Friday, April 9, 2021

How can I stay on track without a food scale?

Hi, all! I'm not sure if this is the right place to come to for advice, but here goes! I've been pretty committed to losing weight for the past eight or nine months, in that I've been counting my calories (weighing everything out, mostly cooking at home, etc.) In these past months, I've lost about 14 kg (30 lbs), eating between 1200-1400 calories as a sedentary 171 cm (5'7) female. I really like this method because it takes all of the guesswork out of weight loss, and I've found a nice balance where I don't feel hungry all the time. However, in about a week, I'm going to be traveling back home, and will be in quarantine for 21(!!!) days.

During those 21 days, I'm going to be relying on the food provided by the hotel I'm quarantining at, but I'm also going to have the additional headache of online college classes, that as a result of the time difference, will be occurring Tuesday-Saturday, 12 AM to 6 AM. This means I'm probably going to have to end up doing some version of intermittent fasting, since I'll mainly be up through the night, where there likely won't be any meal services. (Something like only eating the breakfast and lunch provided, then sleeping through dinner, that sort of thing.)

Does anyone have any tips/tricks about losing (or even just maintaining, tbh) weight while not being able to weigh and measure everything? Or just... eating more intuitively, I guess. I'm also worried about thinking obsessively about food, since CICO has actually seriously reduced the amount of time I spend thinking about what I eat. And I think that the fact that I'll be stuck in a tiny room for almost an entire month definitely won't help with that, because there's so many fewer things I can distract myself with.

As of right now, I'm really only doing CICO and maybe some walking, but since I'm going to be stuck indoors for almost a month, I think it might be good to try some YouTube workouts, so if anyone has any specific program or video they really like, that'd be great, too!

submitted by /u/dearsirensong
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Extreme Sedentary Weight Loss?

Hiya! I'm sorry for the sock account, I lost my details for my original account.

I am an eighteen-year-old female. In December I weighed about 152lbs, though I did binge a bit after this so it is possible this might have gone up just a little. I am about 5'5.

I am trying to lose a little weight but am conscious of my extremely sedentary lifestyle. I stay on my bed for the majority of the time as I only work six hours a week and live in a houseshare. My room isn't big enough for home workouts. I am hoping to become more active when lockdowns are lifted so for now my focus is diet.

I am aware that basal metabolic rate is 1200, and as I am not moving I should always stay under this. Luckily I am also broke, about £10 a week for food, so at the moment rationing is helping me to keep under. Today I have consumed about 900 calories so far (a breakfast of 400kcal rice and a lunch of 500kcal nuggets). I know it's not the healthiest food but my budget is extremely low until payday so it's the best I can do for now.

So basically I'm wondering how many calories I can actually consume while still losing weight. Is eating 900kcal enough of a deficit to lose weight? If I ate the full 1200kcal would I gain? Please help. I want to find a calorie goal that is low enough to lose weight but high enough that I can maintain it for life.

submitted by /u/Strange_Pea2242
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Will losing 75lbs/35kg in 6 months cause lose skin in an 18 year old?

Right now I am about 105kg/230lbs, I am a 5'9" female. My goal weight is 65-75kg/145-165lbs. Which means i need to lose 35kg/75lbs. My biggest concern is having loose skin, i know that rapid weight loss can cause loose skin, but i am also pretty young. So i guess my question is will losing 35kg/75lbs in 6 months cause loose skin for an 18 year old?

I have been overweight for the past 2-3 years, and i didnt really see the problem with it, but now that i am turning 19 (thats the legal age in BC, Canada) I want to have fun with my friends and wear cute outfits and i just want to be confident all around. I have days where i am living my best life, but then the insecurities hit and all of a sudden i want to starve myself and get surgery...i try to tell myself i have got to do it the healthy way, but its pretty hard.

