Wednesday, September 8, 2021

The mindfuck of constantly being told "you aren't fat!"

I remember growing up I would always get told "you're not fat!" even though I was quite pudgy all throughout my adolescence. I was never obese, but clearly overweight throughout much of my life up until my early 20s when I started to prioritize weight loss and dieting. I've yo-yoed around the last few years, but when I am overweight I have this odd phenomenon where I'll look in the mirror and clearly see that I'm overweight, but still think "you're not that fat! Stop worrying about it!"

I guess sometimes this can be a positive thing, if someone has bulimia/anorexia then they'll think they are fat when really they are underweight. But I can clearly see fat rolls, love handles, etc.! I think it's because I grew up in a family that was overweight, so they had a different standard for what was fat. My extended family even now is not the healthiest, a lot of my cousins and immediate family are overweight, and I don't really want to be like that.

For example, I've lost 20 pounds this year, am around 200 pounds at 6'0. I still think I've got love handles and put a lot of weight on my thighs which I want to lose and get leaner. I think I'd be more comfortable getting down to about 180-185, but there's that part of me that still thinks "you're not fat! stop worrying about it!" even when I'm not content with the way I look and want to change.

Here's what I look like currently:

submitted by /u/BluePsychosisDude2
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

A Nervous but Hopeful Start

Today is the 1st day of me really trying to do better for myself. Losing weight and eating healthier. I currently weigh 287lbs am 5'9in, 21F and feel awful every day. I've been having health issues one or the other since the beginning of the year and I'm literally sick of it. When it comes down to it, I want to be healthy enough to start a family and finally feel good about myself. I don't know how to start a workout routine or what foods I should and should not eat. A doctor's visit would be helpful but it's not in the budget unfortunately so I only have myself and the internet x.x I subscribed to this NOOM thing that is similar to Weight Watchers so I hope that works out well. It works more on the psychological aspect of healthy weight loss as well as the practical aspects. is to my first steps! 😃

My first ever post to Reddit so let me know if I made any errors to posting or something.

submitted by /u/Kalypso706
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Accountability is key, but don't be too hard on yourself either.

I'd really like to add a picture for a before/after, but r/loseit won't let me and that is OK. :)

It took a medical emergency, but here I am.

I’ve been wanting to lose weight for years. I’ve subscribed and unsubscribed to this subreddit over the past 5 years too many times to count. It’s been a long and hard journey, but I’m ready to share.

My (step) father, who has been in my life since I was 2 years old passed due to a stroke and heart attack back in 2016. He was a renal patient (kidney failure/transplant patient) and his transplanted kidney failed back in 2015 causing an onslaught of other organ failures and catastrophic ailments.

When I was younger (pre-transplant for Stepdad) I would attend his Dialysis sessions and just black out. Watching his blood being pulled out of his body and cycled through the dialysis machine as a 2-6 year old was terrifying. This caused a petrifying fear of anything medical (Covid Vaccine was difficult to get, but for the greater good... just had to muster up the courage.)

Unfortunately one habit that was passed down from my stepfather to me was baaaaad eating habits. I wasn’t eating for sustenance. I was eating for taste. Give me that bag of chips and bowl of candy and I’ll pound both down like a frat bro and their can of beer. It got bad. Other bad habits that I had taken on were smoking tobacco heavily, drinking 2-3 alcoholic drinks per day, eating 100mg of cannabis daily... I was not living my best life.

Early 20’s I was sitting around 190lb, Mid 20’s, I shot up to about 240, hitting an average as I went into my 30’s of around 250. I wanted to lose weight, but just didn’t have the drive, motivation or will power. Covid hit and we all started working from home. This gave me free access to the kitchen during the workday and I was stress eating. I recorded my heaviest weight ever sometime around March of 2021. I hit 270.6 lbs. Knowing I was obese; I had this constant fear of heart attack or stroke or some other bad habit causing irreparable damage to my body.

Then it happened. April 2021. On his Birthday, 5 years after he passed.

I was working in the garden with my spouse, and I felt a clunk in my chest. I had to sit down and take a breath. I got dizzy and lightheaded. I got nauseous, had a pounding headache, and lost my equilibrium. Due to my adverse reaction to hospitals, I tried to tackle it with Tylenol, laying down, and calming myself and I couldn’t. I could not calm down. I did not go to hospital, I held off for 2 whole days.

