Thursday, October 7, 2021

Over 50's - advice on weight loss?

Hi all, I'm 50 and a bit, was a skinny, lanky child, a healthy young adult going on well into my 30's, then, for want of a better word, curvy (but carried it well, I'm almost 6ft and female) then certain factors (giving up veganism, starting drinking, drinking FAR too much, pandemic, depression etc etc) led to me being very much larger than I can cope with. I was diagnosed with hypertension a while ago and I'm scared of getting diabetes. My mother also has hypertension and struggles with her weight so I can sort of see my future if I don't act now. So...I'm putting together a plan (I'm actually on vacation right now and swimming, albeit slowly, every day for an hour). I've made a menu of mostly vegan dishes that I can see working with my lifestyle and budget, I haven't had a drink in a week (my main problem is an enormous wine gut) and I'm looking forward to getting home and getting started properly. I guess I'm looking for advice and encouragement from older people who have managed to make significant changes to their lifestyle and weight. I'm planning on daily yoga, walking my dog further every day, and walking into work to use my office (even though working from home is still an option), as well as trying the new diet and sticking to sobriety. I appreciate you all, thank you in advance!

submitted by /u/Scoutnjw
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Might not seem like much, but I thought it was impossible, I've lost 5 pounds!

I have been strictly dieting 2000 calories/day (TDEE is 2505 cals/day) for just over 20 days and I, for the first time since beginning to diet, stepped on the scale. I was expecting to have gained because of the stupid medical steroids.

Well, it was quite a surprise to see 5 pounds lost. And being on medical steroids, I know I can hold up to even another 5 or so pounds of water weight. So I probably weigh even less.

I know it isn't much to brag about, and with my diet I should've lost more, but I know that most people on heavy medical steroids can only maintain their weight and find it almost impossible to lose.

It is super slow weight loss but I'm going to keep going. I'm going to try to cut my calories even more and see if I can manage that.

Thanks all for reading and for the support you've provided me throughout my journey thus far.

submitted by /u/amilosingyet
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Starting my journey, again.. a minor vent.

First off, I hope this is okay, but this seeme the friendliest of places to for this post, I could be entirely wrong, and apologize now if I am in the totally wrong area.

But, today I restart my efforts to weight loss. Eating better has helped, but I definitely feel like I lack the time and discipline to accurately track what and how much I eat. I decided going to the gym had to help in some way. So here we are, 10 months in. I started out alright, going early (3 AM early) for a while. But since I work days and have kids and am up until 11 PM, that wasn't a long term success plan.

Social anxiety of a sort keeps me from going after work (cause for some reason I worry about seeming as dumb as I feel). Today, I am taking the first steps into not only physical but hopefully mental health, and going to meet up with a coach at the gym, with however many people are in there. And hopefully, this helps me cross the hump and get in the door more often.

Where do you good people turn to when you need a little extra help holding yourself accountable and getting support to keep moving forward? I'm kind if hoping this is that place. Already, it has helped stem the fear I have of walking in the door, so to anyone that read this little rant/ venting, thanks a million!

submitted by /u/SysMunky
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

I did an Experiment with my sister

Me: 24 f) CW: 270lbs (122.5kg) Height: 5’5 (165.1 cm)

Sister: 26 f) CW: 165lbs (75kg) Height: 5’7 (170.18 cm)

Okay so my sister and I did a experiment because I was feeling down in my weight loss journey. I’ve been feeling like I can’t lose weight no matter how hard I try. So we decided to eat the same exact foods and do the same exact exercises. (By exact I mean exact down to portion and calories) It’s been a month and I’ve not lost a single pound.Yet she’s lost 8 pounds. And went down a dress size.

I did not cheat. We’ve kept each other accountable, both of us work from home ,so we’ve been in the house together. I also feel like I use more energy than her one because I’m bigger so it takes more energy for me to even stay alive and two because I clean up and move around more than her . So what gives . Is my body someone sort of scientific anomaly? I’m so frustrated and ready to give up.

I know our experiment probably means nothing or very little but I did it to prove my pessimism wrong, and ended up completely destroying my motivation.

submitted by /u/Special_Water_
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

My new internship thinks I look skinny and I was not prepared to hear that

Hey all! I'm 158cm and went from 82kg to now 56kg in the past year. I am really happy and proud about this, but I can't help but stay insecure about myself.

