Thursday, October 14, 2021

The mathematics of weight loss AKA, "Why have I stopped losing?"

Hello! I've been seeing a lot of posts lately tend to revolve around the "i've CICO'd for 2 weeks now and i've stopped losing weight, what's wrong?" and I thought I would share my own personal data. Here is my weight loss graph over the last ~4ish months. In that time period I have lost almost 35 pounds. You can see exactly where I decided to get my act together.

Note that the dark line represents the trend and the white line represents the day-day measurements. To achieve this, I reduced my carb intake, increased my protein and incorporated light exercise almost every day. This is what worked for me, your results may vary.

There is 3 important takeaways here.

  • Some days you will lose weight and other days you will gain. If you are sticking to your diet, gains are almost always explainable by water weight. The important measure is the trend, don't let a temporary gain kill your ambition.
  • The trend is not linear. As you lose weight, your rate of loss will decrease. Why? As you lose weight, it takes less energy to stay alive and your basal calorie expenditure will decrease. Initially my weight loss rate was about 10lbs/month. Now its about 5 and I am ok with that.
  • Day-day weight fluctuates a lot and for many reasons other than fat gain! Some that I have noticed: Sore muscles tend to retain water. Higher salt intake will tend to retain water.

Long story short, don't pay a huge amount of attention to the day-day measurements. The trend is where the real data is. Just keep working at it, manage your intake and you will achieve your goal! Your health is important, you can do it!

NOTE: This data came from my Fitbit Aria scale. Its wifi connected and it automatically keeps track of my progress. Ive used it for years and it seems to be pretty sturdy.

submitted by /u/TheStoicSlab
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Started weight loss journey, but not losing weight?

Hi everyone! Would really appreciate some advice or input.

I (5’7” F) weighed in at 177 lbs 3 weeks back. I have put on 20 lbs since May due to work stress, lack of exercise and eating out a lot (got a puppy and started a new job). So I decided to start working out and eating better to lose weight and be healthier. I was hoping to shed around 10 pounds by Thanksgiving because I will be attending a wedding and seeing a lot of my friends after a long time. I restarted HIIT, running and counting calories. For the past 3 weeks I have worked out 5 days a week (30 minute HIIT with weights + 3 mile run). I started off eating 1600 calories, but dropped it to 1300-1400 last week because the scale isn’t moving at all. I weighed in at 176.5 lbs today.

I weigh my food and keep my calories under 2000 even on cheat days (I have had 3 cheat days in the past 3 weeks). Any ideas on what I am doing wrong? Feeling discouraged :(

submitted by /u/Specialist-Judge-479
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Weight loss equipment to start

Hey guys, looking for a recommendation for sale weight loss/endurance building equipment I can use to start working out.

Not going to lie and sugar coat things, I know I could go for a walk or run for free, but, I know that I won't, especially while I am this out of shape. I am much more likely to actually do something if I can do it in the comfort of my own home. So I was thinking about getting some sort of exercise tool for my house, my problem is I don't know what.

I was thinking about a treadmill at first, but then I started thinking about stationary bikes. Then some other options jumped out at me until I felt totally lost. So I figured I would come and ask here.

Please know I am not looking to spend an insane amount of money, I don't really have it, and I am embarrassed all ready that I need something in my house to use or I won't do it. But I finally decided to stop lieing to myself and actually try to do something.

So do you guys have any suggestions for a good tool/piece of equipment to start with? If you have specific brand/type suggestions I would like those as well.

Thanks everyone for your help.

submitted by /u/TheOnesWithin
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Time to change things up and in need of some advice.

Howdy fellow Reddit enthusiasts.

I've been a Reddit goer for a very long time but just now but created an account to post this morning for the sole purpose of interacting on this subreddit. I feel like physically and especially mentally I am in serious need of making some long term changes to my body and am seeking out friendly advice, tips, suggestions, feedback, ect.

