Tuesday, July 13, 2021

It still kind of shocks me that it’s possible for me to lose weight and it’s actually... so easy. I mean it’s not easy, but this is the first time I’ve ever dieted and before that the numbers just went up or maintained. I’ve never seen them go down like this.

So the lengthy title kinda summarizes my point but holy crap.

I started my weight loss journey at 147lbs and I’m now 132lbs. Yesterday 132.0 which I thought was a fluke of the scale, but today I’m 132.8 so it might not be a scale fluke after all.

The last few weeks I’ve been bad at going to the gym and the last 4 days I’ve been playing the sims 3 nonstop so I think the drop from 134lbs (was consistently hovering around that and slowly going down) to 132lbs (started rapidly dropping- I’m only in a 1lb per week deficit which is why I was confused. Happy scale says it was like 1.5-2lbs a week in terms of rate - it’s slowed down but still) might have been muscle mass (although I also ate a fair amount of unusually unhealthy food last week because my boyfriends family was in town (think fried chicken and Fourth of July barbecues- still was under my calorie limit because I didn’t eat a whole lot, but the sodium might’ve led to water retention/messed up my system), so I’m telling myself maybe some of it was also my body readjusting. And I didn’t have much muscle to begin with considering I started exercising while in a much larger calorie deficit than my current one. Who knows.

Point being, even with tempered expectations I’m a long way from 147. Moreover, at 132 I’m thinner than I’ve been since prepandemic. Last summer I tried to lose weight and got from 138 to 133.5 at the lowest and then just maintained because I gave up after about a month. I’m below that. I don’t feel like I look that different but I can definitely see it in my face (and my butt.. RIP booty. Might be more muscle loss though- or so I tell myself). Waist is still at 28 inches and has been for a while but it was around 30 inches when I was heaviest so that is progress. Also, I feel like I can feel less fat in my stomach. And like- I have a side profile. It’s not just very fat chubby cheeks. So I have lost fat too.

And it’s just so weird for me because I’ve never actually counted calories and dieted before enough for it to be a consistent thing where I did it long enough to really see progress. I’m kinda of shocked because I didn’t know my body could go in the other direction. I’m 5’6” so I’ve always been within a healthy weight range and consistently going up slowly or staying at the same weight (was 127lbs consistently until quarantine. That’s my first GW but I think 125-120 might be a second general goal weight depending on how it looks etc on me. I was 110-115 at age 15 before gaining weight from ssris and me overeating a fair amount because I wanted to be curvier, but I think I was also shorter then. So we will see. I’m aiming for 1lb a week so it’s a slow process).

I’m absolutely ecstatic about the weight loss as well. I feel more like myself and I feel so good about how my face looks. And my body though I was always more insecure about the face. I still hate my shoulders and wish they hadn’t become my body’s fat deposit holdout, but hopefully they’re going down too (my shape is technically an hourglass but I’ve always felt like my shoulders were slightly too big and carry too much fat so I look fat no matter what weight I really am. Buttt that might’ve just been insecurities).

Anyway I will stop rambling. I’m just so shocked and happy it’s actually possible to lose weight just by eating in a calorie deficit. It makes me feel like I actually have control and makes my goal weight not feel so impossibly far off. I’m lucky I never let myself get any heavier because it’s definitely easier to weight when there’s not a ton to lose to begin with, and I’m never letting myself get there again, but I am really dang happy about the progress regardless :).

submitted by /u/historicalsewingx101
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3B17CJ8

I already ate 965 calories and it’s only 8am

Having a calorie deficit is going to be harder than I thought. I thought I made progress and have gotten better but this shows me that only the quality of my food changed, not the quantity. It’s still improvement nonetheless but not enough to guarantee weight loss which is what I want. I knew I was going over my preferred meal limit and eating too much because I ate ON top of my VERY nutritious breakfast meal - a bad habit of mine, to eat snacks instead of meals and to eat on top on meals when I’m not even that hungry and not plate my food sometimes, just eat from the container. I used to eat this many calories in the form of sugar, but this time the excess calories was from LOTS of bread. I guess that’s still slight improvement! I used to eat sugar till I felt SICK and nauseous and then my whole day would be ruined because of how lethargic and down I felt, but bread is an improvement, plus I had a regular meal. Before, my regular meal WAS the sugar. I also went back to the bread 7 times exactly. My problem is I don’t have portion control, that it why I am 30 pounds above my goal weight. 30 pounds sound like a lot when I’m saying it. I’m getting a bit nervous. But also excited.

Yesterday I told myself that TODAY I’d start calorie counting and weighing my food, and it’s a commitment, and I did it. And since my limit is around 1200 calories I think I can make it through the day actually. Just because breakfast was a lot doesn’t mean the whole day is ruined, a reminder for anyone reading this as well. :)

submitted by /u/Novel_Dream_5495
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3wBwfcd

8 weeks postpartum, lost all of my pregnancy weight…but my stomach is massive… I feel defeated, I don’t know where to go from here

I have a little extra weight to lose, I’m in the “normal” range for someone 5’10”. I did have some weight I would have liked to lose before my pregnancy.. but my stomach still seems floppy and sticks out. The rest of my body looks normal aside from some much needed muscle tone that I am working on. My doctor said I do not have diastasis recti, and when I check for it I don’t feel it either. This is my second, I can’t remember what my stomach looked like with my first but it couldn’t have been this. I fear that I’m going to be stuck with my whole body being normal but this one part. Did anyone else’s to down more with more diet exercise or do I need to live with it? Trying to come to terms either way, and stay in a healthy weight loss mindset!

submitted by /u/blondeanonnurse
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3hDqir4