After 2 days of crawling on the ground, complete disorientation, unable to eat, drink or anything, my spouse forced me to go to Emergency.

I essentially crawled in the front door, went through the Covid screening checkpoint and to the main counter. Within minutes of telling them my symptoms, I was rushed to a bed and given an ECG (Electrocardiogram). My bpm (beats per minute) was stuck around 175bpm. For those unaware, average resting BPM is usually between 60-100.

Then I spoke with the Doctor. He told me my body had gone into Atrial-Defibrillation (A-FIB for short). A-fib is essentially when one of your arteries has a “hiccup” and gets stuck in an arrhythmic heartbeat, and in my case, my heart was stuck around 175bpm. To fix this, I would need to be put under and have an electric shock put through my heart to “skip” it back into rhythm.

Picture this – A person with a phobia of hospitals, medical procedures, body ailments, etc, was told his heart wasn’t ticking right and I needed to be knocked out to be electrocuted to fix it.

I cannot….What. The. F….

After the procedure I felt “better” but I was morally and mentally screwed in the head. I didn’t know what the next steps were, but I had to do something.

So I did some research and my journey started.

SW – 270.6 lbs, Pack a day smoker, heavy drinker, minimal exercise.

What happened next:

The options I looked at seemed simple enough, I just needed to hope this scare kicked me in the right direction. I needed this to stick. I needed to work towards better health, mentally and physically. How can I accomplish this? Well, I can start by re-subscribing to r/loseit for inspiration.

Next was my plan of attack. Speaking with the Cardiologist, I needed to drop my calorie and carb intake. I needed to do this in a way that would drop my bad cholesterol. I needed to move, walk, run, something….. All this sounded good, but it highlighted the best tool in my arsenal.


I needed to hold myself accountable for every single morsel of food and drink that went into my body.

I needed to hold myself accountable for every single bad habit I had formed over the years.

I needed to hold myself accountable for every decision I made about my body.

I needed to document everything. I needed to learn what foods were low in calories and carbs that I still wanted to eat. I needed to keep a record of everything.

I bought a food journal, as I found the apps to be too confusing off the hop. I needed a basic tracking method that included my own calorie and carb research. (FatSecret was my best friend for researching nutritional info.) I went with a Cleverfox Food Journal ($40ish on amazon) and started writing down EVERY single item that went into my body. I also started recording my weight twice daily to see what my variance was. Once in the AM after my morning toilet run and once in the evening just before going to bed. I did not count myself as passing any benchmark weight until BOTH my AM and PM weights were below the mark.

I made a benchmark on my carbs and calories and exercise, and I needed to hold myself to these benchmarks. So I set some arbitrary numbers to just see what would happen.

My goal weight was 210lbs by the end of 2021.

My daily benchmarks were:

Calories – No more than 2000 per day.
Carbs – No more than 100g per day.
Exercise – Walk at least 10km per day.

My daily mindset was DO NOT BE HARD ON YOURSELF. Hold yourself accountable to these numbers for sure, but if your calories end up being 2070 in a day, so be it. You went 70 cals over. Try again tomorrow, look at the foods, see what you can change out to keep within these numbers.

IE- My tuna salad went from around 250+ cals to start, 5g+ carbs, but by the end of this run, I got that down to about 160 cals ( 120 cal tuna, 40 cal light mayo, like 3 cals for some green onion) and 1g carb. That cut out 90 cals and 3g carbs and kept it edible and delicious.

It wasn’t long before I felt a change. It took about a week for me to notice that my body didn’t feel sluggish. I started waking up early naturally (5-7am ish) and decided to use this time to walk. It started with me taking our puppy around the block a couple times (maybe 3km) to doing full on morning adventures with her. (10-15km 3-5 times a week) I had the time and since I started eating healthier and I wasn’t TRYING to wake up, I was just awake hours before I needed to be. My body felt like it had more energy, I noticed an increase in determination. I felt motivated, and my puppy couldn’t have been happier with the extra adventures.