Also if you have any tips or suggestions for weight loss,getting fit in general, and maybe some exercise recommendations, please let me know. I would love to hear other people's weight loss stories for inspiration and motivation.


submitted by /u/jkamalm
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

First triathlon on Sunday - 2 years in the making (M182cm 85kg-62kg)

I've had races cancelled and postponed again and again and again, but finally I'm going to be able to compete in a triathlon this Sunday. I started this sport because a good friend thought it could help me to lose some weight. I fell in love with cycling and finally I'll be able to compete in a triathlon on Sunday. This is a warm up race for the ironman 70.3 I'll be racing one month from today in Da Nang, Vietnam.

I started running in May 2019, got injured a shit ton, but kept going and dieting. Lost over 20kg in 3 months and have maintained since then. My weight loss was probably too fast, but since then I've got stronger and faster and now I don't even think about the calories I'm consuming (unless I know I need to eat more). Deciding to do triathlon has completely changed my life and I can't imagine living without my bikes now. Here's what sport and diet have done to me.. Before deciding to do this competition I hadn't done any sport for almost 20 years. Finding the joy in cycling in particular has been amazing. Counting calories and losing weight is class, but I hope everyone can find something that motivates them to be healthy as much as my sport motivates me.

submitted by /u/Poley_g
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I lost 60 pounds and I’m struggling to lose the rest please help.

I’m F25 , 5’1 and 170(ish pounds)

I do Pilates 3 times a week (most times). I do a dance workout (once a week). I walk everyday. I also loosely do intermittent fasting. It’s become a lifestyle for me and doesn’t take much effort.

I’ve been on a weight loss journey for about two years now. I used to be 230 but I’m sure it was higher than that. The scale hasn’t always been my friend so I used to not check it.

my lowest was 150

I started working with a personal trainer back in September or October of 2020 and I started lifting. I got a trainer because I knew I wouldn’t be able to commit to doing it alone. But I also stopped losing weight and started gaining it. I used him til December but didn’t feel like I saw any progress honestly.

I got to a point where I could not get back to 150. Then I was at 165 and it was really hard for me to get below that. Now I struggle to get under 170.

My goal weight is 125.

My activity level has significantly changed because of Covid. I used to dance weekly, as well as do aerial yoga a couple times a month and I was also looking into other things. I also moved and because of the move my life has a been a bit shaky right now.

I gained about 10 pounds when I moved but I’ve been doing my best to lose it. & I’ve come pretty far. Considering I had to do it without a scale. Financially I couldn’t afford it, a lot of my things weren’t with me and I was just a crazy situation.

When I started losing weight I was a strict vegan and then I kind of just figured out what worked for me and that loosened a bit. Now, there are still foods I can’t eat. Soy, dairy, eggs, and there are other things that my body just doesn’t like so I avoid them.

However, I feel like I’m at a really good place mentally. I am not micromanaging what I eat, I am not calorie counting and I’m happy. There is a part of me that has mental peace. A big reason that I even went on this weight-loss journey was because I was feeling sick. So it wasn’t about weight loss at first. I watched a documentary about veganism and how it’s helped a lot of people with sickness so I have it a shot.

Then over time the goal became trying to control my relationship with food. I’ve had a very toxic relationship with food all my life. So stuff like calorie counting simply doesn’t work for me because it can cause me to spiral. However I don’t know how to lose the rest of the weight I need to while not strictly dieting.

Because I also want something livable, does that make sense? So even though it helped me start i need something different if I’m gonna finish.

My problem with strict dieting is it’s not livable. You do it, lose weight, go back to eating how you used to and gain it all back. That’s not what I wanted. So my focus has been having a lifestyle that’s livable.

I couldn’t live as a strict vegan. I also couldn’t live on a strict diet. I am a big foodie it’s a part of my personality. I’m not the person that can eat the same thing every day or the person that only eats food as a way of fueling their body.

But I recognize that 170 is too much for my height. I also have a lot of loose skin and don’t want to get loose skin surgery until I’m at least close to where I want to be.

Also, it’s not like I’m just eating junk all day. There are a lot of things I don’t eat. I barely eat out, I don’t eat fast food, I don’t drink soda, and I really don’t eat candy (made an exception for Easter). Just about everything I eat I make. It’s easier that way especially with all of my food allergies. Obviously, I’m human so I will go out every once in a while but that significantly decreased because of Covid.