Help I’m stuck! 90lbs down and 35 to go

First off let me say that I understand my weight loss methods have been unconventional to this point. In mid 2019 I was 306 lbs when I visited the doctor. I love to eat, and have since I was a little kid, and while I understood that abs are built in the kitchen, I didn’t care about getting abs so I kept eating whatever I wanted but I DRAMATICALLY increased my activity levels. I started by simply walking for 3-4 hours a day, once I dropped to around 250ish I started jumping rope and lifting weights and I flew down to 220 in a little less than 2 months. I now do an intense workout 5 days per week for roughly 45 minutes followed by 45 minutes of cardio. This is in addition to walking for 3 hours every evening, rain or shine (I enjoy it) I hit 220 About a month ago things slowed down substantially which I expected, so I decided for the first time to start tracking calories. I was eating on average about 3800 calories per day and my net deficit was roughly 400. I dialed my calories down to 2100, stayed absolutely consistent with my workouts (only thing that suffered from the deficit are my lifts by around 10%) and my weight loss has slowed to a crawl. Last week for example, my deficit for the week was roughly 8000 calories, and I lost 1/4 pound. My food scale is accurate, my energy expenditure is calculated by hand and compared with my apple watch and then I slash those totals by 20%. My body fat percentage is 27-28% and I am 211.8 lbs as of this morning. I am not suffering from any muscle soreness or anything else that would indicate temporary fluid retention. I am totally at a loss. I enjoy the working out which is why it’s easy for me to keep the deficit up, and honestly I would rather increase the workouts than cut calories any further, and if I can maintain at 3500-3800 versus lose 1 pound a month at 2100 I may just say screw it and stay chubby :( It just feels like running a marathon and getting stuck at mile 23 or 24. Anyone have any experience like this and eventually overcome it?

Edit: also forgot to mention I do track sodium intake etc so no unexpected water retention due to diet

submitted by /u/Poopman_69
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3B7jdqv

Tantrum Tuesday - The Day to Rant!

I Rant, Therefore I Am

Well bla-de-da-da! What's making your blood boil? What's under your skin? What's making you see red? What's up in your craw? Let's hear your weight loss related rants!

The rant post is a /u/bladedada production.

Please consider saving your next rant for this weekly thread every Tuesday.

submitted by /u/AutoModerator
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3ilsXF1

There has been no honeymoon period, struggling to stay motivated

23F, 5'7", SW:148 CW: 151 GW:140

About 1 month ago I made the decision to start working out and eating better when all of my pants all of a sudden became too tight...I bought new shorts at the beginning of the summer (already frustrating) and then 2 weeks later they became too tight as well. So...here I am, starting couch to 5k, doing strength (body weight) exercises, plus taking a riding lesson once a week--I am hating my body more and my clothes fit even worse. I am working to hit 9k-10k steps daily. I feel like I am doing everything right.

I weigh my food. I count calories (goal is 1600-1700kcal daily). If I am so hungry that I have to go over my limit for the day, I have baby carrots, tomatoes, and rice crackers to snack on (still tracked). I have cut out soda (didn't drink much to begin with), drink coffee I make at home, and drink at least 60-80oz water daily. Hell, I even got food poisoning from a salad and I was sick for 48 hours, ate only saltines, chicken broth, and Gatorade zero, and still weighed the same after it was all said and done. (Not recommending salmonella as a function of weight loss, but typically you lose weight after getting sick, not stay the same).

I have only gained weight, having only seen the scale hit 147 one morning a couple weeks ago. I feel more bloated, squishy, and awful. I am not interested in doing low-carb, as it seems to instigate migraines for me, but otherwise I am willing to try anything at this point. I know I am weighing and tracking my food correctly (unless somehow my scale is broken), tracking oils, condiments, etc.

Anyone *not* experienced the honeymoon period...any ideas on how to kick start this? Or at least resolve the bloating, I am supposed to go on a beach trip in a couple weeks and I feel so awful I don't want to be anywhere near a swimsuit right now.

submitted by /u/unlucky-chicken10
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3hBooHn

feeling discouraged and im only 10lbs from my goal

I'm feeling so discouraged that i just want to give up. this all seems pointless. I'm 10 lbs from my healthy bmi but I'm struggling. I come to reddit seeking support and I feel like a lot of people just want to argue instead. I posted about looking for support after someone made my weight loss awkward and i just get a bunch of responses saying im not fat. the messed up parts is that everyone on there before this was saying that i look big for my height/weight and im still gonna have a ton of body fat when i reach my goal weight. multiple people told me i needed to re evaluate my goal and make a new one. lot of people saying the scale must be wrong or i need to get checked by a doctor. i recently posted asking if it was possible i had body dysmorphia and my brain hadnt caught up yet, and everyone said no that i did not have it and still looked fat. but when i said i thought i was mis treated for being fat, people gave me a hard time . maybe it was true, maybe it wasnt. but the thing is, i asked for support and all i got was people telling me that im wrong and saying i dont look fat after telling me in every other thread that i do.

i have progress pics in my profile. i dont need people to sugar coat it and lie to me. so all of a sudden im gonna look a lot thinner when i lose 10 lbs? i felt much better when people were honest instead of telling me to see something that i dont see. i even posted a thread asking if it was possible i had dysmorphia and everyone said no, you're just still fat. so when i complain about possibly being mistreated and then told im good as far as my weight goes, it goes against everything else people have already told me on reddit and in real life. i know im fat cause people on here keep pointing out that i dont look right for my height/weight, yet when i ask for support, people just told me i was wrong this time and look fine when i dont according to everyone else online and my family and friends. no one in my real life believes me when i told them how much weight i lost and i have to step on a scale for them to prove it. i had to post progress pics on here because people didnt believe me. thats fine. but dont lie and say i look close to my bmi when i dont. sorry this was long. spiraling out here.

submitted by /u/applepuddin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3ySEUbH