The results were astounding.

265…..260…..255……250…….245…….240…….. and this was only from end of April to end of June.

I got worried as I know losing weight this fast isn’t healthy, so I reached out to my GP. She basically said, “Your daily goals are good, so it must just be weight your body was ready to lose, I’ll set you up with a nutritionist to make sure your body is getting what it needs.”

(truth be told, I have not seen the nutritionist yet, as Covid/our local medical system is stressed beyond belief. I’m still waiting on that appointment, and it’s been 3-4 months. I did however keep to my daily benchmarks and adjust them as needed.)

Alright body, let’s see how amazing you truly are……

New daily benchmarks:

Calories – 1800
Carbs – 50g
Exercise – At least 20km a day


The weight flew off…… quite literally…..

Around this time I found a box in our storage. I think this was the first time I cried during this journey. The box was literally labelled “Jesusdawkins – Too fat, would still wear”

I opened it and every single item of clothing fit, or was too large. I cried tears of joy. I couldn’t believe how far I’d come. Here I was sitting around 230ish lbs and I was fitting into clothes I was wearing 10+ years ago.

Let’s keep this train rolling!!!!


Ok… We’re approaching goal weight here well ahead of schedule. Should I be doing something different? Lets ask the Cardiologist and my GP.

The Cardiologist’s jaw hit the floor during my treadmill test. (Heart stress test, walk on treadmill while incline increases and speed increases until you can’t anymore.) She was AMAZED at my change. She told me that she tells patients to do this all the time and I’m the first in years to implement a change to this degree. She didn’t recognize me!!! She told me that I’m still a bit overweight, but that I was on the right path. To keep doing what I’m doing. Same with the GP, although my GP told me to bump my calories up as she was fearing my weight loss was too rapid. Ok, benchmark is now back to 2000 cals.

210……. Uhhh ok, I increased calories here… why am I still losing weight…. 205……200…….195………to where I am at today.


I’m going to type that again.

192.4 lbs.

I don’t even know what I’m doing anymore. Am I losing weight to try get into my BMI? (2.1 loss till BMI for those wondering, roughly 20lbs) Am I trying to find my maintenance? Am I trying for gains now that I’ve lost a bunch? Do I want muscle weight?

And that’s where I am now. I don’t consider my journey over. Accountability is still a main factor for me. Mid-August when I hit 200lbs even, I decided to stop weighing food, but keep weighing myself. I set my “goal weight” as my limit, so if I gain up to 210lbs again, I will revert to weighing food, but I haven’t gotten close. I would say I’m 195 with my daily variance, so that would require me gaining 15lbs of fat (not muscle) before I jump back on the weighing food wagon again.

All in all, it took a scare, but sometimes scary things can put you back on the right track. I only wish I knew what I know now before I went into A-fib, but count A-fib as a blessing for the journey I’ve had.


I, someone VERY afraid of medical everything, went into Atrial Defibrillation, which is when an artery “hiccups” and makes your heart go wonky. They knocked me out and electrocuted my heart, then told me to sort my life out. My body wanted the weight gone and holding myself accountable made me blow past any goal I set.

SW – 270.4lbs, Smoker, Drinker.

GW – 210lbs, Non-smoker, light drinker.

CW – 192.4lbs, 100% nicotine free, occasional drinker.

78lbs lost current.

submitted by /u/JesusDawkins
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

What's your relationship with weed, alcohol and weight loss?

Do you find that weed makes losing weight harder? Do you incorporate it into your life while losing weight? How about drinking alcohol?

I find that weed affects my self control. When I'm stoned I'm more likely to binge on bad foods, good foods, and all foods. Alcohol has this affect on me too, but less so. Alcohol more affects my motivation the next day to exercise and take care of myself. My approach has been to treat both of these things like sugar, and to limit my intake of both without completely cutting them out forever.