Here is some quick feedback on me and my current situation.

I am a 32-year old male and as of earlier this week I weighed 309 lbs.

I'm actually DOWN 25 lbs. from New Years Day earlier this year which I guess isn't bad considering my diet really isn't anything to write home about at this time. I'm on three "lifetime" medications at this time for my asthma (pet induced), Rheumatoid arthritis, and over active bladder (likely due to my weight and caffeine usage). This mixed with recently becoming a father has me thinking about my long term health and mortality more than ever before.

I've had success in the past losing weight when I've really put my mind and focus into the challenge.

Back in 2010 from May-Nov I lost 60 lbs., then in 2011-2012 from Sept-March I lost 55 lbs., and then in 2016 from May-September I lost 48 lbs. (for my wedding). Each time I did it I was exercising more and keeping my carbs and sugars low. My lowest weight as an adult is 272 lbs. (2012) and the highest weight I can ever remember being was 345 lbs. (2010). The problem is (as with most people) is that I go really hard for 5-6 months then mentally I get tired and physically I get comfortable and I fall back into my old habits.

During the week I do a pretty good job at keeping sugar and alcohol down and I go to the gym twice a week. It would be more except I have new-born twins at home and work 9am-5pm MON-FRI so my time is somewhat limited. When the weekends roll around I typically find myself enjoying beer and pizza as most stressed adults do. That's really where my problem lies. The weekends. I wouldn't say that I necessarily pig out, but I always find myself drinking beer and having pizza or something bad for dinner all three nights. It's a habit I have to break.

I really want to get into fasting, and then eventually keto, just to get started with my weight loss journey for the first 4-5 months. Seeing results early will help keep me motivated and I think if I can make healthy fasting a habit then my chances of sticking with it longer will increase. I've done a lot of fasting on and off this year and last, I even fasted for a full two months this year and even kept a log of my progress but eventually had a disruption in my routine and fell off.

So I guess what I'm looking for here are any tips, advice, or suggestions on how to get started or even some ways to get my brain to OBSESS over losing weight and getting healthy. The biggest challenge is always getting started and then sticking with it beyond the first month or so. For me to stick with this I'll need to OBSESS over it early and often.

Does anyone know any good podcasts, YouTube channels, or other things I can read or listen to that will help keep me motivated? (I know this subreddit is obviously one of them, I love reading the motivational posts about other people's success) and does anyone know of any actual appetite pills that WORK? I don't need a fat burner, more something that might assist me with fasting and to help curb cravings. When I lost weight for my wedding I used a pill called Brighter Day that actually really helped me out, but I think it's since been discontinued.

Any other energy and supplemental suggestions are welcome.

I really need to make some positive changes and work towards habit changes that I can stick with long term. Any feedback, tips, suggestions or ways to "OBSESS" over this would be appreciated.

Thank you all in advance.

submitted by /u/RustyCrusty73
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Anyone else kick start their weight loss accidentally?

The pandemic was not very kind to me, like a lot of people. I was laid off back in June 2020 and put on about 20 pounds over the next year. I was eating junk and not exercising and just feeling sorry for myself.

I ended up getting a new job in October 2020 but stuck with the unhealthy habits In May 2021, I found out that my brother who is married with a 2 year old was addicted to methamphetamine. It was a total shock. I was crushed. The next two months I was so sad that eating anything felt forced. I lost my appetite completely. I ended up losing about 20 pounds. Slowly my appetite and joy started coming back and I decided to make some positive changes going forward. Started to ride my spin bike 3 times a week on my lunch break and cut out sweets. I’m currently down about 40 pounds. It always feels weird now when people ask me how I was able to lose the weight. I can’t tell just anybody I was too depressed to eat. So I lie and just say I made a lifestyle change which is true now, but I kind of feel like a fraud. Anyone else have any similar stories about how they started losing weight unintentionally?

submitted by /u/jaxxronald
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

Century Club - October 14, 2021 - Have you lost or need to lose 100 lbs or more? Here’s a thread just for you!

