Tuesday, September 7, 2021

NSV- I didn’t eat the pizza!!!

Wooooooo!!! Since I’ve started my weight loss journey, I’ve been pretty good at sticking to healthy habits, EXCEPT when it comes to parties or other social events. Something about seeing everyone else indulging makes me want to as well, and when I start I don’t stop (aka one pizza slice turns into four turns into everything else that’s left at the end).

So to set the scene, I had already reached my calorie limit today and then realized I had to attend a literal pizza party for an hour in the evening. In these types of situations, I usually tell myself beforehand that I won’t overindulge but then I get there and eat like crazy… but today, i did it!!!!!! I just had my water and hung out and even resisted when someone directly came up to me to offer two slices! I’m feeling so good about myself right now!! Maybe next time I’ll try budgeting out a slice into my calorie limit and practice actually stopping after one slice (of pizza, cake, or whatever bingeable food it is). Wooo yay let’s go!!!!!!!

submitted by /u/c_moomin_1
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2X7KcTn

Working Out / Weight Loss - Best Plan?

Good Evening Fellow Redditors,

I started hitting the gym about 2 weeks ago, following a basic pattern of deadlifts, squats, bench press, military press, cable machine rows, and lat machine pulldowns. My main focus at the moment is cutting weight, started at 240, around 232 now (eating roughly 1500 calories a day). I've been doing Squats and deadlifts one day, then the other four the following, then a day of HITT (boxing for 20-30 minutes), then rinse and repeat. Would anyone have any suggestions on changing this or any other plans that might be more beneficial? I wouldn't mind working out more but I have a feeling with the low calories that I might have slower recovery and may hit a wall energy-wise. Once I cut weight, my main goal won't necessarily be strength but having a rather sharp physique.

Thanks in advance and let me know if I am missing any details you would need.

submitted by /u/ZombieBallz
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/38OIhWa

Hitting a wall

Hey everyone!

Im trying to increase my aerobic exercise and Im able to do so only for a few days at a time until an old wrestling injury bothers my ankle and I start to get worried about my exercise because I fear it will only get worse the more pressure I put on it day after day. Is there anything I can do other than switch to biking or swimming? Im really enjoying my jogs! Any help would be greatly appreciated!

I should add i was jogging 4 miles a day and now Ive upped it to 6 and its starting to hurt. it hurt other times too, but eventually my ankle was fine, but not this time and Im kinda dead set on running 6 miles in an hour as a weight loss goal.

submitted by /u/HeartIsTheHome
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3n8ydzG

Losing 80+ lbs

Hey everybody! Long story short I've struggled with my weight ever since I became a mother. My goal is to lose at least 80 lbs, so I can achieve my dream of joining the Air Force! This is something I've wanted ever since I was 15 years old. Currently I've just been doing CICO. If anybody has any tips or advice, please share! I've been reading everybody's success stories for a little while and hope to one day share mine.

I do want to add that I've really been focusing on the weight loss since July 12. To date I've lost a little over 12 lbs. I do CICO and I try to get in exercise anywhere between 3-5 days a week. At least 30 minutes but typically about an hour or more. I mainly walk. Either on the treadmill, typically on an incline in spurts or outside. I know there's no set timeline for weight loss, but I'm eager to get to my goal so I can start my career doing what I've dreamed of so I do want to make sure I'm at least on the right track and doing everything I can!

submitted by /u/missluminaa
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/2WYCv1m

How do you deal with clothing during your weight loss? (women)

I've always loved clothing. Before I started losing weight, I had a wardrobe of things I really loved and made me feel good. I had finally found my signature style which suited my silhouette.

As I started losing weight, I had to stop wearing most of it, then all of it. I went by with the too small clothes I kept and things friends and neighbours gifted me. But often, by the time I try them on for the second time, they are already a tad too big.

But I'm now smaller than I was 4–5 years ago and I've kept nothing of that size. Even when I do splurge and go either thrift shopping or regular shopping, things will only fit for a few weeks. I've just bought this great sports bra which cost a whole lot and after a couple of weeks, I'm already using the middle hooks. I can't justify spending hundreds of dollars every two months for a new wardrobe. It's a waste.

How do you deal with constantly having to find smaller clothing? Bras are a real struggle. I've been wearing sports bras and bralettes because they accommodate size differences more than regular bras but they don't look good in most clothing. Coats will soon be a problem with fall and winter quickly arriving.

I have the chance to work from home so I don't have to look put-together. But when I do go out, I hate how I look because of my clothes. It doesn't help with the self-esteem.

submitted by /u/FairviewPark
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/3yMojWt

Loving myself to healthy vs. hating myself to healthy

24F, 5’9”, SW: 245 CW: 235.6, GW: 160-170

I’ve been around the weight loss circle many many times over the last 6 years. I went from being a slim high school athlete to gaining a lot of weight through college/covid/office life/family tragedy the last few years. Each time I lose weight I inevitably gain it back, and usually gain even more than my previous starting weight

I’m fucking sick of the cycle. I want to live the second half of my 20’s happier, healthier, and sexier than the first. I feel like I’m finally ready to work on slow, lifelong changes rather than quick unsustainable sprints to lose 30 lbs in 3 month before “relapsing” back to even worse habits than before. I don’t want to blink my eyes and realize I’m 70 and I spent my whole life hating myself and my weight

And that’s what kind of clicked for me - in the past I’ve always hated myself through weight loss. Told myself I was ugly and fat. Punished myself for overeating. Calorie counted each single calorie and feared seasoning with salt due to sodium (seriously, what the fuck?) Each time I lost weight so I thought that approach worked but in hindsight it obviously did not - 6 years later I’m starting bigger than ever before

So this time around I am working on loving myself. Taking care of myself and being kind with myself. Eating healthy nutritious meals that I could see myself making forever, not just making low calorie strange things that I would never serve a guest. Keeping a calorie deficit but making sure I’m not hungry all day. Focusing on moving my body in ways I love such as hiking and walking for now. Buying myself some workout clothes that fit and feel good on my current body rather than squeezing myself into stuff that doesn’t fit. Focusing on positive healthy change but still honoring the person I am now.

It’s a struggle to choose to love yourself every day and it’s something I’m still working on. But I realized that I am the only person who will be there from the day I was born til the day I die. And I might as well try to be her friend :)

submitted by /u/username304211
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/38Nq3UU

How to lose weight while dealing with a stressful person in your house?

I have weight loss issues, I don't know if it's a disorder or what but it is an issue. I have a mother who stresses me out a lot and almost daily, constantly talking negatively about others and I hate hearing about it. It makes me uncomfortable and it ruins my day. She also talks about weight constantly, her weight, dad's, the girl on tv, like the girl she calls fat on tv is thin. even if she gained 10 pounds that person is still considered thin ya know?

How do you deal with a person like this while on your weight loss journey? I have tried telling her to stop but it won't. i can't move out either.

submitted by /u/beanie67
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from loseit - Lose the Fat https://ift.tt/38KwSGX