Recently I started an internship at a company, it's a lot of fun so far and I was talking to one of my colleagues. I don't remember how, but I got to the topic of having lost 25kg and my colleague was genuinely surprised. Why? Because they could not associate me with being overweight. They told me that when they first saw me their first thought was "Wow, she is so skinny!"

This was two weeks ago and I still think about it. It made me so happy to hear this from someone who didn't know me before my weight loss. I still associate myself with being overweight, even if I technically know I am not overweight at all. It felt really good to hear that and makes me more confident about myself :)

submitted by /u/StarnyArt
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Feel like my fitness apps are lying to me

I started my weight loss journey by just walking to get active. I found I really loved it as it allowed me to listen to podcasts, audiobooks, wander, etc., all while getting some movement in. Over time, however, it felt like I needed to increase effort. So I picked up bicycling and I love it too, just for different reasons.

But Strava consistently tells me I'm burning more calories walking the same amount of time I spend biking. And it completely throws me off. I feel like the effort I put in on the bike is exponentially more than just going for a walk. Does anyone else struggle with this? Is Strava/Google Fit correct in the walks being more effective in a calorie burn?

I'm not thinking of abandoning bicycling by any means. But a few weeks of focusing on walks to break this plateau and catch up on some audiobooks would def not irritate me.

submitted by /u/turtlewaxer99
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Century Club - October 7, 2021 - Have you lost or need to lose 100 lbs or more? Here’s a thread just for you!

I have often welcomed those who have lost 100+ lbs (~ 50 kg , ~7 stone) to “the club” and joked that club meetings were on Thursdays. I recently suggested that we try out having a regular weekly thread to talk about issues that are particular to those who have lost 100+ lbs, those who are well on their way and those who are just at the beginning of a journey this big.

Welcome back to the Century Club! Each week I will provide a topic of the day that has been on my mind or inspired by previous posts. However you are free to talk about any topics you think might be relevant to current and prospective club members.

Previous Topics: Aesthetics - Resetting Goals - Routine Breaks - Metrics - Starting - Dog Days of Summer -"Bad" Days - Labels - Aches and Pains - Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes... - Accountability - Elevator Pitches - (Half-)Marathon Training - Celebrations - Water Weight - Comments - Travel - Disconnects - Activity - Years! - Fun! - Rhythms - How strict? - Relationships - Loose Skin Redux - Multiple Centuries - April Fools! - What didn't work? - Milestones - Seasonal changes - Is it worth it? - Surprising Food Facts - Mistakes were made - Time to Vent - Relief Valves - Seeing Objectively - Tips you hate - Fear and Self-Loathing - Starting - 2020 recap


What's been on my mind this week is uniqueness. It's been the subject of several posts and comments recently and think it's worth visiting a bit here. What makes your journey yours and not anyone else's?

There are two things that continue to stand out to me about my own journey as opposed to many I read about here at r/loseit.

  • I focused on building habits for maintenance at a lower weight rather than just "losing the weight". This was a huge shift for me from previous weight loss attempts. Given that I was planning to live my life at a lower weight for years and decades ahead really freed my mind to understand this wasn't just going to be a short term project "lose the weight" and then back to the bad habits and weight gain.

  • I took advantage of that time to really understand MY satiety triggers, which don't quite work the way that most headlines say. Protein and volume eating/fiber do little for me if they are down without a baseline level of fat. This was hard for my brain to adapt to given that I first attempted intentional weight loss in the mid-90s when "low fat at any cost" was the trend of the times. Food was bland and yet I craved larger and larger portions of it. So these days I don't fear or avoid fat, I embrace it and some days I may even have 40% or so of my calories from fat. Eggs taste a whole lot better cooked in a few grams of butter or bacon fat and my cookware is a lot easier to clean without the spray build up. Eating one 120 kcal lowfat Greek yogurt is so much better than wanting two 100 kcal non-fat equivalent. It's also much easier for me to quiet the hunger demon with 80-150 kcal of nice cheese than many other choices.

So what about you Centurion? What makes your journey uniquely yours?

submitted by /u/SmilingJaguar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat