Tuesday, July 13, 2021

It still kind of shocks me that it’s possible for me to lose weight and it’s actually... so easy. I mean it’s not easy, but this is the first time I’ve ever dieted and before that the numbers just went up or maintained. I’ve never seen them go down like this.

So the lengthy title kinda summarizes my point but holy crap.

I started my weight loss journey at 147lbs and I’m now 132lbs. Yesterday 132.0 which I thought was a fluke of the scale, but today I’m 132.8 so it might not be a scale fluke after all.

The last few weeks I’ve been bad at going to the gym and the last 4 days I’ve been playing the sims 3 nonstop so I think the drop from 134lbs (was consistently hovering around that and slowly going down) to 132lbs (started rapidly dropping- I’m only in a 1lb per week deficit which is why I was confused. Happy scale says it was like 1.5-2lbs a week in terms of rate - it’s slowed down but still) might have been muscle mass (although I also ate a fair amount of unusually unhealthy food last week because my boyfriends family was in town (think fried chicken and Fourth of July barbecues- still was under my calorie limit because I didn’t eat a whole lot, but the sodium might’ve led to water retention/messed up my system), so I’m telling myself maybe some of it was also my body readjusting. And I didn’t have much muscle to begin with considering I started exercising while in a much larger calorie deficit than my current one. Who knows.

Point being, even with tempered expectations I’m a long way from 147. Moreover, at 132 I’m thinner than I’ve been since prepandemic. Last summer I tried to lose weight and got from 138 to 133.5 at the lowest and then just maintained because I gave up after about a month. I’m below that. I don’t feel like I look that different but I can definitely see it in my face (and my butt.. RIP booty. Might be more muscle loss though- or so I tell myself). Waist is still at 28 inches and has been for a while but it was around 30 inches when I was heaviest so that is progress. Also, I feel like I can feel less fat in my stomach. And like- I have a side profile. It’s not just very fat chubby cheeks. So I have lost fat too.

And it’s just so weird for me because I’ve never actually counted calories and dieted before enough for it to be a consistent thing where I did it long enough to really see progress. I’m kinda of shocked because I didn’t know my body could go in the other direction. I’m 5’6” so I’ve always been within a healthy weight range and consistently going up slowly or staying at the same weight (was 127lbs consistently until quarantine. That’s my first GW but I think 125-120 might be a second general goal weight depending on how it looks etc on me. I was 110-115 at age 15 before gaining weight from ssris and me overeating a fair amount because I wanted to be curvier, but I think I was also shorter then. So we will see. I’m aiming for 1lb a week so it’s a slow process).

I’m absolutely ecstatic about the weight loss as well. I feel more like myself and I feel so good about how my face looks. And my body though I was always more insecure about the face. I still hate my shoulders and wish they hadn’t become my body’s fat deposit holdout, but hopefully they’re going down too (my shape is technically an hourglass but I’ve always felt like my shoulders were slightly too big and carry too much fat so I look fat no matter what weight I really am. Buttt that might’ve just been insecurities).

Anyway I will stop rambling. I’m just so shocked and happy it’s actually possible to lose weight just by eating in a calorie deficit. It makes me feel like I actually have control and makes my goal weight not feel so impossibly far off. I’m lucky I never let myself get any heavier because it’s definitely easier to weight when there’s not a ton to lose to begin with, and I’m never letting myself get there again, but I am really dang happy about the progress regardless :).

submitted by /u/historicalsewingx101
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3B17CJ8

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