I have often welcomed those who have lost 100+ lbs (~ 50 kg , ~7 stone) to “the club” and joked that club meetings were on Thursdays. I recently suggested that we try out having a regular weekly thread to talk about issues that are particular to those who have lost 100+ lbs, those who are well on their way and those who are just at the beginning of a journey this big.

Welcome back to the Century Club! Each week I will provide a topic of the day that has been on my mind or inspired by previous posts. However you are free to talk about any topics you think might be relevant to current and prospective club members.

Previous Topics: Uniqueness - Aesthetics - Resetting Goals - Routine Breaks - Metrics - Starting - Dog Days of Summer -"Bad" Days - Labels - Aches and Pains - Ch-Ch-Ch-Changes... - Accountability - Elevator Pitches - (Half-)Marathon Training - Celebrations - Water Weight - Comments - Travel - Disconnects - Activity - Years! - Fun! - Rhythms - How strict? - Relationships - Loose Skin Redux - Multiple Centuries - April Fools! - What didn't work? - Milestones - Seasonal changes - Is it worth it? - Surprising Food Facts - Mistakes were made - Time to Vent - Relief Valves - Seeing Objectively - Tips you hate - Fear and Self-Loathing - Starting - 2020 recap

What keeps you going?

This past Monday, tens of thousands of people came to Boston to participate in the 125th running of the Boston Marathon. I spent most of the day taking a half-marathon length walk around town between miles 23 and 27 (the bars and restaurants beyond the finish line).

My thoughts as I saw the elite runners complete the course in about as long as it took me to run half the distance I ran a few weeks ago all while making it look easy and the less elite runners coming in closer to 3-4 hours. The sheer determination in their eyes as they struggle to keep on going.

I swear this will be my last post linking weight loss to long distance running this year. Lol.

So what about you Centurion? What helps you keep going?

submitted by /u/SmilingJaguar
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from loseit - Lose the Fat

11 Healthy Butternut Squash Recipes for Fall

With the arrival of fall, you’re likely looking for ways to fill your plate with seasonal veggies—including butternut squash. Butternut squash is low in calories and considered a superfood thanks to being rich in nutrients.

People love the versatility of butternut squash and it’s easy to see why. It can be roasted, steamed, baked or boiled. And because this Nutrisystem SmartCarb has a relatively mild flavor, it’s really easy to add it to soup, chili and other fall recipes. Even veggie haters will gobble it up!

To help you learn how to cook butternut squash and incorporate more of it into your fall dishes, we’ve rounded up some ideas for you to try this season. Check out these 11 healthy butternut squash recipes:

1. Instant Pot Turkey Butternut Squash Soup >

Instant Pot Turkey Butternut Squash Soup

There’s nothing better than comfort food—other than, perhaps, comfort food made easy! With this recipe and your handy Instant Pot, there’s no need for all-day simmering to get a rich and hearty soup. This delicious soup comes together in less than 30 minutes. In addition to shredded turkey and butternut squash, it has some complex flavor combinations including jalapeno, spinach and even coconut milk for a soup that’s a little spicy and a little sweet—but a whole lot of delicious. Click here for the full recipe! >

2. Maple Cinnamon Butternut Squash >

Maple Cinnamon Butternut Squash

If you’re looking for a delicious, slightly sweet, side vegetable than look no further than this simple roasted butternut squash recipe. It involves coating two cups of cubed butternut squash with some olive oil, sugar free maple syrup, cinnamon and nutmeg. Then it’s simply roasted until soft. It’s full of flavor but only a mere 110 calories per serving. Click here for the full recipe! >

7 Squash Varieties to Try This Season

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3. Butternut Squash Chicken Chowder >

