 lb segments. Kind of like the Tour De France. Many stages and trials that each brought different challenges and endurance was required at every step.

Even though it has been a 120 lb journey for me, each 15-20 lb segment was largely independent of the others. You need to lose 20 lbs before you can lose another 20 to reach 40 lbs lost, and 100 lbs lost before you can move to the next segment and aim to lose 200 lbs.

I took about a week between 15-20 lb./3-4 month stages to reassess where I was at before nudging my process appropriately.

So my question to all of you Super Centurions is: Is losing the second 100 lbs any different than losing the first 100 lbs? Did you make it all in one go without breaks or did you break up your journey into mini-goals and take extended breaks from the grind?

submitted by /u/SmilingJaguar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Can I rant a little?

Hey, my first post here.

So a little background, I promise it’s relevant. I had an ED a couple of years back (for relevance I went down to 35kg). After a long time of therapy antidepressants and hormone treatment pills, I went up to probably around 80kg (can’t say for sure, because scales were banned for me). I’ve built my way back down to 63kg and I work really hard to go down to 53-55kg (in case you wonder, I’m 163cm).

Now the issue is that, every time I say no to a high calorie meal, or go to a 10km run, or have a salad with no dessert, I get “Are you doing this again?” question from my family. I get that they are doing this because of love, but sometimes they are contradicting themselves with comments like “Are you binging again?” When I eat chocolate while watching Netflix for example.

I really love them and they are the best, but these comments make me question myself if weight loss is still worth it.

submitted by /u/Psychological-Ad8188
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Impatient with weight loss... Motivation buddies?

Hi all, I know this is probably a common problem but i don't have a lot of people who understand how difficult this weight loss process is for me and have little patience for it. Also, i am embarrassed with talking about it, as the response is always very quickly 'it's your own fault for eating too much so you made the bed'.

I know it requires consistent effort and time. I know a normal weight loss pace is 1-2 pounds a week (0,5-1 kg). I also know that people tend to lose a lot more when they first start.

Have done all the yo-yoing for about 12 years now, but have been obese (bmi 32) for the past two years. Have tried to calorie restrict several times but could never stick to it, at some point i was utterly desperate because i couldnt go two days without making poor food choices.

This time, i want to make the change. I really really do. I have the graduation of my phd coming up in a month and i dont want to be obese on these pictures.... Ive read several books and am trying new things based on neuropsychology, and hope that this time, i will see it through.

That said, i put pressure on myself. I have really restricted myself to around 1200-1300 kcal a day, but have lost 'only' 6,6 pounds in a little over 6 weeks. Ive read a book about bright line eating that said people would on average lose 18 pounds in 8 weeks when they start. I dont move much due to covid and feet injuries so i figure i have low BMR, but i feel like i cant and shouldn't restrict myself much more.

Im getting impatient with how slow it is going. I know i have no other option. Nothing else i can do but to continue. But I have found i feel sad and frustrated.

Words of advice? :(

submitted by /u/Tigchouffe
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Excuses to not lose weight

I do this weird thing where I get into the mindset of I reaaaaally want to lose weight. I will make a plan, I’ll meal prep, get inspired, find my why. Then something will happen, I’ll have an argument with my partner or family member, or I’ll get anxiety, or a random ache or pain somewhere, or have a bad day at work and I link these things that happen which have nothing to do with weight loss, to losing weight and use it as an excuse to not go for a walk, or to eat all the chocolate. Why do I sabotage myself so much? Why do I link these things and how do I stop it? I surely can’t be the only one...

submitted by /u/megan0123456
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from loseit - Lose the Fat