Curious to know what your relationship is with alcohol, weed and weight loss.

submitted by /u/packyoursnacks
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

How to focus on diet with a Traumatic life event

I've been on a pretty long weight loss journey, on and off for 4 years, and lost around 70 pounds. I'm 25yo and 5'7, current weight 224. About three months ago, I found out that my dad is terminally ill. I've been taking care of him around the clock along with my siblings and it's been so hard to stay focused. Luckily I haven't gained but there has been zero loss. I cannot seem to stay on the CICO train like before. But I am working out daily which is something.To anyone who had been in a similar situation like this before, any advice? How did you deal with it? I know it's normal for this to take a back seat, but having a positive goal in mind would be a good thing for me atm.

submitted by /u/throwawaytogothere
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Fatalistic Mentality About Losing Weight - A Gal Just Needs To Vent

Hi all,

(NSFW for a progress pic showing my midriff).

This is my first time posting to this sub. I've read quite a bit and I'm so impressed with everyone and their realistic attitude towards weight loss. I've never posted about my weight or goals before, but I'm glad that there's a space for me to do just that.

I don't know if it's because some bad stuff has happened in my life lately, but I find myself having a very fatalistic attitude towards my weight loss goals.

I've always been healthy and fairly active. I love lifting weights and back in 2018, I lost 14 lbs in 3 months. Maybe my life was much happier back then, I don't know. I'm 5'1, 27 years old, and currently 155lbs. My goal weight is 135lbs. I have no thyroid problems or anything that would prevent me from losing weight.

I had a partner who was proud of the fact that I'd be healthy and go to the gym, after telling me that I wasn't as nice looking as I could have been. He said he'd be more attracted to me if I was slimmer than I was at the time. That was me at 135ish lbs back in 2014-2015 (when he told me I could have looked better.) I never gained the freshman 15 in college. I gained the senior 20 at which point I looked like this: I was round 155lbs at that time (which is where I am now in 2021). I guess I started being healthy just for him but something happened and I fell off the wagon. I yoyo-ed a lot since then, but I never got back to being 142lbs.

I left my boyfriend at the beginning of this year. I got tired of not being good enough. My weight and my overall look wasn't something he was happy with. I don't think I have a right to blame someone else for my insecurities, and the fact is that I've always had a problem with how I looked, even before I met him. In that first photo I showed you all, I didn't think I was good enough. But now that I look much worse, that feeling has only increased. I'm at a point where I'm wondering what the hell is wrong with me. Why can't I just do what I know how to do: count my calories, lift, do cardio, all the things that I know will get me where I need to go?

I have a weird thing in my head that if I don't see results by tomorrow, it's not worth it. All I've been doing lately is working and coming home. I've since dealt with that and reduced my hours. I guess I'm not entirely sure what it is I'm looking for. Maybe just someone to tell me that I can do it and to not give up? And that there are others who are struggling like this as well? I don't know. I think the concept of time is scaring me too. Like if I take too long, something bad will happen? Maybe it messed with me a lot that someone so close to me didn't like how I looked. I'm struggling between self acceptance and wondering what others think of me. No one's ever called me fat, but that should be irrelevant. If I don't feel like I'm at my best, it shouldn't matter what anyone else thinks. I'm just...a mental, emotional, and physical mess at the moment.

It's funny, I put my foot down and bought a whole bunch of fruits and vegetables because I decided I was gonna go that way. Turns out I'm pretty allergic to pineapple and had a really bad allergic reaction for the past 3 days. I know what to do, I guess I just want someone to believe in me...because I'm having a hard time believing in myself after my break up and a whole lot of other garbage that's happened this year. This has been the hardest year of my life in a lot of ways. It's hard to remember that I can do what I set my mind to..

Thanks for listening all.

submitted by /u/brownieinthebin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Long haul weight loss

SW 344 CW 306

I’ve yoyo dieted all my life, usual story, I end up bigger every time.

This time I decided I was going to aim for 1lb a week and I go to gym four days per week, had a personal trainer for a while so I still follow that routine. It’s taken me around 8 months, it’s been slow but I have lost every week and I am still eating relatively high calories - however I am now getting bored and restless. I feel myself slipping back into heavier restriction and feeling weaker at the gym which is giving me binges urges for the first time in a long time.

I guess I’m looking to see if anyone as big as me managed to lose their weight over the long haul. If I still with slow but easy approach it will take me a couple of years still.

Positives: my fitness is significantly better

submitted by /u/vividingwall
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from loseit - Lose the Fat