Butternut Squash Chicken Chowder

When it comes to hearty and filling food, a hot and creamy chowder always fits the bill. This particular recipe is also packed with wholesome nutrition. Besides butternut squash, this healthy soup features other nutrient-packed veggies like carrots, celery, onions and turnips. It’s full of flavor and also makes a great base for a Flex Meal on a chilly autumn day. Click here for the full recipe! >

4. Turkey Roulade >

Turkey Roulade

If you haven’t heard the term before, a “roulade,” is a dish cooked in the form of a roll. It looks incredibly fancy and difficult but it’s much easier than you might imagine. In this recipe, a hearty filling that includes steamed butternut squash, spinach, cranberries and some herbs is rolled inside of a turkey breast. It has veggies and lean protein all mixed together! Plus, a serving is under 200 calories, making it a winner for everyone. Click here for the full recipe! >

5. Creamy Butternut Squash Soup >

Creamy Butternut Squash Soup

It’s the heavy cream that often makes traditional butternut squash soup less healthy than it could be. But you really don’t need the cream to get at creamy texture—the squash itself has plenty of that. Our healthier version uses non-fat milk instead but trust us, you’ll still find it rich, creamy and satisfying. Click here for the full recipe! >

16 Tasty Soup Recipes the Whole Family Will Love

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6. Apple Chicken Cobb Salad >

Apple Chicken Cobb Salad

If you mainly think of butternut squash in terms of being a side dish or a soup ingredient, this salad recipe will broaden that view. It pairs deliciously with juicy diced apples, tomatoes and avocado, making a meal that’s packed with superfood nutrition. This salad has everything going for it—protein, fiber and flavor. And a serving is just 307 calories. Click here for the full recipe! >

7. Butternut Squash Turkey Chili >

Butternut Squash Turkey Chili

Nothing quite screams “cold weather favorite” like a bowl of chili. This particular chili recipe is made healthier with the addition of nutrient-rich butternut squash as well as other classic chili veggies like bell peppers, tomatoes and onions. It’s hearty, filling and will warm you up on the coldest of fall nights. Click here for the full recipe! >

8. One Pan Salmon, Brussels Sprouts and Squash >

One Pan Salmon, Brussels Sprouts, and Squash

This recipe makes life easy on a busy fall night when you need to whip up dinner fast. It doesn’t require much prep work and is made all in one sheet pan for easy clean-up, too. Heart-healthy salmon is baked with deliciously seasoned Brussels sprouts and butternut squash for a hearty meal that everyone in the family will love. Click here for the full recipe! >

8 Simple Swaps for a Healthier Fall

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9. Veggie Power Bowl >

Veggie Power Bowl

The all-in-one nature of power bowls has continued to make them a favorite. This particular power bowl is a great choice for Meatless Mondays when you’re looking to fill up on veggies. In addition to roasted butternut squash, it features onions, bell peppers, arugula, quinoa, hummus and more. As with other power bowls, you’ll love seeing how all the different flavor combinations come together in a fulfilling way. Click here for the full recipe! >

10. Italian Chicken and Fall Veggie Soup >

Italian Chicken and Fall Veggie Soup

Along with butternut squash, this soup has other fall-favorite veggies like carrots, turnips and kale. Thanks to the veggie variety, it’s packed with nutrients and will help leave you feeling full and satisfied after a warm and delicious bowl. A bowl of this yummy butternut squash soup is just 276 calories. Click here for the full recipe! >

11. Baked Butternut Squash >

Baked Butternut Squash

This list of butternut squash recipes wouldn’t be complete without a simple baked side dish. This customer submitted recipe includes cubed butternut squash coated in garlic, avocado oil, red pepper flakes, and a little salt and pepper. You can pair it with a protein-packed PowerFuel liked roasted chicken or turkey to make a complete Flex meal. Click here for the full recipe! >

10 Easy Fall Dinner Ideas You’ll Fall For

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The post 11 Healthy Butternut Squash Recipes for Fall appeared first on The Leaf.

from The Leaf