Also, I have to be honest with myself. I’m not the kind of person that can commit to going to the gym every single day. Especially not at this place in my life it’s just not feasible. I prefer to do things that are fun. Which is why I dance, do Pilates, that’s why I loved aerial yoga, and why I wanted to try pole dancing. It’s also why I wanted to take up kickboxing. It’s fun and keeps me motivated versus just going to the gym.

However, a lot of those things I can’t do because of Covid but also my current living situation I am not stable yet.

I don’t know what else to do. Mentally I’m at peace but I recognize my weight isn’t where I want it to be. I don’t want to force myself to live on a strict diet because that may cause me to mentally spiral but I want to lose the rest of my weight. Can someone help? Any suggestions?

submitted by /u/HistoricalScreen3214
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Stupid question...where is the "water weight" stored since it does not show up in my progress pictures but does on the scale? Motivation for consistency

I have a stupid question but I think it'll help my psychologically understand weight loss better and motivate me to be consistent.

I'm 28F, 5"00, 131 lbs

- Back in September - November 2020 I ran a lot. A mile nearly everyday. My weight was ~131 lbs and it pretty much stayed that way for those couple of months with CICO. I never took progress pics but I have a few photos to look back on.

- In Jan this year, I began adding new strength training routine with same CICO. But this time I decided to way myself each day. I got dejected over the past several week, because my weight wouldn't drop despite eating right + exercising. And that lead me to moody eating and sometimes more starbucks/ fatty stuff or improper eating times than I normally did. I still weigh around ~131 lbs today.

I read up more about water weight in a recent post. I went backed and looked at pics from Sep and now; and I can definitely see that my face is not chubbier and I'm generally more bloated now despite weighing the same. So I'm trying to remember even as weigh myself everyday to not get dejected and instead focus on being consistent and take progress pics.

But as I do that some science may help me along the way: Where does the water weight get stored? Why doesn't it show up in pics but does on the scale? How long does combined weight training + CICO does it take for the water weight to come off and drop pounds?

submitted by /u/nerdcorner
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I think I am finally doing it! Down 11 pounds in 1 month.

I finally believe I have "cracked the code" for weight loss and finally found a solution that works for me. I am bout 60 pounds overweight in total. Usually, I eat heavily processed food, lots of frozen pizza, chocolate etc.

So here are the reasons why I failed before, and now seem to be succeeding:

1. Eat food you like! Before I was eating the most boring healthy food. But this just makes you think more about what you are missing. Make tasty healthy food, lots of veggies, chicken, spices, etc. It tastes just as good, if not better than unhealthy food! You just need to find what YOU enjoy.

I can not stress this point enough, because it has made weight loss a joy. I make healthy wraps with chicken and lots of veggies and spices, and it works for me! There are no particular food groups I do not allow, just eating enjoyable things with a lot of variation that are filling.

2. Walk every day. Not primarily because it makes you lose calories, that is just a bonus. But because it makes you feel so much better, makes you less hungry, reduces stress. 10k steps are what I aim for, and it is truly awesome how good you feel after!

3. Don't be very hungry! Being really hungry is not a good feeling, and will make you lose motivation. Don't be afraid of eating when hungry! Even though it might go a bit over calories allowed.

I do not count calories, I only eat when I feel hungry. Some days that means more meals than other days. And I do not eat when not hungry, or "pre-hungry". I eat when I actually get the sensation of feeling hungry.

4. This is a lifestyle change! Not a diet! If you think of this as a diet, you are doing it wrong. You should replace processed bad food with healthy good food, and stick to that for the rest of your life. If you go back to eating bad food again you will lose. Therefore the importance of finding low-calorie tasty food you enjoy!

Bonus point: For me drinking lots of diet soda and energy drinks with ice has removed all sugar cravings. There has been some discussion if it is healthy or not, but for me, it works. I will probably cut this down over time.

Bonus point 2 How can I have missed that nature's snacks, berries, have so few cals?? They taste amazing.

submitted by /u/makba
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from loseit - Lose the Fat